rob fragilenine
from aus on 2001-07-13 10:11 [#00014789]

Greetings, everybody. I'm back from my nightmare hard drive crash. My D: drive (the one with my 130 tracked songs on it) crashed the other day, rendering my PC useless. I had to take it out, and now I'm 130 songs shorter. Anyway, this should be a reminder to back up your music, as I'm hell pissed off about this! I was about to back it all up too...
As a result, I'm going to start a project soon where I use as little and cheap equipment as possible. This includes:
1x Cheap electric guitar 1x Distortion pedal 1x Effects unit 2x Cheap Casio keyboards 1x Alesis HR-16 drum machine 1x 4-track tape recorder 1x Cheap microphone
I plan to use this equipment to record some of the most hardcore industrial shit ever, like a mixture of Nine Inch Nails and Mudvayne, only heavier. Sound good? I've already played some of this stuff live by myself and it sounds good!
Everyone who received .XM files from me (in e-mail or whatever), can you please hold on to them? If you can, send them to plegz@yahoo.com.au. I will appreciate it!
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-13 10:14 [#00014790]

Bad news
Maybe this is a sign not to use too much technology
Did you loose that track you were going to send to me.
rob fragilenine
from aus on 2001-07-13 10:16 [#00014792]

No, it's still kicking around on my hard drive, luckily I converted it to MP3 and put it on my E: drive. I shall put it up on a site soon so everyone can download it!
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 10:17 [#00014793]

My equipment's shit as well, 1 knackered old sampler, 2 fucked drum machines, a taped-up keyboard with half the keys missing, a microphone from 1975 and a digital 8-track (which is actually pretty cool). I love shit equipment though, it makes you push yourself more and not just rely on pre-set swanky sounds.
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-13 10:53 [#00014814]

Old equipment looks better also.
"Retro Style"
The crowd are intrigued to see nice sounds coming from strange old equipment.
This week I plan to make many new sounds using special effects. Who wants some sample cds ?
I think we should start swaping sounds. I like giving people new sounds.
I wanna make an instrument out of fruit, I remember when I was young i experimented at school and found that electric currents can pass through apples.
Chimp : Do you have an e-mail as I have some plans for a "wasp-based" insrument to show you.
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 10:57 [#00014815]

Wasp-based? I am intrigued.... You truely are a mad scientist.
My e-mail iiss..
I once made a tune out of smacking two spoons against a bit of cardboard. But a wasp would be a new thing.
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 11:17 [#00014818]

Oh fack. . .
For some reason the IT department at work have decided to block access to Yahoo mail....
Wizard, you'll have to send your insectrument plans to :
Sorry about that.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-13 11:38 [#00014821]

me and my brother trapped a wasp in a champagne glass and then stuffed a mic inside, i then hooked it up to my sampler and effects unit and it sounds amazing, even better
when the parametric lows were boosted up, 500 watts of buzzing madness whoomph
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 11:42 [#00014824]

Does anyone remember the old 1991 hardcore tune 'The Bee' by The Scientist? It had a fucking horrible buzzing bee noise at the start that went right you and made your teeth grind. Bzzzzz it went.
on 2001-08-27 14:22 [#00026260]

I get this song
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