on 2001-07-18 07:04 [#00016109]

okay, i know what you're saying.."what the..?" recently i watched a pee wee herman live video, where it was a show in front of an all-adult audience..the movie was full of hints to sex and dirty things in various things, as well as it was hilarious with various other jokes and skits including a letter from a fan in israel saying "if you want to learn more about our country, read the bible"..my point of this thread is, i used to think he was just some childrens performer, but Paul reubens is a brilliant man..i saw pee wee hermans big adventure (directed by Tim burton of nightmare before christmas and edward scissorhands fame) and some of it was definitely not for kids, it can be appreciated on a higher level for people like us..basically, i'm trying to say if you can check out these films do..you may see something funny that you wouldn't of noticed as a kid..
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-18 07:14 [#00016114]

Heh heh heh. I watched a lot of that stuff. That truckdriver-ghost lady was pretty cool. And that giant that chased him with a big wrench was nice. I also liked his character, he was a complete pantywaste, and yet he had this tough quality where nobody would want to fuck with him, like that fat guy that he gave trick gum to. That bike was cool too. I think it was the missing "skycycle" that aphex dropped in the snake river canyon...
on 2001-07-18 07:17 [#00016116]

the ghost lady was tim-burton stlye i thought, the way it was pulled off..her face just blowing up frightened me..twisted sister made me laugh "you're gonna burn in hell!"
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-18 07:22 [#00016119]

I even liked peewees playhouse, that talking chair, all sorts of crazy lunacy. Someday I'm seriously going to purchase a lot of stuff like this: Fraggle Rock, teletubbies, barnie, peewees playhouse, smurfs etc. There's just something very very wicked about it all. I think they're all linked somehow, with some evil common motive.
from KC Missouri on 2001-07-18 07:22 [#00016120]

What the hell dude, this isnt some big relevation. Pee wee has always, and will always be the man. I saw him on Jay Leno and he said he has a new childrens pee wee movie coming out and an adult pee wee movie coming out too.
on 2001-07-18 07:25 [#00016122]

sorry d-hex, ive only discovered this recently..sad i know...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-18 08:16 [#00016136]

hmmm I remember his show on Tv! back a long time ago, it was ok. He was EXCELLENT in the movie BLOW, if you haven't seen it go do so!
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-18 09:43 [#00016165]

Am I right to say that Pee Wee was caught messing around with his own parts in a rude movie cinema.
So fuck I say what are people expected when watching such films ? Study the plot and admire the exquisite acting skills, I think not.
Pee Wee go on my son, keep on wa*king.
I do agree that Big Top Pee Wee and Pee Wee's Big Adventure are amazing films.
I would love it if he makes some more films.
At the start of one of the films mentioned there is a scene at the start in which Pee Wee is getting ready in the morning. He tapes his face up in the bathroom, this is one of my favourite movie scene.
I will be checking them out over the weekend.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-07-18 10:24 [#00016176]

pee wee is great! i will forever have the image of him after the tequila scene riding off on a harley (or whatever), losing control, and slamming into a bill board. hahahaha
i have a pee wee t shirt. it has him playing with a little metal robot. it usually gets confused for a bong by some of my friends though.
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-18 19:10 [#00016382]

WOW! i´m so glad other appreciate the masterpiece Pee wees big adventure. the part where his bike gets stolen and its like everything turns on him.
its a great movie. funny as hell.
he is in that movie "Mystery men" 2. wich is also a great movie. did anyone catch it!?
i to would like a pee wee herman t-shirt.
i´ve earlier reffered to this danish program, called "Casper & the mandrill agreement".
they got this thing where they show just a glimpse of this movie, and then the host screams "ACTION PACKED PEE WEE" three times. that was good.
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