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Custom Remixes

Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-31 02:47 [#00018799]

just would like to hear some words from people

so remixers, how do you like your afx mixed?

and listeners, what's your status on the afx remixes?

my remix:
Astroblaster "Overload the phuqing Atari Mix"

i recorded sounds from the song, re-arranged them and added
my keyboard noises..... an analog Rhythmic2 and a Casio

mixed and arranged with Microsoft Sound Recorder


=|R3FL3X|= from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-31 02:53 [#00018804]

I think they are great. And that anyting for me is fine, as
long as the remixer had some thought into what they were
doing. I want to hear that the person cared, and didn't want
to just throw something together! There are some great tunes
in that section.


Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-31 02:56 [#00018806]

did you hear my remix yet Reflex?

i think a good remix somewhat has the original feel of the
song, yet has the remixer's own special touch.


=|R3FL3X|= from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-31 03:41 [#00018811]

yes. im going to listen to your remix right away!


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