Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 02:42 [#00018977]

this is an open forum to discuss the topic title. there may be heated debates or perhaps even a fight or two. but, please remember that we retain the freedom to change our own minds and we need not be irrational. in this room, everyone is right. except for all you bullshi**ers.
let us begin. STP. yay or nay?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 02:51 [#00018980]

Nirvana - nevermind.
Although its not their best work {iam a fan}, it was the most popular, but important? i think so.
from Lincoln on 2001-08-01 03:38 [#00018987]

NIN - The Fragile
from Lincoln on 2001-08-01 03:39 [#00018988]

or shit...did that come out in 2000? fuck....let me rethink
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 03:41 [#00018992]

the downward spiral, perhaps?
from Lincoln on 2001-08-01 03:43 [#00018993]

I think actually *Beck - Odelay... why¿ must you ask, b/c it's the most different "POP/Important" album I can think of that I bought in the 90's
from canada on 2001-08-01 03:44 [#00018994]

hands down nirvana album but if they didn't do it someone else would have so i'll say...
siamese dream smashing pumpkins most important to me anyway
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 03:57 [#00019001]

yea... i cant get over this nirvana thing. it seems to me that it indeed is the most important album of the 90s. but it is so cliche to cite that, and i know that there were a few more albums that i adored for all more different reasons. the siamese dream lp is a perfect example of what im trying to get across. that particular album would not exist without my bloody valentine patenting the sound first. and odelay is excellent too...
btw - fyi. the downward spiral is the best NIN album to date.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-01 04:15 [#00019011]

Nirvana - Nevermind others: NIN - Downward Sprial and The Fragile Tool - Aenima Radiohead - O.k. Computer
i suppose pearl jam ten. not a fan of the album, but it was pretty significant. you can't deny 10 million copies.
from canada on 2001-08-01 04:19 [#00019013]

i got an autographed copy of ok computer signed by the whole band so i hope it's the most important album of the 90 so i can retire by the time i'm 30
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 04:24 [#00019016]

I stick with Nirvana on this one guys. Nin played a huge roll then too.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 04:27 [#00019017]

but, do you believe 'ten' had more pertinence than 'nevermind' when defining the genre that these 2 LPs helped create? i still believe 'nevermind' is more relevant in its particular chapter in the history books.
and of course, ok computer. this is another amazing album that again redefined music in the 90s. but, the best? more significant than nevermind? im baffled now. what do you think?
btw - im seeing radiohead tomorrow nite for the first time ever!
from canada on 2001-08-01 04:33 [#00019018]

i was extremely disappointed when ok computer came out i was expecting the kind of rush that i got when i discovered aphex twin. the hype was too much it screwed it up and continues to. to this day for me and a lot of people agree with me it was supposed to be this hybrid record that was to finally utilize electronic elements in rock and it just didn't. kid a is a much better representation of that had that come out in the nineties i would have had to say that would be it. kid a was what i was expecting. i really ought to record things when i hear them in my head instead of expecting them from other people.
that gives me an idea.
from Canada on 2001-08-01 04:34 [#00019019]

DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 04:48 [#00019023]

aaron, you are fucking brilliant! DJ Shadow wrote a beautiful hip hop fusion album that set the mood for how the millennium was going to end... and how the future is going to begin. this one LP broke down many of the barriers between b-boys and punks and music enthusiasts all alike. i remember bumping this album everyday when it came out, just driving around getting faded with my friends. it is an excellent highschool smoke album, that at the same time destroyed everything conventional about alternative music. this is extremely important perhaps more than 'nevermind' or 'ok comp'. in fact, radiohead would not have made the same album if dj shadow had never existed.
on 2001-08-01 05:09 [#00019025]

instead of nirvana i'd put the pixies... doolittle or something..
but no I'd go with radiohead: OKC
from Lincoln on 2001-08-01 05:36 [#00019029]

Radiohead - The Bends
from NYC on 2001-08-01 05:44 [#00019030]

For Hip Hop: Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 06:09 [#00019034]

Amon tobin was a great influence along with DJ Qbert in the jungle/hip hop/scratch screen.
Amon Tobin fused Jazz and blues with jungle. but quite originally.
from New York on 2001-08-01 06:56 [#00019043]

even though i hate there music. korn brought along this whole raprock phase that came along now. so i guess there albums were important.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 07:00 [#00019044]

korn is bad for the ears
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 07:07 [#00019049]

