Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-17 14:02 [#00015852]

i was thinking about this the other day. Why are someone against Aphex twin being played at mtv and the fact that more and more people like him?
please explain. i came to the conclusion the other day, that i had been doing something, and not knowing why. for a time i hated the Prodegy and the people who liked them (!) because they where "Famous". and i started thinking WHY! Theres no doubt that a track like Smack my bitch up rocks big time, but still people (wich was me for a time) hate them for being to commercial. but isnt it about the music? actually the prodegy is the reason i today like aphex twin. i remember when fat of the land just came out i borrowed it from a friend, and liked it a lot. Aphex twin was only the next step. i think without the prodegy, i could have been one of those poor sods who had the chance to get into aphex twin, but never bothered because he/she where to busy listening to their oasis records (now there are some people i hate, but this is because they are talentless gits)
the musician tom waits describes what he calls being "The right amount of famous". enough to sell records, and to little for everyone to rave about on the street.
what are peoples oppinions on this subject? has aphex twin become to famous?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-17 14:04 [#00015854]

i agree with you mate. have a glass of chicken paste.
John Wayne Gacy
from dead on 2001-07-17 14:15 [#00015860]

I hate when artists become extremley commercial because they have, i guess, stigma. A sort of thing that comes with it. You know how when you hear a song, for instance "Stuck In The Middle With You", when I hear that I think of that scene in Reservoir Dogs, but that's not really bad stigma. Do you remember when Come To Daddy was released, there was the girl that likes shit bands like Travis, Coldplay, and Limp Bizkit, and she also thought that "scary midget video" is "wicked."
What if Aphex Twin, for whatever reason, bedame extremley big amongst the omish community? Then you'd associate Aphex will them, you'd have "the song that they build their houses to" and the "song they eat their poridge too."
I have no idea what the fuck i'm talking about.
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-17 15:48 [#00015887]

me neither
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-17 16:14 [#00015892]

Two points:
1) Richard himself has said he doesn't want to be well-known. I actually believe him when he says this. I think he's elaborated on this in some of his interviews, but I can't be bothered to go back and paste some of them.
2) I think becoming more "mainstream" generally causes you to push fewer boundaries, even if subliminally, to please the status quo.
Hell, and when they're less famous, you don't have to deal with EVERYONE and their uncle talking about them 24/7 ;-)
I do not live and breath Aphex, and I reckon I don't think about him a lot, either. I AM however, tired of hearing how good Linkin Park & Limp Bizkit are...
from Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-07-17 16:39 [#00015902]

The thing with Richard is that he was on that brink of becoming really famous, at least in the States, back in '97 or so when the "Come to Daddy" video got hype and rotation on Mtv. I mean really, if he had wanted to he probably could have taken full advantage of it, become a big (rock?) star, possibly led a new music revolution...but it would have probably ended up becoming played out and stupid, as is what usually happens when Mtv and mainstream radio take a scene and protitute it mass-consumerism.
He dropped that video right after the Prodigy came out and there was all this talk of Electronica as the next big push in music since everyone was played out on 'Alternative' music...but Aphex didn't take the bait, and for that I have even more respect for him. I mean really, he probably makes a fair amount of money, but he could've made a shitload more and become a worldwide mainstream phenomenon if he'd wanted to.
Then again, maybe I over-estimate the intelligence of the record buying public...could someone with music as complex as Aphex Twin appeal to a mass mainstream audience? A lot of people were probably fooled into thinking "Come To Daddy" was what all his songs sounded like, so who knows?
I'm just ecstatic that he's finally decided to release something new, and I hope at the very least that the new album gets some exposure and maybe add on a somewhat larger fanbase, sort of like rock bands like Radiohead or Tool or NIN have. Just loyal fans who are intelligent and like good music.
on 2001-07-17 16:47 [#00015904]

once at school, "Milk Man" was playing and someone, who really likes 'come to daddy' and hasn't ever heard any other aphex except for windowlicker, said "what's this shit?"
on 2001-07-17 16:51 [#00015906]

fans like radiohead has? radiohead fans are probably the worst fans in the world, they're alwasys complaining how their new albums don't sound like ok computer. "oh.. i wish they would just copy the bends again, i really liked that album." Radiohead fans are shit. I hate that girl from Texas saying, about Thom "if you wanna make music for yourself, go back and stay in your fucking room"
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-17 17:06 [#00015923]

