from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 09:59 [#00017914]

Hm...... If gou could change your name to something, what would it be??? Well obviously you CAN change your name, but I mean.. your REAL name.... don't have to say your current real name, but what would you pick???
I think I would like : The King. or The Great One.
Elvis had it good.... until he got fat, started hard prescription drugs and died. What do you think a good name for yourslef would be?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 10:01 [#00017915]

Oh.. sorry to add another post here.. but how do I actually get it to KEEP my name change up here?? I want it to stay this way instead of the old |REFLEX|. Someone tell me, Tek you must know, or Phobiazer0. Thanks.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 10:04 [#00017917]

Any more?? I will decide tomorrow. Heh.
from Sweden on 2001-07-26 10:17 [#00017919]

It should work....but try delete the aphextwin cookie.
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-07-26 10:56 [#00017924]

I want to change my name to Barry Fox
from Australia on 2001-07-26 11:20 [#00017928]

.:®eFlex:. I reckon
from Australia on 2001-07-26 11:23 [#00017929]

I wouldn't change my name to this,.. but something like "azrael" has a nice ring to it,.. sounds kinda cool to me,.. but you'd seem like a real dickhead if you actually changed your name to that,.. so I won't
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:27 [#00017932]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:27 [#00017933]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:28 [#00017934]

one more....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:29 [#00017936]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:30 [#00017937]

hm... maybe?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 11:32 [#00017938]

ok Ok Ok.. Im really sorry for these mulitple postings.. but Im going to stick with this.
Now.. on to the real question which Tek and Wizards Teeth answered. The King is still the man, or MR. T
from Milan on 2001-07-26 11:32 [#00017939]

European Reflex Version 1.1 [R€ƒL€X]
Bif "F" Reflex Version 2.1 __ Re|=LeX
Mathematica Version 3.1
Cheers, \/\/ƒ
from Australia on 2001-07-26 11:49 [#00017942]

"a good one" v1.1 .:®eFlex:. "a good one" v1.2 ::®eFlex::
from Australia on 2001-07-26 11:50 [#00017943]

from Milan on 2001-07-26 15:27 [#00017963]

European Reflex Version 1.1 [R€ƒL€X]
Big "F" Reflex Version 2.1 . __ Re|=LeX
Mathematica Version 3.1
Mathematical Version 3.2
Mathematical Version 3.3
Minimalistic version 1.1
afxdub meet reflex version 1.1
ReƒLEX dub
eh, eh, eh... are enough?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-26 17:38 [#00017972]

i wouldn't mind benson or roderick
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 22:31 [#00017992]

Wow Tek and WOoƒer came up with some cool ideas for a name formyself..... Im going to change it again sometimes soon, for some reason. It will be one of those you guys came up with very interesting indeed.
What about other peoples names?
on 2001-07-26 22:34 [#00017994]

spine cake.
Lt. Gerbal Malone
from the Woodchipcage on 2001-07-26 22:38 [#00017999]

Oliver Baker Sear or something with 'Fink' in it. Or a porno name. a stupid porno name like Bob LaBig-Dick. Bruce LaBruce. Hunter in the name too. Hunter, Baker, Fink, and "Von" in the last name.....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 22:50 [#00018006]

So.. Hunter Von LaBigDick? Weird. okay though... ehhe.. Anyone else want to be named after Elvis? The King!
from over there on 2001-07-27 01:19 [#00018026]

hmm, i would change it to "winter", or ixia (sounds like ice-ah).. some thing cold sounding.....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-27 01:56 [#00018033]

WEird... winter is a cool name for someone I think. Like that senfield episode where those people steal georges name for a person. Seven was the name. Thats cool.
from Australia on 2001-07-27 02:08 [#00018038]

I wanna name my kid kain,.. but I don't want him to grow up to be a thug or a drug lord,.. hmm
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-27 02:08 [#00018039]

Only in some weird dimention can one be named Kain and not be a drug lord. Or Crime Boss in the south pacific. Hm.... oh well... its a cool name though.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-07-27 03:05 [#00018042]

Clobe Smith.
from Australia on 2001-07-27 03:21 [#00018043]

I know about a chinese chick that I went to the 6th grade with,.. her name was Lotus,.. If I have a girl,.. I think that'l be her name,...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-27 03:42 [#00018044]

TeK: thats a sweet name as well for a girl. Oh and my ICQ is REALLY fucking up bad. Its the ICQ peoples problem, or fault though. Cause it crashed, and wheN I start it up to use ICQ it tells me that there is a problem with a file in the messages archive. So It won't let me use my ICQ right now. Ive tried all the troubleshooting stuff, and nothing worked. I even tried some tricks I had up my sleeve, nothing worked. so I email ICQ and they will get back to me ASAP they said with news on here to fix my problem. Probably they have to erase my old archives and start fresh. Atleast I won't lose all my contacts.... but im scared thats gonna happen anyway. fucking icq.
from Australia on 2001-07-27 04:17 [#00018045]

(*said in evil voice)
from Lincoln on 2001-07-27 05:15 [#00018047]

from Milan on 2001-07-27 08:12 [#00018061]

Reflex: My favourite creation is "Mathematica version 3.1".
A nice new nickname for Wooƒer could be "Syntax error"... do you remeber tha basic language?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-27 09:54 [#00018078]

Syntax error is funny. I know of it well.
Quoth's Screenwriting Friend
from Berlin on 2001-11-23 03:56 [#00054809]

Stanley Cream or Magic Lovet, or Angry Anderson, Fireman Joe, or Johnny Parker, Michael J. Fox, Sammy Sammy, Dan McDaterapist, or Carl Pie, or Pie Carl.
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