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prodigy: experience

rob fragilenine from aaaaaaaaaah on 2001-07-26 16:59 [#00017970]

who else thinks this is an absolute kickass cd???


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-26 17:27 [#00017971]

i think it's pretty damn good


gotmeth? on 2001-07-26 17:56 [#00017975]

1 of the best techno CDs in my opinion


Super Magnetic Neo from Australia on 2001-07-26 17:57 [#00017976]

I love it :-)

And I picked it up for $5 for a KMart sale =D


nekta from a spunky backpack on 2001-07-26 18:39 [#00017981]

it is amazing, i love that sort of stuff, old skool rave,
just the energy that goes with it, makes me all happy :)


Rob.E. from London on 2001-07-26 20:18 [#00017984]

Okay,but prefer "Jilted".


recycle from here on 2001-07-26 22:03 [#00017989]

one of the best techno cds around !!!!!
prodigy have an insane live show


=|R3FL3X|= from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 22:51 [#00018007]

Its a really good CD, it and Music For The Jilted Generation
are awsome cds. Don't know which is better though. Been into
them for a long time.


Jeremy Blackman on 2001-07-27 00:13 [#00018014]

Didn't prodigy break up, I can't remember.


Archangel on 2001-07-27 00:23 [#00018015]

though its an unpopular thought to others, ive always felt
praga khan was better than prodigy... prodigy's old shit was
awesome though.


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-27 01:04 [#00018021]

Jilted Generation takes the cake in my opinion,.. but I
haven't heard much from "experience" so I can't really
judge,.. but from what I have heard,.. there is some pretty
awful voice sample useage,..

prodigy didn't break up,.. the only one that matters is
"liam",.. he is the one that makes all the music,.. the
others are dancers,.. and occasionaly "sing" but that's
about it,.. they're more of a "live" act now,.. and they ARE
producing a new album,.. which should be good seeing as it
was not rushed like "fat of the land" was,...


Jeremy Blackman on 2001-07-27 01:08 [#00018023]

I'm pretty sure the prodigy broke up and Liam Howlett or
whatever just releases shit cds by himself now. he's
completing that volume shit now


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-27 01:54 [#00018031]

the information I got was off a friend,.. but he usually
know's what he's on about so I don't really doubt the
validility of those comments,.


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-27 08:28 [#00018063]

The Prodigy is the brainchild of classically trained pianist
and acid house DJ Liam Howlett, who met members Keith Flint
and Leeroy Thornhill and MC Maxim Reality on London's club
scene in the early 1990s. Their first single, "What Evil
Lurks," was released in 1991. In 1992, The Prodigy released
their first full length album "Experience." In 1994 The
Prodigy released "Music for the Jilted Generation."
Prodigy's third album, "The Fat of the Land," was released
in 1997 on Maverick Records featuring contributions from,
among others, Crispian Mills of Kula Shaker and Doctor

Liam Howlett flexed his DJ muscles on "Dirtchamber Sessions
Volume One," a DJ mix of tracks by various artists in styles
ranging from rap to industrial. The album was released in
March 1999 on XL/Beggars Banquet. Liam has been doing
several DJ gigs to highlight his skills. They have mainly
been in the London area.

In April of 2000, the group became a trio with the departure
of Leeroy Thornhill, who left to pursue his solo project,
Flightcrank. The band is in the studio now, and will release
their fourth album "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned."


Mescaline on 2001-07-27 08:33 [#00018064]

I have all songs of Prodigy exclude very rare "Now we hear
dis". So i can judge about their music.
For me "Music For The Jilted Generation"
is best album, but they have many songs not from album thats
sounds very well.


Mescaline on 2001-07-27 08:37 [#00018066]

Experience - great album (like all music by Prodigy),
especially Out Of Space.


DAVE from Munich on 2001-07-27 09:05 [#00018072]

Experience is a very good one. It was one of my first Rave
CD´s I bought. Love that one very much. It reminds me on
the good old Times when I started going out on Raves. Just
before going out I listened again and again to that CD.
That was back in 1995. For the Gilted Generation
is in my opinion their best Release. From Fat of the Land I
only like FIRESTARTER and Breathe.
In general is FOTL too commercial to me. Don´t like it that
....but in the end they are a good act.



Dirty Priest from Denmark on 2001-07-27 10:16 [#00018087]

I´ve got a friend who was spattered in the face by that
weirdo with the weird hair (green/purple horns?). thats
pretty funny. but gross.


Dirty Priest from Denmark on 2001-07-27 10:19 [#00018088]

Oh yeah and that weird charlie single?

my friend has got that on vinyl, and its pretty fucking rare
as far as i know !

Charlie said always to tell your mom if you go somewhere.


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-27 10:25 [#00018089]

that last post,.. (made at 9:??) was not made by me,..
though I wish it was,.. all of that is true to my


=|R3FL3X|= from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-27 11:10 [#00018092]

Hmmmmmm you think FSOL is too commercial, and you like a lot
of prodigy? I mean I like both alot, FSOL better.. but
prodigy kicks ass, but the prodigy is more well known.


Loogie from UK on 2001-07-27 11:32 [#00018097]

I like Experience and Jilted Generation best. Don't like the
latest one at all, as I hate the way Prodigy openly frown on
their earlier stuff, just becuase it's out of fashion. IMO
it was their best stuff, and now they are rather dull.
Has anyone got the track "We Eat Rhythm"? It's great.


Mescaline on 2001-07-27 12:14 [#00018104]

I got. It's great. But GOA (The Heat 2) is greater


Wizard MaC from Amersfoort on 2001-07-27 12:50 [#00018112]



Wizard MaC from Amersfoort on 2001-07-27 12:51 [#00018113]

Experience is a masterpiece:
I've got it since '93 and I still love it!


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