from Santa Fe, NM on 2001-03-21 17:00 [#00001289]

what is the best equipmewnt for making music dood/?
from insecure garden. on 2001-03-21 18:08 [#00001290]

What kind of music?
speaking of which, what type of equipment would be the best to start on mixing stuff. i try to do stuff o nmy computer, but cannot find any programs that fit what im looking for. IS it just that my standards need something that doesnt exist, or am i looking in the wrong place?
from wünderland on 2001-03-21 19:41 [#00001294]

the best equipment?.. hmm.. most stuff are generally good as long as you make something good out of it. but i never use acoustic instruments myself, i just manipulate circuits and stuff like that, i only use software that allows you to modify the sounds, virtual synths and stuff... but i´d say that in the end, we will have to use all the instruments we can get, you know...
from KC Missouri on 2001-03-21 19:51 [#00001296]

If you are a beginner like me, I started with something simple - MTV Music Generator. Me and my buddy have made about 50 songs on it so far, and the quality is pretty damn good. Its really easy to use although your going to want something more professional eventually.
from argloo on 2001-03-21 19:56 [#00001298]

well yeah. thanks for the input. i figured as much, just making the most out of what you have, right? manipulating what you have to sound like you want it. i foudn a few nice proggies for mac sound manip at http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/mac/ some of the stuff is exactly what im looking for. neat.
from somewhere in the u.s. on 2001-03-21 20:14 [#00001299]

mtv generator is definetly cool, except my damn memory card keeps getting erased! computers definetly have the ease of use, but i think they are an easy way out for making music; good if you have a small budget though. i think you feel more removed from the composing process with a computer. it feels much better to be able to tap buttons and twiddle knobs. so equipment is the best in my opinion. i got my mc 303 the other day. now i'm going to get a tr 707, sp 202, and some kind of keyboard synth.
does anyone know of a good MIDI sequencer device i could use? and maybe a keyboard synth too?
from somewhere in the u.s. on 2001-03-21 20:17 [#00001300]

kidtrash: i noticed you live in santa fe. i live in los alamos (about fifty miles away). i didn't think there were any "locals" on this messageboard.
from wandering on 2001-03-22 04:38 [#00001315]

hevquip, what do those pieces of equipment do that you listed. i am obviously a newbie to this stuff, i want to get my hands wet, but want to know a good starting point...
if you could email me, that would be excellent. dexitron: dead.goth@thefragile.com
dj fony
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-22 07:11 [#00001316]

If your looking for "real" equipment (hardware) give you a few tips..... first lets start with your price range.... lets say less than $500:
go on ebay and find a roland mc-303.... it was my first and you can get them for around $225 to $300 They have a built in 8 track sequencer and all of there tones/programs are editable.... I bought my little bro one to get him started and he loves it.
Also there are the electribes (both cost around $250 to $300):
the er-1 has got some crazy ass beat capabilities because it use analog for 4 of the percussion parts and then you have the sampled (but editable) hihats, claps, and crashes. I HIGHLY recommend this instrument to anyone seeking an aphex twinish type sound... I use it myself in my new mixes.
Then the electribe EA-1: it uses analong modeling capability to come up with some crazy ass crystal meth to autechre (even though they use the nord lead you can still immitate some of the sounds they use easy) to aphex twin.
For around the $600 you can have both of these and be well on your way to pumping out some kick ass tracks! And even though the ea-1 has a polyphony of like 1 :) a computer can solve that very quickly giving you the edge on making some in depth crazy ass sounds.
Moving on to more expensive equipment ($500-$1500) I recommend getting a korg ms2000... you can make ANY sound you want from it.... I got mine from ebay for $650 and it is beautiful. They sacrifice the great sound capabilities in this piece for the polyphony which is only 4 :( but its all good! Like I said before... with computer OR a good sampler you can make some rich tracks.
But if your into the NORD sound ( i.e. your a huge fan of autechre;)) Then go get yourself a nord lead 2 rack (or full size board, whichever suits your studio needs) you can get those for around $800-$1200 (depending on rack or board)
And for everyones info (if anyone cares) the remix I did of "on" I used my korg n-364 for the melodies and my computer for the beat.... and the to cure a weakling child (cured) mix I did I used an epiano on my mc-303 plugged into a DOD guitar distortion pedal (cool eh?) for the opening part :) the n364 for the melodies and the computer for the beat (this is all before I got my ER-1 EA-1 and MS-2000) If you want to hear some of these instruments in action then look below.
http://www.mp3.com/djfony go to my website and find the songs below to hear the stated instruments.
"Phased Out" is using the ER-1 on the beats and the ms-2000 for everything else except the piano which is a mix between the ms2000 and the n364.
"Urchin" and "Soothing Static" use ONLY the mc-303 (for those of you who dont believe in the power of the groovebox ;))
"In the Middle" actually uses a roland g-800 (which I DONT recomend ANYONE getting! I was lucky to squeeze out that kick ass filtered to all hell piano sound from it!!)
"Reminisce" and "Schizoid" use only the mc-303 and only ONE tone from it (just different octaves and a little twist of a knob here and there :))
dj fony
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-22 07:11 [#00001317]

