from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-15 10:47 [#00015176]

What job{s} do you people have? I have recently been job hunting for yet another job, and its been such a bitch, but ive got an interview tomorrow for a promising job as a cook. let me know what your job is, and why you like it or hate it.
My old job was construction building ceilings in houses, it was shitty.. really shitty, 10 hour days, 5 days a week.. except you get payed tons of cash, like 13 dollars an hour, {canadian money}. thats really nice. But I hated it too much, hot - long - boring - hard working days.
wizards teeth
from inside a monkeys pancreas on 2001-07-15 12:29 [#00015182]

I work for a Newspaper.
Not for an actual newspaper, for people who own the newspaper
from New Zealand on 2001-07-15 12:47 [#00015185]

I work Night-Shift for a Newspaper in town, pressing buttons and fucking around with loud bitchy machines from a bygone era.
and it sucks, for the hours I do the moneys good, but considering the stress and health concerns its not so nice.
from Denmark on 2001-07-15 13:36 [#00015206]

I used to put up books on a library. i did it for about a year, and i just quit two days ago. i must say this is an ok job, cause you get payed well after some time there, and you learn at the same time. i know the alphabet sickly now, and a lot of writer and shit. that was good. the boring aspect is only being together with middle aged single women all the time!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-15 21:51 [#00015257]

AH! Well... seems interesting enough I guess, im going in for my intereview in 45 minutes, hope things go well for me! if i get this job it will mean more money comin in on a regular basis.
from some where on 2001-07-15 23:04 [#00015281]

i am a garde manger chef assistant at a very fancy hotel called the Mandarin Oriental (they have a web site some where but who cares)...
bill gates is staying at the hotel i work at...
Brian Potter
from over here on 2001-07-15 23:24 [#00015288]

i whore myself as an assistant manager for projection and box office at a mulitplex.
if you don't mind being held responsible for millions of dollars of equipment and counting thousands upon thousands of dollars all while being paid slave wages, it's a good deal. (i'm not bitter or anything)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 02:30 [#00015316]

Yes the world wide dream of doing the work of a corporation and getting fucked over for the money.. what a great dream it is. I can't wait to start work, I went for the interview and it went well, he wants me to call back for positions next friday. Shit yeah.
from perth on 2001-07-16 04:44 [#00015324]

mi a computer technician who has no idea what he is doing
so they hired an assistant for me. now he does all the work.
well most of it
no shit!
on 2001-07-16 07:20 [#00015347]

i work third shift in the computer room of a credit card company, running files through our system and writing down dollar amounts on a piece of paper. it's a boring job, but it pays well, and i get to fuck around online all night long. i'm about to go to second shift, so it'll be better then.
from KC Missouri on 2001-07-16 07:27 [#00015348]

I babysit kids at the YMCA,,,,,,,,great times.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-16 07:33 [#00015351]

I hate my job. I'm an "apprentice electrician" and to become an "electrician", I have to suffer through 5 years of ittiotic classes every tuesday and thursday for a fat ass chunk of each year. Currently our job is bid by "time and materials". This means that you go to work and do nearly nothing, so that the company can suck as much money out of it as possible. We work at schools, installing some necessary part for the internet they're putting in there. I often go hide in a classroom and read all day, the foremen and often general foreman don't care really. They want you to hide. This sounds great, and I suppose is a great temporary scam, but it won't last long. The sucky part is the TIME. 8 hours of this, naturally, every day. Plus an hour drive there, plus an hour drive back every day, plus 6 hours a week for school, plus some saturday labs. Plus the ittiotic potty humor social construction worker environment. I want to become a mail man, because they are loners most of the day. That would be heaven compared to this, but it will take up to 2 years until I get that job. Basically, I want to be a loner, maybe a library job would be good. Those bastard electricians make 30$ an hour when they turn out though. I just don't want to live a life like that.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 07:46 [#00015359]

Wow - seems more and more people share this common hate for their job, I mean why not!? it makes sense in so many ways.
i used to work construction as I stated before, that was a bitch and a half. .. argh enough of this business, im going to go play the new FINAL FANTASY CHRONICLES! It has FF4{really 2} and ChronoTrigger!
Seeya >:D
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-16 07:51 [#00015361]

Fuck yeah, I prefer to retreat from reality and spend as much time as possible making lame music or playing videogames. That reality is so much better. The only reason I don't kill myself in that other annoying reality is that I have the other one to look forward to. I think I'll go play Contra3- the alien wars. This is completely neurotic behavior, I'm aware, but I don't care, considering the state of human affairs.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-16 07:56 [#00015365]

It's so unnatural to have jobs specifically dealt out to people. "Hey, I'm the hamburger flipper. I flip hamburgers. All day. Eight hours a day. I'm GoiNG TO KILL YOU!!!" Your whole fucking life spent flipping burgers. If evolution designed you for this purpose, one of your hands would have evolved into the shape of a big spatula, and you'd probably have fun doing what you do.
I wish evolution was never able to create creatures as intelligent as us. Hunter/gathers had it made, working on average 2 hours a day.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-16 08:10 [#00015369]

Your job sounds perfect for me. How does one pursue this job?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 08:44 [#00015373]

hm interesting the way this is turning, well yea I think that all of us would love the dream job, or rather get paid to do absolutly nothing, to get the fat D's.. rather the fat $$$$$$$$$. Either way, I need to work for my cash right now cause that aint gonna happen for a long ass time. Some people do go crazy and shoot others because of their job you know. heh.
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-16 08:47 [#00015375]

