from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 07:04 [#00018587]

Whats your favourite Soundtrack for movie or game??? As many as you want, and maybe why you like it so much. Thats all. Really.
I think that my favrouites are Pi, Akira, Silent Hill {its fucking... one of my favourite cds there are now}, Twin Peaks, and Final Fantasy 7.
I love the games one because they were memorable, and Silent Hill is a fucking insane game, scary. And the soundtrack is the reason why, without the soundtrack that game would be nothing. The soundtrack on its own is frightening to say the least.
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 07:25 [#00018590]

'Cape Fear' theme is a masterpiece - perfect for the movie.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 07:28 [#00018592]

Cape Fear? When was this released? Whos in it? Who does it? Weird..... I think ive heard of it, maybe. Whats it about?
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 07:46 [#00018594]

It's the theme from the movie. Can be found on various compilations.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 08:07 [#00018596]

Ohhhh okay. I will do that for sure. You make it sound really good.
rob fragilenine
from inside a pipe playing bad hiphop music on 2001-07-30 08:21 [#00018597]

final fantasy 8 and quake.
i also like the hexen (1) soundtrack a bit.
as for movies, the spawn soundtrack is quite good.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 08:41 [#00018599]

hmmmm ........ I agree about that. I think another good soundtrack would be Spawn, which was already said... or Ghost In the Shell.. cool stuff.
from Munich on 2001-07-30 08:50 [#00018600]

My favourite soundtracks are :
1: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2: The Big Lebowski
3: Psycho II
I´m very on 70´ies music besides electronic music and I love these thrilling violin parts in Psycho.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 09:03 [#00018601]

Fear and Lothing IN las vegas was an awsome film.
from europe on 2001-07-30 09:16 [#00018602]

The music of Cape Fear was composed by Bernard Herrmann who also did the soundtrack for Psycho.
1. 2001 2. Psycho 3. Being John Malkovich
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 09:34 [#00018604]

When I saw Being John Malkovich I was really drunk, and didn't pay attention too much cause of people talking through the movie in my friends house. I never got a change to pay attention to the songs... too bad. Ill check it out.
from Munich on 2001-07-30 09:55 [#00018609]

Yeah REFLEX. You´re right. It´s one of my alltime faves. I love this film. I´ve seen it more than 30 Times and I still haven´t it seen too often.
Johnny Depp is my man.
One of the best actors out there to me.
I´m looking forward for his new film " Blow ".
Anybody seen it till yet ?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:01 [#00018611]

Johnny DEp Is amazing. He was great in the role in Fear and Lothing In Las Vegas.
I saw Blow in the theatre a while ago, its fucking great! Go see it! Its really good, and he does a great job acting in it.
from dublin on 2001-07-30 10:10 [#00018614]

1. "Seven Samurai" - Them drums!
2. "The Muppets Vs Aphex Twin - The movie" - Just kidding
3. "Hello Culture" - on Ch 4 Sundays...Aphex does the soundtrack!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:12 [#00018615]

What Aphex Twin does the soundtrack? Really? Don't lie.. ehehheh. Hmm..... anyone listen to a lot of game music?
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 10:20 [#00018618]

Game music? I'll never forget the tracks from Agony, Shadow of the Beast, Turrican, Dune II and, naturally, Populous (I'll kiss you if you send me the theme from Populous in mod/mp3/whatever). Oh ,we're talking Amiga here. This is very old-school.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:21 [#00018620]

I know of Amiga. Hm...... Ill look into this. Remember you said Kiss hehe. What if I find it?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:23 [#00018621]

I used to play Populous with my friends, very cool game!!!
from Munich on 2001-07-30 10:26 [#00018623]

Aight´ - I´m gonna check it out.
from europe on 2001-07-30 10:26 [#00018625]

i like the being john malkovich soundtrack so much because it really is a very important part of the dreamlike, tranquil and melancholic atmosphere of that movie. my list was made up of soundtracks which are enhancing the complete atmosphere - think of 2001 without the strauss fanfare, and without ligeti's voices in the spacegate sequence, or psycho without the weird string orchestra sounds (not only in the shower scene). these movies would have been not as perfect without those soundtracks.
fear and loathing is a fantastic movie (well, it's terry gilliam) and the songs were also great in it. ok, a list of some of the most perfect soundtracks with songs...
1. easy rider 2. lost highway 3. fear and loathing in las vegas
and i forgot to mention koyaanisqatsi with the music by philip glass.
from europe on 2001-07-30 10:32 [#00018628]

aphex twin is said to do the soundtrack for chris cunningham's adaption of william gibson's 'neoromancer'... aphex's music would be perfect as film music. chris cunningham also worked with kubrick on 'a.i.'. well, if kubrick would have made a.i., maybe there would have been the chance to hear aphex twin in that movie. imagine... isopropanol, flim, nannou in a film by stanley kubrick.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:40 [#00018631]

Yes the film he is doing with Chris Cunningham, that is supposed to be interesting. He also did one with him called Monkey Drummer. It looks weird as all hell! Which can be good. Game music is great. for me there is quite a bit of nostalgia involved with some game soundtracks, from WAY back when.. heh.
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 10:41 [#00018632]

The 'Neuromancer' project has been cancelled to my knowledge.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:45 [#00018634]

phobaizer0: I have something for you. shall I email it to you, or post the link?
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 10:58 [#00018635]

E-mail please. :-)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 10:58 [#00018636]

k - Iam doing that now. I hope its the right one, it was hard to find!!!!
from Munich on 2001-07-30 11:07 [#00018637]