damn i typed all that?!! damn!!
dj fony
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-22 07:14 [#00001318]

btw HEV DO NOT GET THE SP-202!! I had one and it isnt all that... save up about $200-$300 more to pick up a e-mu s2000 (i think its emu?) its got much better polyphony and everything!
Wizard MaC
from Holland on 2001-03-22 12:12 [#00001325]

The cheapest way is to download some free programs from -for example- HITSQUAD.COM.
Here you will found all sorts of software, from trackers to synths to plugins etc.
But I 'm thinking of buying a hardware synth with lots of midi capabilities to make my tracks more alive and to use in combination with my computer, maybe the YAMAHA AN-1X. (Hey, doesn't Richard uses that one???!!) Check the AN-1X on harmony-central.com for more info about that!
dj fony
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-22 14:39 [#00001326]

From what I know richard has been building his own synths since he was in hi pre teen years :) I dont believe (but I could be wrong) that he uses ANY store bought analog synths. Ive seen his setup before.... everything is homemade not a single brand name on anything.
on 2001-03-22 22:57 [#00001335]

anyone read the Future Music interview with RDJ? I missed that one...
Torley Wong
from Vernon, BC, Canada / WWW.TORLEY.COM on 2001-03-23 00:12 [#00001339]

i don't know, i don't want to sound like i'm jumping to any conclusions BUT --
it sounds like a Korg MS-20 to me on some RDJ tracks like "Digeridoo". not to mention classic analog drum machines like the Roland TR-808 on numerous Surfing On Sine Waves (under the alias Polygon Window) tracks -- that cowbell, or at the very least, a sample of it, is unmistakable. something along the same lines goes for SAW '85-'92...
i have no doubt Aphex Twin is brilliant, but i certainly don't think he makes *everything* himself. gear is a tricky issue, i leave it up to personal preference and what your needs are as a unique individual. :)
from australia on 2001-03-23 10:37 [#00001359]

On computer, I have the popular program "frooty loops" which I use to make all my music, and it has a 3xOsc and a ts404 emulator,(I have no idea what the numbers mean or what they are) but how does it stack up in sound quality, and where would you get the REAL instuments from, I live in australia, so maybe I'm just a couple of years behind in technology (as always) but I havn't seen anything of the sort in any of my local Music stores, I'm saving up for a $1,500 keyboard (I'm guessing 700 euro or pound or whatever) but this seems like a better option, any more info would be greatly apreciated, fanku |:)
from australia on 2001-03-23 10:42 [#00001360]

(bit more explaining to avoid confusion) I can't buy stuff online (such as ebay) unless it's pay-on-delivery , so that's not an option,
Wizards Teeth
from Inside A Palace Made For Bees on 2001-03-23 11:47 [#00001364]

I am a fan of the programme fruity loops.
I have heard version three is available, does anyone know what extra options this version has ?
from none on 2001-03-23 13:49 [#00001366]

fruity loops version three has a free subscription to playboy
from Australia on 2001-03-23 22:46 [#00001383]

Extra Options in frooty loops v.3 : New Layout Real Time Editing of "knobs" (ie. If you press record wgile listening to your song through and edit anything {such as volume}) It will keep it next time you run the song normally
you can save the ts404 sounds, "Plucked" sound device plug-in makes anything from a sitar to a gituar (makes string noises)
Beep map (makes noises based on a picture or spectograph (whatever that is)
sim synth: Where you can make heaps of different noises, 3xosc : a sound making thing that sounds like midi in my opinion
Piano roll: the big daddy, this thing enable you to make complex "chords" and other things as well as color coding everything for your convinience, (if that defintion isn't clear just download the program
But it definitely is a big step up,
from Canada on 2001-03-23 23:46 [#00001387]

Where can you get fruityloops v.3? any info would be appreciated! thanks
from Australia on 2001-03-24 10:11 [#00001426]

try typing "frooty loops" into a search engine, or try www.frootyloops.com,
Wizard MaC
from in a tree on 2001-03-26 10:48 [#00001522]

Reply to Tekn010G: If I had the money I should buy the Yamaha AN-1x, because this synth is a monster for it's price! It has A LOT of possibilities to edit the oscillators and it's even possible to record the knob-twiddling in a patch!
Also great possibilities for performances, lots of knobs etc. (Check vintagesynth.com for more information)
And to everybody: does Frooty Loops have more possibilities than a tracker like TraxVox? Is it compatible to VST?
(Fruity Loops seems to be popular here)
from San Jose, CA on 2001-03-26 11:05 [#00001523]

