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File Sharing

Xanatos from NYC on 2001-07-21 21:04 [#00016999]

What programs do you guys use to share MP3s/Other Files?
And Why?


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-21 23:07 [#00017015]

I strictly use FTP to share files, and believe me I share
MANY files with people. Got some contacts around the globe
that trade with me constantly, Ill always have something new
to listen to. Sometimes I even forget what some shit sounds



Xanatos from NYC on 2001-07-23 07:08 [#00017211]

Cool...I assume I can't do that so easily however.


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-23 07:23 [#00017219]

Well you know me now.. I trade, and share whatever you want
to call it.


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-23 07:49 [#00017223]

I use cuteFTP to do that sort of thing,.. but I use
audiogalaxy to get most of my music,.. if anyone wants the
full version of that program e-mail me,..


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-23 07:49 [#00017224]

(full version) cuteFTP not audiogalaxy


Tek from Australia on 2001-07-23 07:49 [#00017225]

(full version) cuteFTP not audiogalaxy


rob fragilenine on 2001-07-23 08:00 [#00017228]


It's pretty good, there's full version programs as well as
music on there...


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