Yes - this is a soundtrack I forgot but which is also very good.
Lost Highway.
Damn good movie - damn good soundtrack !
David Lynch is awesome.
Blue Velvet is also one of my favourite movies.
I like how he play with emotions in his films.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:11 [#00018638]

hmm... the lost highway made no sense though. I mean it did for a while, then right when you thought you had it figured out, BAM it ends and your like "what the fuck!?" it really doesn't make sense. Ive seen my fair share of good, twisted, hard to follow films. and this is just not making any sense. Its a good movie! and a great soundtrack! but still. its hard to think about.
Silent Hill soundtrack is FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!! Get it, download it or something, its like 42 songs long. its just so good. Very Scary songs.
from dublin on 2001-07-30 11:29 [#00018639]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:32 [#00018640]

Alien? the movies? I was thinking you meant the experiance of listening to these Silent Hill songs. seriously its something you have to hear. This is amazing stuff. 100% awsome. But yes the alien films/sounds are great. My favourite was Aliens2. Its awsome. i own them all.
from dublin on 2001-07-30 11:35 [#00018641]

yeah Aliens. Love the music as the drop-ship leaves the planet and there's a build up to the nuclear explosion. Always thought it'd be rip-offable for a dance track...can you furnish me with this particular sample perhaps R3FL3X?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:37 [#00018642]

Hey!!! yeah Ill upload a track or something to my site and post the link here shortly. I don't know which to pick cause there are 42 songs! I have an idea, ill give you a scary one hehee. Ther are some "nice" sounding ones too maybe I can fit both. Lets see. hehe. Oh and that part in the drop ship, that tense moments when the place is going to blow up, is AWSOME!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:48 [#00018644]

Hey... yeah here is the URL for one song I like. Ill put up one or two more right away for you. Copy the URL and paste it in, this board doesnt allow for links from geocities.com for some reason.
from dublin on 2001-07-30 11:56 [#00018646]

i've no soundcard in work (violins). Hope thats the build up i was talking about R3FL3X?
Shouldn't we go to a chatroom or something?...getting vibes!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:58 [#00018647]

Two more songs {thats all I can do for now hehe} off the soundtrack, I wanted to get the more "nice" songs but ran outta room on my stupid account. Too bad, some really moving pieces on there. These are a small taste of the different kinds of scary shit. And I mena.... I wish I could let you listen to the WHOLE thing, but sadly you can't unless you download it or something.I have it all.. maybe you want?? hehe. Here they are. Check them all out.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 11:59 [#00018648]

al><: Yeah no doubt. well those songs are up.. try to listen to them somehow. anyone can listen to them now I guess. Hehe. Well get ICQ or something....thats what I use to chat with people it works very well.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 18:10 [#00018726]

I was hoping someone would take those links I made and listen to them to tell me what they think.
on 2001-07-30 19:14 [#00018732]

Final Fantasy Spirits Within Alien 3 Requiem For A Dream
My favorite movie soundtracks...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 19:31 [#00018736]

ah! requiem for a dream is a graet film, and the soundtrack is great. did anyone check out those songs i posted links for?
from London on 2001-07-30 19:55 [#00018738]

Hiya Reflex.The soundtrack to "Blade"is quite good (mostly hip-hop though). I wonder,does anyone remember the music in the underwater scene in the SNES classic "Donkey Kong Country "? Such a beautiful, atmospheric piece of music.
on 2001-07-30 20:01 [#00018741]

DKC3 has some great music, too.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-30 20:25 [#00018744]

Rob E: yes I know of that music, that whole game is quite good, and the music is great for it. I have both 1 and 2 for SNES. The underwater stuff is very relaxing like you say! And blade was a wciked film, too bad the AFX song wasn't on the soundtrack. UT1-Dot.
from UK on 2001-07-30 21:04 [#00018751]

Phob: So many of the Amiga games had EXCELLENT music, what other ones do you like. And then theres all the demos...
Chris Huelsbeck was a great composer.
Here's one for UK residents in late twenties or older. Do you remember the 80s theme music to Tomorrows World or that series called Microwise? Those swirling synth sounds...
I'd love to find those tracks.
from Sweden on 2001-07-30 21:21 [#00018754]

Excellent is the word, mate!
I remember the funny tunes found in the Monkey Island series...very good!
What about Pinball Dreams and Pinball Fantasies? Space Quest and Kings Quest were all loaded with great tunes as well.
There were many demos... Awesome music. Too many to mention here. :-)
I was browsing some Amiga sites quite recently and found myself feeling very nostalgic...!
from London on 2001-07-30 23:02 [#00018761]

Choctosen,thanks for reminding me that it was the third DKC that featured that awesome underwater tune and not the previous titles.(i think!) Also,there are a few good techno tracks on the N64 game "Tetrisphere".God,i could go on!
on 2001-07-31 00:29 [#00018771]

Oh, no, I think the first DKC had the underwater theme you referred to; I wasn't correcting you! It's a shame the N64 version didn't have any memorable tunes. Regarding other game music, I remember a lot of Commodore64 games having incredibly catchy tunes. Ooh, nostalgia time... I was so young and innocent, and life's pleasure's were simple... [wipes tear from eye] ...ahem
on 2001-07-31 00:33 [#00018773]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-31 00:37 [#00018776]

yeah the silent ill soundtrack is brilliant. you can listen to 3 of the 42 songs here on this topic, further up or down {depending on your pref}.
Yeah I know a lot of the ATARI 8000 had some killer memories, the 2 color green and black apple's the PC that had NIbbles.
The NES was awsome. I still have mine with like 25 games or something. Its nutz. My fav game right now is for SNES, ChronoTrigger.
from NYC on 2001-07-31 00:39 [#00018778]

Clint Mansell...nuff said
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-31 00:40 [#00018779]

Clint Mansell?? What did he do for Video games?
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