Dead Simian
from Ill Zoo on 2001-07-18 14:24 [#00016289]

As the original Chimp, I would like to hand the mantle of the name over to the genius who decided to clone me... I'll be posting under several different names now, for a lark. I hand the Chimp crown to my good friend the Clone. May he prosper with it.
As way of proving my Chimp credentials - Wizard's Teeth, the other day, I tried to e-mail you a photo, and it fucked up bcuz of stoopid Hotmail.
This is the LAST post I'll make under this name. Any further posts made under this name are bogus.
Big up clone. Hope things work out for you soon.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-18 14:29 [#00016294]

As the real Chimp Systems I can honestly say the post above was not by me. And anyway, I'm not as obsessed with talking about email as my intellectually disable clone.
Best wishes to you, Clone. And I hope you have much fun talking of email.
Catpenis and chillpills, your erotic pal, Chimp.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-18 14:30 [#00016296]

Right! That's that sorted! Who wants to look at my winky?
Dead Simian
from Ill Zoo on 2001-07-18 14:32 [#00016298]

The other day I sent an email to my mum and it was fun. On Tuesday, I sent an email to Wizard and it was fun. I dedicated my entire Saturday to sending emails and it was fun.
Wizard, did you my email? nevermind, I had fun sending it. I hope you have as much fun looking at the photo as i had sending it.
Email for life, the original Chimp.
from U fucking K on 2001-07-18 14:34 [#00016300]

The photo didn't work, Chimp. Read the top post again. Hotmail fucked it up. You're not making this fun.
Dead Simian
from Ill Zoo on 2001-07-18 14:37 [#00016306]

Don't worry about it. I had fun sending the email. I eat scrotum.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-18 14:38 [#00016307]

Dead Simian
from Ill Zoo on 2001-07-18 14:40 [#00016311]

from Beeps on 2001-07-18 14:41 [#00016312]

Calm down, son.
Bronx Idiot
from Montreal on 2001-07-18 14:46 [#00016318]

To the clone: You're not just fucking up the Chimp name now, you're fucking up the whole board. I don't spose this will get thru your adolescent skull, but do you not find that a bit fucking sad? Are there problems at home you wish to share with the group?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 14:47 [#00016319]

so simian - you still going to the V & A museum?
Space Ghost
from Mars on 2001-07-18 14:52 [#00016324]

Different name, same person... Yeah, I still don't know where to get tickets though, have you got any ideas. Someone told me (it may have been you) that it was a sit-down ambient affair rather than a mentalist freakout ting. I dunno, if I'm skint I might just go to the Weatherall/RDJ night a couple of days later.
Accept no clones, by the way, I'll answer in a new name. I'm sure you'll be able to spot the difference anyway...
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 14:53 [#00016325]

the v & a thing is only five bucks!!!
Bin Juice
from Vest Midlands on 2001-07-18 14:58 [#00016328]

£5? Oh fuck it then I'm going to both. Do you know where to get tickets? Im a-gaggin'.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 14:58 [#00016329]

does this mean that, now, that anyone who is called chimp is a fuckin' prick of pig wanker.....
"i wank pigs and i love it!"
on 2001-07-18 15:00 [#00016330]

chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 15:03 [#00016331]

oh, tickets....... ????? i'm thinking it's not a ticket event... but i'm fucked really if i know... i'll have to gat back to you....
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 15:05 [#00016333]

get get get get get get get get gtet gete etegetevbeggetegetegtegteteg
Sheep For Me
from Next to the Coca Cola Town on 2001-07-18 15:05 [#00016334]

hello, my dear. we went off for a little cheese and now we stuck. what to do my friends? ps: no ansfers from po{e} or po{e}'s friends, please.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 15:08 [#00016335]

you see - none of this would have happened if you just fucked off the cheese and went for a nice cold pint of chicken paste instead.
from Milan on 2001-07-18 15:11 [#00016336]

... zZz... zZz... zZz... zZz... zZz...
chicken paste man!!
from Schmockhausen on 2001-07-18 15:14 [#00016337]

sorry, das ich so blöd bin. es tut mir leid, sir. es tut mir so sehr leid, dass ich mir gerade eben selbst gegen das bein gepisst habe. verzeiht mir alle. bitte, bitte bitte.
ich kann nichts dafür, meine hormone sind etwas in wallung geraten.
Außerdem ist mein NAME total beschissen.
Rephlex Disco Assault System Inc.
on 2001-07-18 15:15 [#00016339]

Who u like that????
Rephlex Disco Assault System Inc.
on 2001-07-18 15:20 [#00016340]

Fuck!!! How u like that???
How u like that???
on 2001-07-18 15:23 [#00016343]

Rephlex Disco Assault System Inc.
from your mouth on 2001-07-18 15:25 [#00016344]

You're boring me.
How u like that???
on 2001-07-18 15:26 [#00016346]

are you sure? not die, but eat cheese.
Jerry Sadowitz
from Oil Rigs on 2001-07-18 15:28 [#00016347]

Am I sure you're boring me? Yes. Stringing random words together to make a 'nonsense' sentence stopped being funny when I was about 13. Use you head.
from Rephlex Disco Assault System Inc. on 2001-07-18 15:33 [#00016350]

That u like How?
It's ME!!!
I don't like cheese, maybe chickennnnn until man!
chicken paste man
on 2001-07-18 15:54 [#00016354]

vergessen - you are a big massive bogie hangin' from the nose of a tramo called gerald, who is particularly fond of caressing his balls in front of children.
yeah - real clever "i'll right in german and slag him off and he won't even know what i'm saying - do'ya see what i'm doing? clever, eh?"
you sad little shit pie.
chicken paste man
on 2001-07-18 15:57 [#00016356]

tramp!!!!!! write!!! shite and damned chin bollox.
Veil of Evil
from a big skip on 2001-07-18 16:03 [#00016357]

Clone, your attention to detail is miserable. Chicken paste man has two exclamation marks after his name. And he's funny. Do try and keep up, you look silly my boy.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-18 16:12 [#00016359]

no serious mate it's me, i'm on a diff. computer as my boss (he's a total little bitch) has stationed me else where at the moment. and i forgot the !!!!!!!!
oh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuckoh fuck!!!!!
sorry. you gotta beliebe......believe me....shit! eh......you won't will you..... well see if i give a fuck!!! but to the german shit - smell my arse!
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-18 19:20 [#00016387]

That toothcock shit was funny
Crispin Glover
on 2001-07-18 19:29 [#00016388]

The Toothcock thing was very fuckin' funny. I think it's my best work yet. Once I fucked up actor Victor Varndo(he was the guy that shatters in End Of Days). To see my work, check out www.bestalbino.com. I'm "Bob Dole", "Oliver Baker Sear", and now when I type in Victor Varnado as my name, he changes it to "Imposter". I love you Victor Varnado.
Crispin Glover
on 2001-07-18 19:31 [#00016390]

It's on the message board. www.bestalbino.com
Varnado was also in Julien Donkey- Boy, his new film is a comedy with Eddie Murphy. And if you don't know who he is, he's a black albino actor and he's very funny.
from Denmark on 2001-07-19 16:38 [#00016595]

is it the one that actually looks a bit like aphex twin!?
Boris The Dog
on 2001-09-23 05:20 [#00035555]

Whatever happened to that email man Chimp Systems? He said he was going to post under another name or something, he's probably dead now.
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