Mr Stinky Edmunds
on 2001-07-24 22:24 [#00017673]

[06:20] : you [06:21] : it means i'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist
[06:21] : It's a way of making himself think he's cool [06:21] : hello room [06:21] : Hello [06:21] : where are akk if the sinners? [06:21] : prove he dosnt exist [06:21] : who? [06:21] : i've never seen him [06:21] : who? [06:21] : GPd [06:21] : Bob Saget [06:21] : prove he does exist [06:21] : O cam [06:21] : oh that myth [06:21] : can you see love i bet you belive in love
[06:21] : GPD? [06:22] : prove he does exist [06:22] : god sucks [06:22] : I can't see you're ugly face, don't mean you don't exsist
[06:22] : God eats catfood [06:22] : how can he suck he doen't exist [06:22] : Prove that God doesn't eat catfood
[06:22] : people who believe in a mythical character really suck
[06:22] : hello [06:22] : how do u know i'm ugly [06:22] : sup [06:22] : I'm new to this [06:22] : whats up woadie [06:22] : Prove he's mythical [06:23] : it is confusing! [06:23] : you cant see him [06:23] : prove he's real [06:23] : Prove that God eats cat food [06:23] : then leve cwagg1987 [06:23] : how do you download music? [06:23] : go on u can't can u [06:23] : Because if you ran this bloody world, we'd all be dead
[06:23] : Prove that God doesn't eat catfood
[06:23] : click download [06:23] : prove god exists [06:23] : come on [06:23] : it keeps telling me I have to find a buddy or something
[06:23] : click deez nuts [06:23] : prove it [06:23] : go to the help room not here [06:24] : god socks and blows [06:24] : there is a help room? [06:24] : yes [06:24] : yep [06:24] : ohh thanks [06:24] : God has a small penis [06:24] : lol [06:24] : God is circumcised [06:24] : bigger than you micopenis] [06:24] : God doesn't have a penis retard [06:24] : oh ya [06:24] : god doesn't exsist [06:24] : God is an Asian call boy [06:24] : you are [06:25] : god is kurt cobain [06:25] : hi [06:25] : OK, your proof of a non exsistant god is pretty non convincing
[06:25] : so I'll take a crack at it [06:25] : convince me he is real [06:25] : u can't [06:25] : God is S.J. Perleman [06:25] : hahahaha [06:26] : God is black [06:26] : If he wasn't we wouldn't be having this conversationg
[06:26] : conversation [06:26] : how do u know [06:26] : BAD REASON [06:26] : b3eacuses your an ass hole [06:26] : YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THEN THAT [06:26] : HAHAHAHA [06:26] : Because I know, because he feel him work through me
[06:26] : ok [06:26] : |=uck u [06:26] : Thirtydayrisen, God just told me that he dislikes you
[06:27] : and I wouldn't have anything to back it up [06:27] : u can't prove it? [06:27] : Thirtydayrisen, that thing you feel in you might not be God,
[06:27] : nevermind [06:27] : Ok that's bs, becuase the BIBLE (OOPS I USED THE B WORD)
[06:27] : Says so[ [06:27] : yes you did [06:27] : the bible is a fairy story [06:27] : made up by mortal men [06:28] : The Bible is a terrible book [06:28] : not god [06:28] : He even loves you're ugly face [06:28] : for some reason [06:28] : how do u know i'm ugly? [06:28] : That's the point [06:28] : Your physical and spirit beings have a connection
[06:28] : chris cornell was right [06:29] : since I see your spirit is ugly, your aFACE MUST BE UGLY
[06:29] : Thirtydayrisen, your anus and mouth have a connection
[06:29] : hes he was certainly right [06:29] : since I see you talk shit you must be shit
[06:29] : Ok, why is it you don't believe in God [06:29] : and be serious [06:30] : Thirtydayrisen, I don't believe in
[06:30] : don't give me crap like "he's ficticous [06:30] : CHRIS SAID RELIGIOUS SHOULDN'T HAVE AS MUCH OXYGEN AS NORMAL PEOPLE
[06:30] : I don't believe in "god" because i have no need too
[06:30] : CHRIS RULES [06:30] : chris is jesus [06:30] : I have no need to believe in something I don't want
[06:30] : christ~! not chris [06:31] : chris is jesus he should know [06:31] : Exactly why don't you need him? [06:31] : chris cornell [06:31] : i do need kurt [06:31] : You're life is perfect right? [06:32] : You think you got it all [06:32] : yeah i'm in a band [06:32] : Thirtydayrisen, I don't need "God" because I find no need. I can understand why people like you need to cling on to something and have an explaination for your own shit life
[06:32] : .... but that's not me. [06:32] : money and everything [06:32] : thats you [06:32] : i'm in hole [06:32] : ya [06:32] : Thirtydayrisen, you are your own reason for your own "terrible life"
[06:32] : 6 ft deep [06:32] : Right so what can you use to explain your crappy life?
