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slvmachine on 2001-07-23 06:31 [#00017205]

The new Aphex Twin 30 track double album "drukqs" has been
Track list:
01 jynweythek ylow
02 vordhosbn
03 kladfvgbung micshk
04 omgyjya switch7
05 strotha tynhe
06 gwely mernans
07 bbydhyonchord
08 cock/ver10
09 avril 14th
10 Mt Saint michel mix+st michaels mount
11 gwarek2
12 orban eq trx4
13 aussois
14 hy a scullyas lyf a dhagrow
15 kesson daslef
16 54 cymru beats
17 btoum-roumada
18 lornaderek
19 penty harmonium
20 meltphace 6
21 bit4
22 prep gwarlek 3b
23 father
24 taking control
25 petiatil cx htdui
26 ruglen holon
27 afx237 v7
28 ziggomatic v17
29 beskhu3epnm
30 nanou2
This is all has so far. No release date
yet, unless it's been posted somewhere else. Personally, I
hope with this album RDJ has reimplemented some of his
earlier sounds, like I Care Because You Do, which is my
favorite AT album. Not that I'm complaining, drill n' bass
works for me.
How's everyone like the new Squarepusher album? So far all
I'm heard is "My Red Hot Car" and "Boneville Occident", both
of which are pretty cool. Last winter I was in the states,
looking to get Hard Normal Daddy, and I couldn't find it
ANYWHERE. I got Feed Me Wierd Things and Selection Sixteen
instead. Good stuff.
Well here's my RDJ top 5 list, in no particular order:
1. Flim
2. Xthal
3. Schottkey 7th Path
4. Wax The Nip
5. Mookid
That's all for now.


m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m on 2001-07-23 07:01 [#00017208]

nanou2? excellent...


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-07-23 22:50 [#00017427]

do you guys seriously take the track listing literally? i
mean, fuck half of the shit you can't even pronounce... i
don't believe, i need to see the track listing w/my own two
eyes. why the hell should i even trust my eyes though?


Harry Dean Stanton on 2001-07-24 00:18 [#00017432]

Why the hell would you reply to everything you read then? If
you don't believe it, then you don't believe it......


The Grey Gentleman from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-24 00:59 [#00017437]

Didn't we have this complete conversation 2 weeks ago?

Or am I thinking just


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 01:03 [#00017440]

knowing you you're probably thinking of joyrex the nerve of
you is utterly unbelievable


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 01:27 [#00017442]

what the fuck!!!? you fucking bitch, stop using my name, and
stop pretending to be me. im fucking pissed off. its


Lt. Gerbal Malone from the Woodchip Cage on 2001-07-24 01:38 [#00017443]

What the fuck are you on about now, Reflex?


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 01:43 [#00017444]

What the hell does it look like? Someone is impersonating


Lt. Gerbal Malone from the Woodchip Cage on 2001-07-24 01:45 [#00017446]

Which post wasn't you?? the swearing one?


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 01:48 [#00017448]

knowing you you're probably thinking of joyrex the nerve of
you is utterly unbelievable

i didnt say that, thats stupid. i would never say that.


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-07-24 05:02 [#00017492] fuck it...if no one will answer with their own
opinion what the fuck. how are you supposed to learn about
others? if you all would like to contribute your opinion on
the listing, that would be cool.


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 05:11 [#00017493]

Quoth: geez... hm... well I think that the song titles are
weird, but they do seem quite possible for track names from
The Aphex Twin... doesn't it seem that way to you? Not like
others ofcourse.. but still, to me it seems as if its really


Anal Creamer on 2001-07-24 06:24 [#00017498]

The list comes from


Beef FOg from io on 2001-07-24 06:45 [#00017499]

Yeah the track listing was confirmed already i thought...


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-24 06:57 [#00017501]

yeah we know that.. but he was discussing or rather we were
discussing the track names... believeable or not.... like if
they sound like AFX usual old self.


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