dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 09:48 [#00017531]

i am ashamed of people on this site. sometimes you act like a bunch of right elitist wankers.
most people here are just joking about, but there are some people who can not take a joke. and then some people take things personally - i mean, how can you take things seriously and personally off a computer nerd a thousand miles away. and then you ask phobia to systematically start banning people. you people make me sick.
from Sweden on 2001-07-24 09:57 [#00017534]

...actually, I don't care if someone ask me to ban another visitor...
...people who screw things up are not welcome here...remember, this is a private website maintained by me on my spare time. it costs me a lot of money and time.
i'm currently busy with "real life issues" and came back quite lately and saw this mess...lots of pointless messages...makes me tired.
from Sweden on 2001-07-24 09:58 [#00017536]

...oh, did I mentioned I don't like people "joking about"...?
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 10:01 [#00017538]

so why does wizard (sorry wizard, i do like your work) get nothing but praise for 'joking about'? it would seem that there was hardly any point to alot of his posts.
does this site have a selective sense of humour?
from Sweden on 2001-07-24 10:03 [#00017540]

...I can't believe you're actually defending those "jokes"...?!
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 10:08 [#00017542]

yes i am. cos they are funny. maybe they aren't funny to everybody, but that's no reason for people who don't get it to get all defensive and start moaning..
it's the people moaning on this site that provokes slanging matches.
from Australia on 2001-07-24 10:08 [#00017543]

there's a difference between a "thought-out-play-on-words" and "show us your dick fukface!!",.. that is as far as our selective humour goes,.. someone is being creative,.. another is being disruptive,.. sorry that we care about the quality of the content on this site,.. but we do
from Sweden on 2001-07-24 10:10 [#00017544]

I agree with you, Tek. Wizard has proved his skill on playing with words...others have just found out how to read/write and only know a few words.
Please, continue with those jokes somewhere else.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 10:12 [#00017546]

explain the 'disruption' that occurs when someone says "show us your dick fuckface"
i don't understand. take me through what goes through your mind when it happens.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 10:13 [#00017547]

oh and 'show us your dick fuckface' is not something i think is particularly funny, i think that was just an example provided by tek.
from Sweden on 2001-07-24 10:17 [#00017548]

What's the point with a sentence like that?
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 10:18 [#00017549]

i don't understand the disruption caused.
from Australia on 2001-07-24 10:20 [#00017551]

It's like seeing a used-to-be clean highway,.. and people start throwing trash around,.. and then people start saying,.. "well it doesn't affect you so what does it matter" the magnitude of this stupidity is really getting to the point of polluting this messageboard,.. it's to the point where you can't ask a serious question without getting a thousand stupid answers,.. and that is where this site has gone to hell,. It's a like a little brat butting in on a parents conversation,.. and when he's ignored he starts playing up,.. only noone is there to give the little kid a smack,.. so that is what we're trying to do,.. by verbally stating the stupidity of what these idiots are doing,.. unfortunately it's not working,.. so more drastic measures may have to be done if we're to keep this board apart from the rest of the filth the riddles other messageboards
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 10:28 [#00017553]

Phobiazer0: I hope my email did not throw you off or something? Angry? Frustrated? I try and keep cool at most times, sorry for being an "ass" to others when I should shut my mouth, I defenitly thinks its no good to have people being idoits on your lovely board.
from Russia on 2001-07-24 10:28 [#00017554]

But if Phobiazero don't wanna ban somebody how he will fight with this "jokes"?
from Australia on 2001-07-24 10:31 [#00017555]

that's what I mean when I said "more drastic measures might have to be taken"
fresh and wet
from devon on 2001-07-24 10:59 [#00017560]

u fucking dirty bitch we want u 2 post us a message
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 11:52 [#00017574]

tek - here you are complaining about pointlees posts, and there you are taking full part in the "battle of the wittlessness" post.
fuckin up for anythin
from devon on 2001-07-24 11:58 [#00017576]

what the fuck du u want u fuckin whore all that we want to do is lick u out cause we lesbians,and we want to suck ur baby out cause all we want is fresh young meat
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 11:59 [#00017579]

now, really. i don't agree with that.
from Australia on 2001-07-24 12:13 [#00017586]

the difference between the two I already stated,..
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 12:14 [#00017587]

yes. well done. but you did't explain the 'disruption'
from Australia on 2001-07-24 12:17 [#00017592]

see the reply I made at 11:20 for that
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 12:19 [#00017594]

oh i see....you did try and explain.. but all you really did was put 'disruption' into a load of other words.
well done.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-24 12:23 [#00017599]

once apon a time, i myself tried talking serious stuff on this site, but got pissed off with people talking shit. but soon after, i figured "if you can't beat them - join them"
the point is, i didn't decide to moan and complain like a little girl, and cry my eyes out to phobiazero.
that is all i have to say.
from Australia on 2001-07-24 12:37 [#00017609]