[06:32] : no [06:33] : i'm in hole [06:33] : I don't need to blame "God" or "Santa", you do
[06:33] : i don't have a crap lfe [06:33] : noo we dont [06:33] : i'm in hole [06:33] : No I don't blame any of them, I blame myself [06:33] : I don't need an "explaination", once again you do
[06:33] : yeah dogg is right [06:33] : but I can work through it, because I have a stronger God than me
[06:33] : sure [06:34] : so do i kurt cobain [06:34] : then why are you bitching? [06:34] : So what do you use to work through the hard times?
[06:34] : myself [06:34] : nirvana [06:34] : I"m not [06:34] : people around me [06:34] : I didn [06:34] : nirvana [06:34] : not GOd, or the easter bunny or anything like that
[06:34] : I didn't say my life was roughten [06:34] : you did [06:34] : dog is cool [06:35] : ANd the people around you are always going to be there right?
[06:35] : no [06:35] : NO I didn't [06:35] : I don't want them [06:35] : nirvana will always be there [06:35] : say that [06:35] : hell get assainated [06:35] : So now you're confusing me [06:35] : and you're going to assume that someone you've never met nor seen nor encounted is going to always be there?
[06:35] : yes [06:35] : no doubt you will [06:35] : if god does exist y should i like him? [06:36] : he does [06:36] : he knocked up a virgin he hates homo's and women
[06:36] : What? [06:36] : bull shit [06:36] : nice man [06:36] : not [06:37] : Thirtydayrisen, if I ever encounter something "troubling", I'm pretty sure I have the ability to handle it myself without the help of Santa or Jesus or Gummo
[06:37] : Just keep telling yourself that. [06:37] : I don't lay down and say "oh jesus why have thou forsaken me?"
[06:38] : lol [06:38] : You just keep telling yourself god is there then
[06:38] : I'm sure if someone had a gun to your head and you had nothing, you could get out of that easy
[06:38] : Neither do I [06:38] : God wouldn't save you [06:38] : If God existed why would he intervene?
[06:38] : because he loves you? [06:38] : yes [06:38] : did he not love all the others who die each day?
[06:38] : RIght [06:39] : He loved each and every one [06:39] : it is there time if they die [06:39] : not me [06:39] : did he not love the people in the Oklahoma building when it exploded?
[06:39] : i'm a woman [06:39] : no [06:39] : does he not love the victims of Ramirez?
[06:39] : NO [06:39] : he has a greater plan then anie1 can c
[06:39] : he loves each and everyone of us on this earth
[06:40] : there's no questioning of who he loves [06:40] : how do u know did he tell u? [06:40] : why didn't he intervene when Gacy was about to kill thos people, what makes you think he'll help you, what makes you think you're an exception?
[06:40] : yes [06:40] : Your blaming God on something you KNOW he didn't cause
[06:40] : well God will show you his love if you just let him and listen
[06:41] : BUt you say there is no GOd so what's your explanation
[06:41] : if god caused that there would have be a glorius thing not a bloody bombing
[06:41] : I'm not blaiming anyone, i'm just saying that you think god would help you if a gun was put to your head, you just said that
[06:41] : it wont happen [06:41] : you wont be helped [06:41] : you can help yourself [06:41] : not rely on "god" [06:41] : No, God had a plan and whatever happens happens [06:41] : sure [06:41] : why makes you not believe? [06:42] : the plan is to kill as many people as possible and as painfully as possible?
[06:42] : dog is right [06:42] : I could care less if I got blown away, because I know God has someting in mind
[06:42] : if you pointed a gun at my haed and asked me if ibelived in god and you killed me he would bring me up to him
[06:42] : You think this life means something! [06:42] : what is God's plan with cancer and AIDS? or is that just a work in progress? was he just experimenting with them?