Okay, Okay, so I've had an MC-303 for a while now, but can someone take my under their wing and help me use it with my computer. Basically I want to sequence with Cakewalk 9 and just use all the sounds on the MC-303.
I'll make it worth the while for help. Mp3's, programs (cakewalk 9 for instance), sexual favours, whatever.
Oh, and btw hi Torley Wong, ltns. Hey Torley, I noticed that there is there a song floating around on napster called 'Aphex Twin - Robert Miles RARE DUET' BUT it is not either, in fact it is one of your songs... might want to investigate.
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-26 11:05 [#00001524]

all you need is a computer, cubase VST, soundforge and a keyboard (analog preferrrabelly), software is the future for music, real instruments have had their day!, game over. he he :)
PS, could someone tell me where to get fruityloops 3 with the free subscription to playboy?.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-03-26 11:08 [#00001525]

hey alan, email me and I can help you with the playboy thing...
from burnip lane on 2001-03-26 11:26 [#00001529]

i think fruityloops is a bit lousy.. please dont hate me..
Wizard MaC
from beardy coconut on 2001-03-26 12:17 [#00001535]

Hey ALAN FLIFTON, you use Cubase. I know Cubase is a bigger program than Cubasis, but do you know how to make phat beats in Cubasis? (Is there an editor in version 3.7 or do you know a VST-plugin to make beats??)
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-26 12:37 [#00001536]

Wizard, Sorry mate i dont know how to make fat beats in cubase, i dont think its possable.
There is a plugin for VST you can download called beat creator...i think!, but its not that good. All it does is overlay a kick, snare or high hat over a sound that you have already.
I used it before to boost up a week drum wav that i had.
I normally find drums on the net and twist them in soundforge. :)
from Australia on 2001-03-26 22:31 [#00001552]

I'm almost certain that you can just go to their homepage and download the latest version, why don't people look anymore? (no offence, just making a point)
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-27 09:33 [#00001614]

latest version of what?
from Kentucky on 2001-04-03 21:48 [#00002460]

Don't rely on what has been built before: ---->Native Instruments' Reaktor.
No longer must we rely on manufacturers to build musical hardware. We now can build any synthesizer or other audio device that could ever exist to suit the needs of any type of musical composition. Some that couldn't even exist. Limited only by your computer. It may not be the end all of everything, but is certainly is a beginning.
Try the demo first. Reaktor is $350. Try the demo first. Reaktor is complicated. Try the demo first. Reaktor is not ReBirth. Try the demo first. Reaktor is VERY CPU intensive. You will need a decent computer.
I love hardware, though....
--->jimBeam me up, Scotty
from Australia on 2001-04-03 23:33 [#00002474]

I "was" talking about the latest version of frooty loops, but that was ages ago
from Lincoln on 2001-04-04 00:53 [#00002479]

Fruity loops blows ass! You guys really need to get all analog and just be able to record on to the computer. ALL ANALOG=ALL BETTER. TRUST ME! Although, I don't have all analog stuff, i have some... TR-606, TB-303, MC-505, DR-202, SP-202, JUNO-60 (ALL ROLAND), CASIO SK-1 & SK-5, YAMAHA XP:) The only thing I use a computer for is recording, for that Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 03:38 [#00002487]

the setup i use to create my music is: - fasttracker II v2.09 - acid - SAWPLUS 32 (multi-track recording) - Wavelab (mutilation of sounds) - Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0 - An old Casio keyboard fed through a ZOOM 505 guitar effects pedal (don't laugh, it produces the most incredible hard synth sounds)
- 3 guitars, one of which is acoustic - A violin which i haven't used yet - Soundblaster Live (its cool 'cos it has tons of realtime effects and multitracking capability)
- Goldwave (the best program for fucking up your sounds with ring mod, etc...)
- Various sounds sampled from keyboards/drum machines that i repair
- Rebirth (for those analog drum sounds) - A whole heap of guitar effects (distortion, chorus, flanger, pitch shift, delay, eq)
- None of the above - All of the above
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 03:38 [#00002488]

the setup i use to create my music is: - fasttracker II v2.09 - acid - SAWPLUS 32 (multi-track recording) - Wavelab (mutilation of sounds) - Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0 - An old Casio keyboard fed through a ZOOM 505 guitar effects pedal (don't laugh, it produces the most incredible hard synth sounds)
- 3 guitars, one of which is acoustic - A violin which i haven't used yet - Soundblaster Live (its cool 'cos it has tons of realtime effects and multitracking capability)
- Goldwave (the best program for fucking up your sounds with ring mod, etc...)
- Various sounds sampled from keyboards/drum machines that i repair
- Rebirth (for those analog drum sounds) - A whole heap of guitar effects (distortion, chorus, flanger, pitch shift, delay, eq)
- None of the above - All of the above
from Australia on 2001-04-04 03:41 [#00002489]