I work for a software development company in Germany.
on 2001-07-16 08:53 [#00015377]

to be honest, i'm not sure how i got this job. i applied as an operator (taking calls and transferring them all day) and then i asked if i could do something involved with computers. they put me here. i know the idea of getting paid to sit on your ass sounds great (it did to me too, at first), but trust me, after a while you get VERY sick of being so lazy, and besides that the people i work with are in no way creative or interesting. they make me endure 80's hair bands all night long, if not 70's porn music.
from Milan on 2001-07-16 09:27 [#00015385]

I have a firm, we repair industrial machines like excavators (Caterpillar), Aerial Platforms, elevators, etc...
I'm writing from my office.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 09:33 [#00015392]

\/\/ooÆ’erAttack?!!!: that sounds quite interesting, how do you like your job? What are the details of your position? how did you get it?
from . on 2001-07-16 09:51 [#00015397]

Self-employed web designer
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 10:22 [#00015407]

Oh yeah well I do also do some graphic work on the side for various people, every once in a while I get someone emailing me from within my city asking me to do something. I know some people at a Cyber café {they own the place} its a great place, with a great location.
If your starting out as a web designer, or artists,or anything digital get to know people at a cyber cafe. it helps, and can bring in business
on 2001-07-16 12:37 [#00015456]

yeah self-emplyment really rocks. I wish I could do that. But I dont have the brave... :)
on 2001-07-16 12:46 [#00015460]

i'm a pipe organist who does Weddings, etc...
from Denmark on 2001-07-16 12:55 [#00015467]

I know how yall feel about hating doing nothing!
I´n my job, i was quite good putting those books up after some time, so i could spend some time reading and shit, while getting paid!
But it became so boring..
I did read a fascintating book, wich is the kind youre to shy to take home yourself
"The multi Orgasmic man"
try it... it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exclusevly, i worked as a D at a party in my high school!!!
it was like, some girls came up and axed me if i wanted to do it (cause they know i´m good at that kind of shit), and i said "yah". i figured i would do it for free, but i got paid 70 dollars AND free beer man. + i played windolicker + People actually danced to it!!! + i had time to get it on with this girl i´d fancied for quite a lot of time
So i guess you could call that a good night! =)
Theres a wery fascinating education in here in Denmark, actually directly translated means "Tone Champion"!!
its the people that edits the sound on the television media. its about putting music in films, and commercials and shit. Wery exiting. i hope i can get in there eventually!
from Denmark on 2001-07-16 12:56 [#00015468]

I meant to say DJ there. sorry =)
on 2001-07-16 14:20 [#00015476]

My brother plays the organ at weddings.
I'm in limbo between college and university and the moment, waiting to read Philosophy (hopefully). I've been working as a chef in a kitchen hospital part-time for about a year and a half. I'm thinking about getting a full-time job in data entry but I have never used a database or spreadsheet. Ah well.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-16 17:01 [#00015527]

i work for 8 hour days at Los Alamos National Lab. my job consists of data processing, filing, shredding, looking busy, screwing around on the internet, doing other peoples work. i dont get paid well because i am in the student program and they steak $120 out of each paycheck! i really hate having a job because i could be skateboarding or playing video games. i really wish i was wealthy.
from NYC on 2001-07-16 17:44 [#00015550]

I am a clown. A sad, sad, clown.
on 2001-07-16 19:55 [#00015579]

i know someone that works at blockbuster, so i might be working there soon..finally my first job, hopefully no more being poor..
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-16 20:41 [#00015587]

I'm a network/security engineer. It's an okay job, sometimes very interesting. The pay is really really good, so I can afford to buy loads of gear and a big place with an extra room for all of it.
The downsides are: uses too much of your brain. Often, by the time you come home from work, your brain is mush. Well, I guess that's the only downside I can think of, heh.
I wish someone would pay me my current salary to deliver pizzas, that would be quite lush. Don't think I'd ever wanna try to exist solely on money made from making music, though, I'd be broke!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 23:51 [#00015622]

SWAI: sounds very interesting to me man... hm.... i think that i myself could do such a thing, with some practice.
Anyone have any tips as to how they got their jobs? How they found them, got hired?. Any stories from their jobs??
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-17 07:32 [#00015696]

Look up "international brotherhood of electrical workers" anywhere, internet etc. That's the union (and a pretty powerful one) that you join from. I don't recommend it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-17 07:45 [#00015702]

Yeah, my friend is in some union, can't recall the name, but its so hard for him to get fired now, unions work both ways I guess. Oh well.. anyone else with some job info?
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-17 09:22 [#00015729]

i work for a government owned corporation trawling the net hoping to meet animal rapists and poultry abusers???????
from Amsterdam on 2001-07-17 09:50 [#00015740]

i'm a Graphic Designer for an American company based in Amsterdam.
it's an ok job paying well, and...... i live in Amsterdam which makes it worthwile.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from They keep me in a box under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-17 10:52 [#00015769]

I've been trying to establish my own for of society where we all don't run on the hamster wheel of life after the all mighty dollar. Instead I offer that we all share what we have with each other you all can come live with me and we will develop a utopia where we all are happy and have no form of ownership!!!!wait a sec didn't someone already try this ???I take it all back lets all be corporate whores for the rest of our lives WOO FUCKING HOO I'M GONNA BUY A ISLAND !!!!!!
on 2001-07-17 11:34 [#00015781]

i'm a child pornographer
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-17 13:17 [#00015817]

Well, on my job once, theres this cellar at the library where they keep all kinds of shit from the area, old newspapers and pictures and countings and such. there was this couch thingy down there and i decided to lay down for a bit, then suddently one of my elderly co workers pops in and sees it. and then she just walks away as if it was the most natural thing in the world. that was totally fucked up!
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