Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-13 13:01 [#00014860]

Will everyone help.
1. Record many swear words onto a tape
2. Leave a ten second gap at the start of the tape (to allow for escape)
3. Go to Dixons (or another electrical shop )
4. Put the tap in a hi fi and turn volume on full
5. Play the tape and use the ten seconds to leave the shop
6. Swear words will fill the shop
7. If a busy day the staff will not be able to turn the sound off quickly
8.If we all do this at a certain time on a certain day it will be better. At the management meetings the managers will all say to each other, " I bet you cannot imagine what happened the other day……". The other manager will say "Eeeeeeee, that happened at our shop as well".
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-13 13:24 [#00014863]

lol Thats too funny :-)
But I can't do that. Don't have a cassette recorder to tape the swear words and don't know anyone with one...
But I can imagine the shock of the people who work there :-)
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-13 13:31 [#00014864]

I will send you a tape of swear words in the post
on 2001-07-13 13:44 [#00014870]

i am willing to do this, but i dont know any swear words, got any?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-13 13:47 [#00014872]

fuckface and slagbitch.
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 13:47 [#00014873]

I might do a tape saying "Welcome to fucking Dixons! We've got a cunting majestic sale on the bastard TV department, up to fifty shitting per-cent off! Imagine that you slags! Look out for the red fucking sale tickets! Dixons, bitches!" Jeeezus, imagine the faces...
from manchester on 2001-07-13 13:53 [#00014874]

i am willign to do this. AS will several of my friends. I say lets do it :). I will attempt to get it done in every single dixons in manchester :). I will probably need a bit more than a 10second gap tho. SO i can look casual when leave. Just put it on, slip out and wait outside and wait for the hilarious reprecusions he he he he.
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-13 13:55 [#00014875]

Or have some eerie music playing in the background with the following lyrics in an evil devil style voice:
"Do not buy anything from Dixons. If you do I, the three legged monkey man from Peru will visit you when you sleep and will steal your feet to make soup out of, for my sixty children. You will then have no feet and will have to make some new feet out of wood that will then allow you to enter the london marathon. I suppose you will not be need to buy shoes again and you could trick ladies into thinking you have a large member by making large fake wooden feet. Therefore it might be a good idea to purchase something from Dixons"
from Melbourne on 2001-07-13 14:29 [#00014884]

HAHA that is FUCKING hilarious!!! i am willing to try that!
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-13 14:39 [#00014886]

Better record your cuss-junk onto the computer, add wicked noises to it, add some nice stupid background song to it, burn it onto CD, try to find a DVD-player with complete DTS-Dolbysurround-System and play it, for fux sake.
Tapes are a little too hissy I think, so at max volume the tape would be recognizable.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-14 08:57 [#00015064]

I've been interested in the idea of delinquent behavior just to go against the grain of sameness. But I've never been interested enough to actually do something like that, it would be a very crazy experience. There should be a group of highly skilled and intelligent people that do stuff like that. They make a huge elaborate plan to sneak into the OREO making factory and start secretly manufacturing ones that say "Fuck you" or something on the outside. Or fiddle with tickle me elmos and make them say devilish stuff. That would be great.
from manchester on 2001-07-14 10:47 [#00015072]

we did stuf like that lst summer, (not teh elmo or oreo thing, cause we're too dumb to do that) but all the dixons stuff we did. Me and a group of about 5 othe rpeopel led my my mate ian used to run around manchester causing chaos and gettign chased by teh polics :). Itw as pretty gud. Its great goign into Marks and Spencers and askign for testicle heaters. He he he h, then being escorted of teh premises by security guards and asked never to return :).
on 2001-07-14 17:33 [#00015104]

here's a classic, go to the grocery store, pick up a couple cold water adult-sized enemas, wait in line (making strange grunting noises the whole time), and after you get checked out pull down the old trousers and mash your balls into the baggers face.. i did this last summer with my friends at least 20 or 62 times, just mash em all in their face; great fun
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-14 20:37 [#00015120]

I look forward to the tape in the post Wizards Teeth :-)
from Australia on 2001-07-15 02:40 [#00015141]

I gotta try all of this one day
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