drukqs.com has changed again | xltronic messageboard
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drukqs.com has changed again

Baron Von Picklefoot from The keep me under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-24 11:37 [#00017570]

The site has changed again or maybe I havent been checking
up on it lately


dirty little bitch on 2001-07-24 11:46 [#00017573]

nah, it' been like that for a while now.
it's dudley moore and peter cook doing 'derek and clive'
saying cunt alot.
they made a load of money doing that - saying cunt that is,
wait for it....
saying cunt is funny.


Baron Von Picklefoot from The keep me under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-24 11:58 [#00017577]

Ok my bad I just havent checked it a while thanks


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