STEPS are more underground than APHEX?
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 17:15 [#00015928]

I'm sure that STEPS aren't underground because they want to be.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 17:18 [#00015929]

Right, this is the real Chimp Systems. Well done mister clone, you've chased me off the fucking board. I give up. Have your hollow little victory you brave little man. I used to love coming on this board, but phukit, I guess I've had it ruined for me by some sad, bitter little shit. Well fucking done mate. Big up yourself. Nice one.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 18:13 [#00015951]

Finally my clone has given up. I was really sick of that guy copying me. You've made the right choic, clone. When you return to the board under a diffrent name, remember, I'll be waiting.
Love and chill pills and radical catpenis, your erotic pal Chimp.
on 2001-07-17 20:18 [#00015982]

penis- a lot of radiohead wish they would go back to ok computer, which is extremely sad..kid a was a damn fine album, as was amnesiac (though not as much so as K.A.) radiohead has a lot of dumb fans because they started off as a quite normal alternative band that just kept on getting more complex and interesting..to think some people prefer pablo honey over anything else they've done *sacrilege!*
on 2001-07-17 20:19 [#00015983]

*a lot of radiohead fans i mean
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-17 20:23 [#00015985]

In short, with the MTV/Come to Daddy craze, Rich could've pulled off a Beck.
Take one formerly "underground" artist with amazing recordings, plaster him all over MTV for a single song, and then have him "sell out" and make shit pop music, and dress like an Alice in Wonderland version of Marilyn Manson. Where is Beck now? Not really doing anything different...
Rich may or may not be along these lines of thinking, but I'm glad to see that he didn't go that route when Come To Daddy hit the MTV craze.
I really do appreciate RDJ's imperfections and abrasiveness in his music. I think his slick melodies overlaid onto noise override my impulse to eject his CDs and chuck them out my window. But on the other hand, if they were just slick melodies without the noise, it'd probably sound like Yanni.
Then again, I wonder why I'm typing so much about someone else's life when I have so much of my own to live/deal with ;-)
(See Beck's One Foot In The Grave, a truly excellent album. Experimental folk punk with edgy riffs. See anything after Odelay for pure shit pop. Odelay at least made my day wit the cool Moog riffs.)
Disclaimer: I've never heard any of Yanni's music, and all I know of him is that he plays piano at the Acropolis, and looks rather 1980's Hall & Oates Butt Pop queer.
Disclaimer #2: I like queers
Disclaimer #3: But not in a biblical sense ;-)
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-07-17 20:51 [#00015999]

why would i want radiohead to make o.k. computer part two, when i all ready have part one? radiohead is cool because they try new things. (much like aphex twin, right?)
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-17 22:04 [#00016024]

I can agree with most that you say, but reversly, Come to daddy pappy mix was what got me into aphex in the first place!
Oh yeah, and windowlicker video. and the remix on NIN further down the spiral.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-17 22:19 [#00016029]

i'd smack someone in the mouth for saying that Album B doesn't sound like Album A enough. people that say that have no clue as to what music is. i think music is about retaining the personality and evolving the sound. if you listen to all of rdj's stuff, it sounds different, but you know it's his sound. if artists made music that sounded the same as the day they started making music, it would feel and sound outdated.
on 2001-07-17 22:58 [#00016046]

i quite like beck's mutations album though..right now beck seems to be treading a lackluster path..his live shows, while amazing, usually entail the same songs, with few new tricks or cool parts
from Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-07-18 03:45 [#00016071]

