from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 09:44 [#00017759]

I know none of you will be sad, but this is goodbye. My reasons? look all over the site; stupid annoying fuck clones keep ruining it for everyone.
Thanks to all the good people left on this site. Goodbye
m....MwMw )wW(m M m)Ww( wMwM....m
on 2001-07-25 09:51 [#00017761]

"Thanks to all the good people left on this site."
Well, it's pretty obvious you were referring to me. I know I'm good, but please, I'm a bit modest so don't make a public announcement about it. You're welcome though, no problem. We had such good times... *sniff*
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-07-25 09:56 [#00017762]

Chimp Systems left because of "clones".
from over here on 2001-07-25 10:10 [#00017767]

bye bye.
fluffy bunny
on 2001-07-25 10:19 [#00017769]

be strong reflex, stay - don't let them beat you!!
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The keep me under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-25 11:30 [#00017773]

Reflex, We can beat the clones together stay and we will rebuild!!!! We wil build a community free of clone's or maybe they will take all of the spoon out of our houses and RULE THE WORLD Ahhhhh!!!!!! With no spoons we can put up a fight!!!!!!I will miss you Reflex! THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-25 11:32 [#00017774]

I'm rather a new person to this message board though I'm sad to see you leaving.
From the post's I read by you you sound like a very intelligent and funny person.
sorry, but i'm a cunt!!
on 2001-07-25 11:34 [#00017775]

you never read all of them then.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 11:46 [#00017776]

Yeah haha..... thats funny. Considering that I didn't make this post. Its another.... yes yet another imposter, this really isn't funny. And Ive contacted Phobiazer0 about this sort of shit. And Im awaiting a response. Im sure some of you will no longer be here.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 11:48 [#00017777]

Oh - and yeah, The new site we are starting, which will be a .com site, {we are paying for it} is going to be a HUGE project. We have professional script writers and more working on this. And nothing like this will ever have the change to happen.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-25 11:49 [#00017778]

i knew it wasn't you - no e-mail address.
rob fragilenine
from somewhere on 2001-07-25 11:55 [#00017779]

hmm... *cough*
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 11:56 [#00017780]

Whoever is doing this please stop it. Its very annoying and isn't funny. Im not going to get mad on here at all. This will do nothing. I enjoy this place and don't want people ruining it for people. How come this place started going downhill all of a sudden?.
my face
on 2001-07-25 12:05 [#00017783]

You still here?
on 2001-07-25 14:53 [#00017793]

REFLEX: i am really sorry you go. Please try to stay until we establish some new rules.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 15:16 [#00017795]

tune*fx: its ok mate! that wasn't really me saying that, just someone imperonating me! I really do want to stay and have a good time here! I got a good email from Phobiazer0 today. It scared me, but he took action. Hes a good man.
from NYC on 2001-07-25 19:55 [#00017829]

Phobiazero: Implement Passwords Please! It won't be too difficult to do! We don't want to lose members like REFLEX!!!
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-25 20:19 [#00017830]

Hella! Passwords would be best. Hella! I will find the clown who is impersonating you [REFLEX] !!! I haven't seen my fellow Vancouverite Ross on here in a while.....hmmmmm.
Just speculation...haha! Anyone heard from Ross?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 20:25 [#00017833]

Thanks a lot boyz!! Thanks, really.
Naphex Male: Ross is on my ICQ list and we swap songs all the time, hes a great dood. He hasn't been around much, I suspect he is busy with is regular "real"life... heh. Hell be back.
Lt. Gerbal Malone
from the Woodchip Cage on 2001-07-25 22:36 [#00017839]

Well..... I've had my lauugh from "immature" means for this holiday. I'm off for school.
Farewell Goodtimes
Lt. Gerbal Malone
from the Woodchip Cage on 2001-07-25 22:52 [#00017841]

I have been banned for posting on johnwaters.net and Victor Varnado's bestalbino.com The world of a poor clone is crumbling. Do you know that once when I first started cloning chimp systems, after the first post I was banned, but I tried again one day later and I wasn't banned anymore so I saw that as a clear sign that the monitor person wanted me to clone you all.
Farewell Goodtimes
from over there on 2001-07-26 02:10 [#00017851]

oh |REFLEX| you will be missed. sorry about the "thumb up the arse" comment.
on 2001-07-26 03:50 [#00017870]

im back slags! hey reflex and naphex- sorry guys, the boards seem to have had some silly topics lately and i havent bothered to really say anything..i will make a bigger effort to stay around now though..hope everything is going good!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 04:09 [#00017872]

Ross: hey... heheh told you Naphex. Hes around.... boy im lucky Im right!
on 2001-07-26 09:00 [#00017899]

God, i'm sad reflex..im always around..somewhere..in some crevice..
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-26 09:37 [#00017905]

Well..... your here.. not on ICQ.. odd.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-26 22:35 [#00017997]

Yo Ross Waaaazzzzaaap? I am going to see Pantera w/ SLAYER tonight! YAAAAA!!!!
Nice to see you back though...Cheers!
Larks Tongues In Aspic!
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