[06:42] : no [06:42] : well jesus died on the cross [06:42] : why can't we die for God? [06:42] : Let me tell you this is a VAPOR! [06:42] : jesus died for each and everyone one of us
[06:43] : Thirtydayrisen, if you got blown away to day then God's plan was to kill YOU
[06:43] : ha [06:43] : it's true [06:43] : RIght! [06:43] : well if it's his time to die then let it be
[06:43] : And I would be with him! [06:43] : we wouldn't care since we know where we're going
[06:43] : and that would be in heave with our Lord
[06:43] : we hab heaven 2 look 4ward 2 when we die
[06:43] : praise the lord marilyn manson [06:44] : Thirtydayrisen, you say I think this life means something? yes, i think it does. If your life doesn't mean anything then you should make it mean something
[06:44] : there is no scape [06:44] : ha [06:44] : NO, this life is spent doing what God calls us to do
[06:44] : catpenis [06:44] : That is to show love unto you [06:44] : Thirtydayrisen, so what God is calling you to do is to talk in a chatroom?
[06:44] : And right now I'm doing a poor job [06:45] : God wants you to play around in this chatroom?
[06:45] : and I wish I could do better but I'm falible, [06:45] : to convert you [06:45] : jesus don't want me 4 a sunbeam [06:45] : He can't convert me [06:45] : he's trying to show you the grace of God
[06:45] : hey [06:45] : go outside and convert others [06:45] : Dog can do anything, but you don't know that [06:45] : hey poet [06:45] : God [06:45] : Greetings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ Most High
[06:46] : I can do anything, thankyou [06:46] : u mean chris cornell? [06:46] : Dog can do anything [06:46] : ha [06:46] : God can do anything, [06:46] : You know what I meant [06:46] : AMEN [06:46] : I love you, Mr Stinky Edmunds [06:46] : If you just let God do his miracles then you'll see it
[06:46] : yeah like knock up virgins [06:46] : but you will turn my words around [06:46] : What miracles does God do? the tornadoes and the births?
[06:47] : Are babies being born the miracle of God?
[06:47] : Is that what you want? A miracle? [06:47] : no [06:47] : hey everyone [06:47] : I want no miracle [06:47] : Then what is it? [06:47] : I want an example of a "miracle of God"
[06:47] : Are you just testing me? [06:47] : yes, this is God testin 1-2 1-2 [06:47] : Why? [06:48] : haha [06:48] : well you have to let God show you [06:48] : What's the use [06:48] : Give me an example of what is a "miracle of god"
[06:48] : tell me, don't show me, it's simple
[06:48] : type in one miracle [06:48] : You claim you'll never believe. What are you looking for?
[06:48] : to annoy you [06:48] : fun [06:48] : something to reach 10 [06:48] : f**k your god your lord and your christ
[06:48] : I got one hour to go [06:49] : I find no annoyance [06:49] : I find love [06:49] : Love in you dadf [06:49] : your dad loves you [06:49] : THat's right [06:49] : sodomises you? [06:49] : lol [06:49] : I'll give you a miracle [06:49] : hoo started dis room? [06:49] : the antichrist [06:50] : If you died and went to heaven and God said "touch my penis", what would you o?
[06:50] : do? [06:50] : I have o go urinate [06:50] : he wouldnt 2 start w/ [06:50] : you give me the answer when i return
[06:50] : Well being a christians we wouldn't do that
[06:50] : MP [06:50] : think about it, it's going to happen
[06:50] : NO [06:50] : we have to learn to respect the Lord [06:51] : I will not give you the answer because it is not a viabel answer
[06:51] : I mean question [06:51] : viable [06:51] : buddy [06:51] : It's not a question that's going to further the conversation
[06:52] : A viable answer? what were you going to fuckin say? that you would lick God's penis also?
[06:52] : hey wolf [06:52] : hey what's going on everybody? [06:52] : r u anti christ? [06:52] : do i have to be? [06:52] : No, only that God wouldn't ask that question [06:52] : yep [06:53] : NO you don't [06:53] : yes u do [06:53] : this is the anti christ channel [06:53] : I'm probably the only Christian here because the others got scared
[06:53] : sure [06:53] : im here [06:53] : Ok [06:53] : think of yourself as an "elite" [06:53] : good [06:53] : I'm not skeerd [06:54] : no, I think God as elite [06:54] : Thirtydayrisen the elite Christian
[06:54] : If God is an elite then who are his competitiors?
[06:54] : you? [06:54] : right, what are the isults for. Still not able to give an arguement that works?
[06:54] : what inseluts? | |