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m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-28 20:22 [#00018365]

I was bored at work, so I timed the number of chirps a
cricket makes in a minute. My first result: 70 chirps in one
minute. My second result: 70 chirps in one minute. My third
result: 70 chirps in one minute.
Amazing, I now know that they have been trying to
communicate something to us all along, something about the
number 70, clearly. What can it possibly be? *strokes chin*
What can it *possibly* be...


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-28 20:44 [#00018373]

Humans have it all wrong. We have artificially divided time
in to minutes composed of sixty seconds each. Nature
obviously divides minutes into increments of 70. I'm sure
it's an indirect reflection of the number of spins an
electron makes at the microscopic level per unit time. I
will now prepare my master's thesis. First, I just need to
enroll in a college.


Milkman from paris on 2001-07-28 20:47 [#00018374]

Have you had:

Moloko with knifes in it


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-28 20:57 [#00018377]

I do not recall having ever had that particular beverage,
with or without knives.


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