yeah,.. I'm gonna buy a synth soon, but I'll probably still use frooty loops to sequence stuff though,...
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 03:48 [#00002490]

does anyone know how to get a good replica of that warm string sound used in 'rhubarb', 'i' and the end of 'xtal'?? I've tried heaps of stuff, but the closest I could get was on a Casio CT-570 synth pad sound with long attack time and long release time...
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 03:50 [#00002492]

hey tek, wanna go on that aphex room again?
from Australia on 2001-04-04 03:53 [#00002493]

rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 03:57 [#00002494]

ok, if anyone wants to join my chat room, it's at www.start.com.au and the room is called aphextwin.nu...
from Australia on 2001-04-04 04:24 [#00002495]

my computer f**ked up and restarted, it said it was "dangerously low on resources", That's what I get for not resarting it in 5 days, but anyway give us your e-mail again and I'll send you those samples
rob aka bucephalus
from australia on 2001-04-04 05:17 [#00002499]

from Australia on 2001-04-04 08:45 [#00002510]

you should have them by tomorrow,
Francizek Peotrivich
from Perth, Scotland on 2001-04-04 19:45 [#00002558]

My arse makes this excellent "Trump" noise from time to time, and no its not for sale.
on 2001-05-14 05:06 [#00006305]

Mt rig is always getting bigger and yes, analog is best!!!! i've got a korg polysix a univox maxi-korg a multitiude of gee-tar effects like the digitech whammy II electro-hamonix big muff pi a good old crybaby wah a radio shack midi keyboard for a basic controller a boss dr-5(the onboard sounds aren't awesome but the built-in seqeuncer rocks!) which controls an sp-202(which gets a bad rap but i bought it super cheap and when using midi to trigger samples taken of the poly six it is awesome)
and a whole assortment of guitars and basses which i record to computer or four trak or sample and make loops and fucked-up sounds with
an old school 486 computer for MIDI sequencing and for managing my midi stuff.......
on 2001-11-02 04:46 [#00047873]

HEy Jimmy Beam from KEntucky - u still here
U got Reaktor? If so could you please tell me about the sampler, as it - like you know. or could you just confirm my suspicion: that you can custom make the interface/sampler 32Bit virtual/ etc.
um .. like i mean like how does sampler on reaktor compare to Battery (all in a box ready to go) ???
Currently I am contemplating whether I should get Dynamo (later to be upgraded to Reaktor) + Battery .. or whether i should just take the plunge and get Reaktor ???
Oh and the dynamo instruments, are they the same as the Reaktor instruments .. and is there a standard sample instrument, just for starters like (or sampler marco and shit)
I kind of supsect all this but it would be nice to get a confirmation. Fuck i am going all fucken wet from just talking about the possibilities and that.
from bat country on 2001-11-02 07:19 [#00047883]

I love sound forge, you can do so much with it. i had a djx and i plugged it into the computer. the cool thing with the djx is that you can take parts out of each style pattern. and tweek it out, change the bpm, add effects. but with sound forge i was able to combine different parts of the styles to other ones. just by changing the bpm. and i would add effects, chop up, distort different parts of the styles. it was quit fun, but i spilled beer on the djx x. and now it is dead. so im going to get something better (the djx is shit by itself) but i made it useful. im also regreting selling my friend a few years ago my tb-303 for $300, its on e-bay now for $850 "DOH!!"
www.mp3.com/aktium (djx was used on some of these songs)
from bat country on 2001-11-02 07:35 [#00047884]

ya guitar peddles are excellent for synths, it creates a whole new level of sound manipulation. i use 4 right now, flange, distortion, delay, sampler, plus you add the effects on a software program, the possibilities are endless. I LOVE MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC!!! there so much you can do. i just need to get some more toys. i think i will always use my bass guitar for most my bass lines. its so much easier, i just loop a drum sample and kick out a bass line, then just add effects, samples and it goes on from there. oh yeah, i remember i read an interview with mike parandise (wrong spelling probablly) you know, mike from mike and rich "expert knob twiddlers" saying that richard doesn't make his own equipment. but i really don't think it maters if he does or doesn't its what he produces that is important. i don't care if he makes all his sounds from farts, he is still a genious and he has been a major part of the soundtrack of my life!
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-02 11:54 [#00047939]

Techno Ejay 2+ is pretty cool with its built in sound generator you can create a track made entirly of your own samples within an hour or two.
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