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Droog from Cornwall on 2001-07-22 15:06 [#00017078]

Does anyone like the new Radiohead album Amnesiac? If so,
what tracks? If not, why not?!


chicken paste man!! on 2001-07-22 18:34 [#00017096]

i love it!!
although' i'm not too fond of the last track.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-22 19:56 [#00017106]

i love all of. my particular faves are "spinning plates",
"pulk", and errrrr.. uhhhhh this is hard.. well i like them
all the same after that.


The Grey Gentleman from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-22 22:26 [#00017137]

I'm lazy.

I've heard good things about Kid A and such, just been too
lazy to go to the record store and buy it. I hear its very
electronic, but that could mean many things.

Anyone fancy giving a description of this album (and


dirty little bitch on 2001-07-22 22:28 [#00017139]

'very' is a strong word...
more 'uses a bit of'


ross on 2001-07-23 00:03 [#00017161]

i think its great, not as good as kid a, but very nice..i
think pull/pulk is terrible though..


Clobe Smith from over here on 2001-07-23 03:24 [#00017180]

amnesiac is good, but kid a is great.

i attempted to get tickets for the hollywood bowl yesterday,
but by the time i finally got to the window, the only
tickets left were "obstructed view." i didn't want to spend
$45 a ticket for a band i cannot see. oh well, when i
walked away from the window, i heard them announce "we are
sold out." the sold out hollywood bowl in about 35 minutes.


Moses on 2001-07-23 11:23 [#00017279]

It's another piece of quality from the boys from Oxford.
Particular faves are 'Crushed Sardines....'
'Pyramid Song'
'Dollars and Cents'
'Knives Out'


Moses on 2001-07-23 11:23 [#00017280]

It's another piece of quality from the boys from Oxford.
Particular faves are 'Crushed Sardines....'
'Pyramid Song'
'Dollars and Cents'
'Knives Out'


Bn1 from New Zealand on 2001-07-23 11:30 [#00017288]

Amnesiac has some okay songs on it, but Kid A is crap.


chicken paste man!! on 2001-07-23 11:31 [#00017290]

bn bn der der de der der bn bn der der de der der de de der
de de der ....
shut it bitch!


hollie and laura from england on 2001-07-23 13:05 [#00017307]

were very horney dirty littel bitch


dirty little bitch on 2001-07-23 14:00 [#00017327]

fuck off you pair of toothless slags.


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