I am in no way angry, or sad, I just think that people who try to get others angry over the internet must be pretty dumb,.. because anybody with more intelligence would realise that getting information of people rather than telling them off can be a lot more useful towards both parties,.. and when other people get in the way of that,.. the only assumption I can make is that they are too stupid/immature to really add to the community as a whole,. and this is one of the rare places that has that virtue going for it, so when this sort of thing happens I think to myself "what a shame"
rubbish john
on 2001-07-24 13:03 [#00017612]

you think 'what a shame' and then you complain. and these people that dirty little bitch is defending don't set out to make people angry, they set out to have a laugh and make others laugh.
just because you don't get the jokes, don't give you the right to request they get banned.
fresh and wet
from devon on 2001-07-24 13:29 [#00017614]

your the fucking whore that fuck's ur teddy at night and were gona cum and give u sum up the arse
rubbish john
on 2001-07-24 13:51 [#00017618]

go on then.
from Russia on 2001-07-24 15:39 [#00017634]

Tek don't talk with this bone heads, only say to them - FUCK OFF!
sorry, but i'm a cunt!!
on 2001-07-24 15:53 [#00017637]

well done mescaline. like your style. concise and to the point. fuckin' arsehole.
Alfie Noakes
from Barking on 2001-07-24 19:58 [#00017655]

To all the banal juvenile "jokers" who post on this board:
Trust us on this, YOU'RE NOT FUNNY.
tit, fuck, cunt. SNIGGER SNIGGER. Yeah right. You guys are 13 / 14 aren't you. There are sites DEDICATED to your "humour" so do us all a favour and stick to them.
I'm sure EVERYONE on this site likes a good laugh, but not to this because IT'S NOT FUNNY. Derek & Clive, yeah THAT'S funny, not this.
Aphex was ripping into exactly your kind of shite with the Windowlicker video. Remember that.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 23:14 [#00017679]

This is retarded.
from Australia on 2001-07-25 00:07 [#00017685]

Alfie Noakes : Exactly my sentiments
It's useless talking to someone who won't listen,.. so I won't post in this topic anymore,.. if you don't agree with us by now than you simply aren't listening,..
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-25 01:47 [#00017698]

[REFLEX] I agree with you. I laughed and laughed some more as I read this thread...I find that all of this complaining about "bad taste" is just as pointless and boring as the the jokes and gutter-minded humour that you're all complaining about! Understand?
I'd rather hear some sick shite than have to read all the retorts from all of you "squares".....everyone relax....nobody is forcing you to reply to this garbage....by complaining, you are playing into the hands of the people who put all the crap on here....so show your maturity and don't respond to the childish ramblings !!!! I believe that topics can still be sustained with all of the crap filling the cracks...selective reading!
Phobiazero: If you thought you wouldn't get losers on this site, you were dreaming....c'est la vie!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 02:14 [#00017703]

All you have to do is shutup and don't respond anymore do their crap. Phobiazer0 will clean up the shit thats left over {ie: the people making all this horrible mess/noise on this lovely board}.
from perth on 2001-07-25 02:18 [#00017704]

what about spamming?
i think anthands is the only person who oculd ever beat wiz at that stuff, you know....yes i said BEAT!!!
cmon fight fight
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 02:23 [#00017707]

Look.... this is so fucking stupid. Here iam defending people who are "against" this whole freak show of morons and idoits trying to ruin this board, maybe they aret aware but this is turning into a fucking yahoo teen chat or something where anything goes and no one cares. thats NOT what this is. THIS is a place for people to discuss AFX and AFX related things.. even to stray off topic is fine, and has been done many times before. But I mean there are topics people have started merely out of the fact that they want to piss people off and get people angry enough to start topics like this one. Blah Blah Blah...
Some of you don't care and don't take this seriously and figure "what the fuck" to almost anything that goes on here, yes he try and have fun and be serious as well.... but you people have to realize that {if your being an ass on here all the time} that you actually RUIN it for the others..... ive been coming here for a long time with many others, many... you are actually ruining it for real live people, that is a shame. And yet you don't seem to care and think its funny. Grow up, get a life and stop wasting your/and our time with your boring, stupud immature crap. Ive heard more intellegent things out of a fucking 3 year olds mouth. Now for those of you that read that and think "fuck that.. dfjsdlfjsdlkj your stupid" sure.. think that, your just ignorant, and quite nieve. Leave this board, go find some place where people con't care. Bercause here the majority of people DO care and DO want people like YOU out of here.
I can't stree this enough, its getting old and really bad actually. You can't go 1 day without ruinig someones posts, or copying someone, or saying some really stupid immature stuff.
The people that want this board to be fair, nice and like it was before are angry at those of you who make it SHIT. Something has to be done,and Iam sure it will be.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-25 05:20 [#00017713]

You can tell that people who listen to aphex twin are intelligent. This sounds like the founding fathers of the constitution (of U.S.), finding the best way to govern the people. *salutes* Hmm, are people basically good or are people basically bad? What a nice democracy, ruled by the people.
from perth on 2001-07-25 05:49 [#00017718]

so.............spammings ok then???
sorry mate i totally agree, just wanted to have a joke......and spam some crap, sorry!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-25 05:56 [#00017721]

Huh? Whatever.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-25 09:27 [#00017754]

This thread should be erased
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