That WASNT Korn it was Incubus. They totally sold out, they used to be rapmetal or whatever. Funk Metal was what they called it. Also this band that did a Nirvana remix. I cant remember their name, but they were rap metal, really old.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 07:09 [#00019050]

I hate that shit though. Sux.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-08-01 07:51 [#00019063]

radiohead ok computer. man, even my mom says she sees them being influential. (she thinks they are too depressing, but still ...)
from Vancouver,Canada on 2001-08-01 12:08 [#00019108]

Dont be fooled guys, I understand why everyone picks Beck and Nirvana etc. as MIA, but there's no single album which represents the feel of the 90's (without words) then Aphex's Richard D. James album.
Aphex understands and reads his moments better then most artists ( barring Bowie).
The hyperspeed sounds and moments, the chaos, the unpredicitability, fear, sadness, insanity and loathing that were the 90's ( and is still going in the same vein in 2001) are better represented in each short tune on the Richard D.James album then any other in my opinion.
Each tune of RDJ album has that sad , melancholy and melody in the back and foreground of the chaotic sounds, which to me represents the overriding sadness these time can give us due to its unpredictability and uncertainty ( more then any other time this last century) and simply the mourning for roots and grounding and assurance....
from Sweden on 2001-08-01 12:11 [#00019109]

"the most important LP of the 90s"
For who?
Arch Rival
from NY on 2001-08-01 12:12 [#00019110]

Wu Tang Clan - 36 Chambers
DJ Shadow - Entroducing
Aphex Twin - RDJ Album (US version 15 tracks)
from the Left Wing on 2001-08-01 12:19 [#00019112]

Massive Attack - 'Blue Lines'
Primal Scream - 'Screamadelica'
Not my favourite albums of the 90s (as much as I love 'em), but the most influential. In the UK, anyways...
from Amsterdam on 2001-08-01 14:46 [#00019127]

The Orb-Adventures beyond the Ultraworld
the first record that got me into all this electronic music in the first place.
from Munich on 2001-08-01 15:30 [#00019136]

What about Beastie Boys ? Check your Head was groundbreaking I guess.
But Nirvanas Nevermind has good chances to win this competion.
I love both albums very much !!!!!
on 2001-08-01 17:03 [#00019144]

OK Computer and Check Your Head are both up there for me. However, I belive that 30 years from now, the most important LP of the 90s will be the flaming lips' Zaireeka. It's 4 cds containing different parts of the same songs designed to be played simultaneously on four cd players. The effect is mind-boggling. It's definitely the most revolutionary album of the 90s. What really sucks is that they only made 5000 copies of it. I paid $70 for it on ebay! Totally worth it though.
from aus on 2001-08-01 17:34 [#00019146]

for me its Photek's Modus Operandi , it completely changed the way i listen to/produce music
from UK on 2001-08-01 17:40 [#00019148]

Personally I think albums are nearly always flawed, as they ALWAYS have some shit on them.
BOC - MHTRTC comes quite close.
I prefer individual tracks.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-01 19:37 [#00019156]

thanx again for participating.
at the moment i am convinced that 'endtroducing' was the most important LP of the 90s, with 'nevermind' trailing closely behind. dj shadow continues to school the entire music industry on structure and how music should be presented. at the same time, he set a new standard for hip hop as well as alternative music in general.
however, i did notice some other great albums mentioned. 'screamadelica' kicked off the acid-house drenched rock marriage in a major way. how about the stone roses 'stone roses' LP? that is another excellent album that deserves recognition. what do you think?
from --- on 2001-08-01 20:28 [#00019162]

For me it was "I Care Because You Do...," but for the mainstream world I would also have to agree with Nivana, "Nevermind."
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-01 20:38 [#00019163]

NIRVANA - "Nevermind"
It was the end of glam rock and the beginning of grunge, the turning point in rock music as we know it.
Also important i believe are NIN Downward Spiral, KoRn's debut since it was ripped off so fucking much that they themselves became sterile,.. erm...
Pearl Jam's TEN, Tool's AENIMA,.... and Aphex's Richard D James Album and I Care Because You Do.
on 2001-08-01 20:43 [#00019166]