I apologize for starting the furor over Radiohead fans! I just assumed they were like me in a way. I've followed the band where they've taken me and been quite pleased. I've been an Aphex Twin fan for a few years and was ecstatic when Radiohead released Kid A cause there were traces of Richard all over that album.
But, sadly, my procrastinating ass still hasn't gone out to buy Amnesiac. The only Radiohead album that I really have a problem with is Pablo Honey. The songs are somewhat mediocre, but hey, it was their first album. They progressed. They didn't get stuck in the same formula and they are still progressing, which is why I love them dearly.
So, I wish that all fans of Radiohead would be patient, and not pass imediate judgement on the direction the band is going. I can see how someone who worshipped O.K. Computer might disregard Kid A on the first spin, but keep spinnin' it and it will grow on you.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-18 04:49 [#00016083]

Hm I get to go now.
- Yes. I think that sometimes people get too commercial and it gets to them in a way that they sell them selves out, I would never make music for the "people" thats, I think when people start to lose their original creativity and stop thinking about specificly them, and I guess some of you call that "selling out". Whatever.
Really though, I don't think that AFX is that famous, and that thing with MTV, they do that here with MuchMusic, they hype every video and make it sound so cool to watch, even though they hate most of what they have to play, regardless its their JOB to make it seem like they love it, hence Vj's. {video jockey}
Selling out is a ROUGH topic because its really opinion based, what you think someone did is selling out or whatever, one may think otherwise. Its kind of pointless to actually discuss it, at all really. I don't think AFX has sold out or ever will, in my opinion he just does whatever he feels like for himself, hes quoted as saying thins like he just makes whatever he wants, and puts out whatevers around at the time. There is only a small amount of people that go into the business to become super famous and all that glamm/buzz shit. Most have that attitude "ill never sell out" and shit.
I think that selling out, for me is being a hypocrite of your old ways, even if you are famous, you can stay the same if you really care enough, thats not selling out in my books.
on 2001-07-18 06:53 [#00016103]

OK computer is a great album, headphones make it even better.
I like both kid a and amnesiac but i still need time to figure out how much. Radiohead makes records in wich one day you don't care much about some track but another day something clicks and you just go "Oh my god this is awesome!! how come i didn't realise this before?"
I love pablo honey... it's a more honest and direct album than the bends.. it's.. yeah, Rock :)
i've only seen the come to daddy video once... and i think it was on some garbage special or something like that were they played the videos they like. aphex is not really known where i live (mexico) you could say it's pretty underground shit, the people who listen electronic music only know stuff like *gulp* paul oakenfold.
and i'd really hate if suddenly he's known by everyone.
and i wish radiohed became underground hahaha
on 2001-07-18 07:15 [#00016115]

I can relate to that radiohead tracks suddenly hitting you at points.."packt like sardines.." on the new album, ive always liked, but for some reason, sometimes it just hits me hard, others it's good, but excellent under other situations/moods.
Radiohead have damn good bsides too..the pyramid song single is amazing..im getting a little addicted to buying their singles recently, im excited about the knives out one (though that song is one of my least fav. on the new album, but the bsides are always interesting)
on 2001-07-18 08:41 [#00016146]

Mates what tha fuck?! I wanna see him every day on every chanel, I just wanna say to this chicks who like Britney and BSB - FUCK YOU!!!! A LOVE MUSIC OF APHEX TWIN. I can say this now. But they can answer me: Whose that fucking Aphex?
I wanna Aphex's video to damage their brain, I wanna Aphex's sound to burn their mind! :-))
Something 'bout Prodigy, thankx to them, without them i've never became listen music like Aphex.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-18 13:17 [#00016235]

Clobe Smith is a pretty good example of a bad Radiohead fan.
on 2001-07-18 19:06 [#00016381]

I think what clobe wanted to say is that radiohead don't repeat themselves, so his "much like aphex twin, right?" does make sense.
and he has a point why make OKC2 if you already have OKC?
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