Ok computer & loveless by mbv
from the dark on 2001-08-01 21:50 [#00019181]

yeah i'll agree with your commets on entroducing, great album, but what about the jesus jones liquidizer album?, a true classic me thinks!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 22:00 [#00019183]

Yeah but were talking about the most important of the 90's. what changed the face of music for the most people? I would still have to say Nirvanas Nevermind.
Iam a true hardcore Nirvana fan. Have been forever.
from the dark on 2001-08-01 22:03 [#00019187]

have you heard the liquidizer album reflex?, if not you should check it, we are talking ground breaking man i tell ya, rubble, dirt, tarmac, shite everywhere!.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-01 22:08 [#00019195]

Hahhah thanx. Ill check that out soon here then. Sounds cool to me. If its that ground breaking!
from the dark on 2001-08-01 22:15 [#00019203]

from San Antonio, Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-08-02 00:48 [#00019227]

Wow, it's great to see so many people mentioning Nirvana. That band seems to be forgotten a lot these days by the fans of rap metal and sterile pop.
Yes, Nevermind was the most important LP of the 90's...but looking at the music scene by 1999 who woulda known? At least in the mainstream. It was 1989 all over again! You had your new kids, and your warrants, and your M.C. hammers.
Nevermind really didn't change much, but Nirvana brought about this brilliant little burst of passion and creativity that you knew wasn't gonna last. And it didn't.
And I would be shocked if it ever happens again in a mass mainstream rush toward a scene, the way it happened in 1991.
But I still love Nirvana. My favorite band or musician ever.
Runners up: NIN: Downward Spiral/The Fragile
Radiohead: Ok Computer
I know a bunch of you already said those, but that's because it's true. : )
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-08-02 05:37 [#00019240]

could someone explain to me how a Boards of Canada album was the most important LP of the 90's? or a Photek? they're good albums, but most important of the 90's? couldn't be more off on this one.
from New Zealand on 2001-08-02 05:44 [#00019242]

Nirvana, Dj Shadow, Radiohead all come in but 2 I think are important and haven't been mentioned..
Massive Attack - Blue Lines Air - Moon Safari
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-02 09:28 [#00019272]

Stone: Nirvana is my all time fav right with AFX. Cause ive been listening to Nirvana forever. and I used to collect their live shows and bootlegs and demos and stuff. Still got tons. they are awsome.
from europe on 2001-08-02 10:56 [#00019300]

dj shadow. endtroducing aphex twin. ... time to choose ... (but my favourite of his are come to daddy and windowlicker, but these are no albums, but do form in some ways one album in two parts)
most important pieces
steve reich. the cave philip glass. the screens symphony no.3 les enfants terribles perhaps his etudes for piano, too john adams. violin concerto
never listened to nirvana, though (at the time of nevermind i listened to shostakovich and philip glass). there are some others of the 90s which i like very much... pearl jam's yield, smashing pumpkins' adore, tom waits' bone machine, paul bley's not two, not one (that's a jazz album). bjoerk also is important for the 90s.
on 2001-08-02 14:04 [#00019331]

The Prodigy - Music For The Jilted Generation
Nirvana - Nevermind (although I prefer Bleach - I know, it was 1989)
DJ Shadow - Entroducing and perhaps also - Preemptive Strike
Cable - When Animals Attack
and all of the Aphex Twin releases (they were all monumental for me)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-02 18:23 [#00019375]

Bleach was, and is still amazing.
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-08-02 18:41 [#00019380]

hi everyone. i was fortunate enough to see radiohead last night in chicago. for those of you who are interested, the show was absolutely fucking amazing. ive never seen them live before, and i must say i was very very impressed. anyway, on to the discussion board:
bjork is another artist we must consider. however, i am unsure whether or not she contributed much towards the progression of music (aside from her excellent discography and her time with the sugarcubes). 'homogenic' for me was a large leap forward from her previous release, displaying bjork's hypnotic voice and top notch production work. i am NOT convinced that 'homogenic' is the most important LP of the 90s. rather, it is the best thing bjork has ever done. (the most important thing she has done was 'dancer in the dark')
here's another album i would like to throw on the table: pavement's 'slanted and enchanted'. this album, by itself, set new heights for indy-rock, breathing new life into the songwriting process and the art of lyric. sign o the times, baby.
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