from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-13 03:05 [#00014698]

Firstly, I don't mean to insult you, I'm trying to... protect you. Sometimes you say silly things, and people insult you for it. Most of these things are opinions, and it helps to type, "I think" or "In my opinion" before you say it.
Sorry if this sounds insulting, I think you're one of the better people on this forum.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-13 03:06 [#00014699]

Ummmm... I just realised I should have Emailed that, sorry.
from over there on 2001-07-13 03:10 [#00014701]

|REFLEX|: yer alright by me babe. i think you are fine just the way you are (sappy nad sickeningly girlie, i know, but very true).
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-13 03:16 [#00014702]

Yes, like I say, Reflex is cool, it's just some people are hassling him and filling the board with useless posts...
much like this one...
from over there on 2001-07-13 03:26 [#00014706]

yes.. quite useless.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-13 08:37 [#00014748]

Whatever it is a small amount of these people who chose to do so, it doesn't bother me at all. I thank you for your concern {somewhat} in this matter. Its ok though, its just a short thing, its not a bothersom problem.
I just think that people take everything too seriously. In my opinion I do nothing wrong here.... you as well are a "better" person on this board. Who actually contributes some way you know.
Thankssomuch: you can be that too, instead of some ass with too much time on his/her hands.
on 2001-07-13 11:32 [#00014820]

i don't hate reflex. i hold him in high-ish regard, but now and again i feel he gets a little too big for his boots.
i do believe (pls correct me if i'm wrong)that he has his own website related to afx, a suggestion to all others that he is a big know it all fan, and then he says things like he's gonna smash all his afx cd's because of the issues he has with all things commercial. also he has some strange ideas about music history and talks utter non-sense, and then refuses to believe and then insults anyone who corrects him.
i wanted to correct him on things he said because on more than one occasion he has misinformed people and made a fool of himself, but i didn't want to get involved directly because people get defensive and then start hurling insults.
so i issued a thread of statements made by reflex to get my point across, and then waited...
yeah sure, i bet you all hate me, but i hope that reflex stands corrected and will now think twice about what he posts.
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 11:40 [#00014822]

I agree with your man not-REFLEX there... The only time I've ever dissed the boy was when he got narky with me for correcting his musical-history mistakes, which I only did in case somebody impressionable went away thinking that his version of things was true. I don't dislike the guy (tho I believe he hates my guts), I just think he needs to chill a bit. After all, we're all girls here.
on 2001-07-13 11:45 [#00014826]

ta chimp. big up. at least one person agrees. my work here is done. goodbye.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-13 12:45 [#00014855]

don't go just yet - have a glass of chicken paste for the road....
you deserve it!
fluffy bunny
on 2001-07-13 16:44 [#00014930]

can i have a glass?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-13 20:45 [#00015001]

not REFLEX: No. I haven't "learned" anything. I don't care, what you or anyone else thinks. Anyone can go back and find flaws in something others have said before. Thats easy.
1. Either you have too much time on your hands and for some reason want to do this.
2. You have some weird problem. 3. You actually feel mad and frustrated with my personality on "the internet" that you feel obliged to write and make a post out of this.
Its reterded, and your getting like 1 or maybe 2 people to go "yeah hes cool, but he needs to chill on some stuff" like any of you, or yourself is that much mightier or something lame like that? What the hell is this? Grade School? This is so stupid. I don't start posts about specific people trying to get others to agree.
from philly on 2001-07-13 23:11 [#00015020]

I came to Aphex Twin because I wanted info on the project - maybe advice on a good virgin album - something to start out with since I have to APX album as of yet - I am completely turned off now - and perhaps I should ignore what goes on in these message boards - I just hope the music is not reflective of the fans
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-13 23:22 [#00015024]

Aw: what the hell is that supposed to mean? thas retarded. blah blah blah blah. how the fuck is music supposed to be reflective on the fans? how does this crap have anything to do with music!?. Someone was poking fun at me, and trying to do some lame shit and I defend myself and you come in here and speak out your ass, im sorry but really, what do you call that.
on 2001-07-13 23:25 [#00015026]

preach on :)
from philly on 2001-07-13 23:29 [#00015029]

you are a very angry person..
from philly on 2001-07-13 23:34 [#00015032]

I dodn't mean to offend (although you seem to be a very defensive person in general) but I think that there is some sense it my first posting. I came to this site to learn more about Aphex Twin and all I was introduced to was bickering on the message board - a simple explanation from you (telling me that it was all play) would've been fine but you lashed back at me just as you did everyone else
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-14 00:03 [#00015033]

aw: NO, you see there you go simpleminded, as for myself who is not all knowing, and yes iam simpleminded a lot too, but think about it, your saying that is me who is wrong constantly and that Im the one who is at fualt here, when its the others or rather other for taking judgement on me, again why does this have anything to do with the fucking music???? Tell me please.
Im an angry person, infact today in my real life may be one of the worst in some years. So yes, im angry.
on 2001-07-14 02:25 [#00015037]

Drama is funny.
from Australia on 2001-07-14 11:28 [#00015081]

I respect reflex because he gets involved with things, many-a-time he's posted member's stuff on his site and contributed to various things over the internet, for this type of person to be successful at "being part" of stuff they need to have a much more socially fronted personality, which unfortunately means that he "sounds" like he has a lot of opinionism, but it's just his personality, as long as no-one mis-interprets what is being said, reflex will remain a good guy in most situations, when he does start arguing he says some pretty immature shite, but he's just trying to fight fire with fire, and I just ignore this because I know that he is above all of this, but other people see it and think "what a dickhead", but he's not
from perth on 2001-07-14 16:57 [#00015101]

i dont take anythgin too seriously
reflex is a bruvva! hes cool.
the cunty ppl ar ethe ones who bitch in first place. no springy im not having a go at you - youre cool too.
from perth on 2001-07-14 17:03 [#00015102]

but actually...just reading this.....ref...these ppl arent bagging you.
dont get so defensive. have a pint on me
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-14 20:10 [#00015115]

I think I had 3 last night.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-14 20:18 [#00015118]

Thanks for somewhat defending me you guys, its all good. You know whats up. I do say some shit, ive said that abouy myself before, and Its true, but so what everyone does. Iam very opinionated and controlling over a conversation, I don't like letting people have the upper hand, no. But, thats me. Whatever, Im a good guy,and I contribute to this board, which is more than I can say for a lot of you.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-14 23:25 [#00015126]

I should never have posted this stupid message. I say just leave it alone now.
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-15 00:14 [#00015131]

NO, I have not had my say in this matter yet.
I the bear watch over this board everyday, I go over phases of contributing when I feel like it. In conclusion I do believe that Reflex is a dude, 'tis difficult not making an assole out of one's self when text cannot express tone of voice or mood when being written, which are all as expressive as what is being written itself I do believe.
I just wanted to say something really! 'Nuff said.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-15 01:47 [#00015139]

Ah ok, nice.. well lets end it here I guess, more people will post iam sure though.. ah well.
from Australia on 2001-07-15 02:35 [#00015140]

yep, let it end
on 2001-07-16 09:17 [#00015383]

"No. I haven't 'learned' anything. I don't care"
............there is no helping some people...............
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-16 09:31 [#00015389]

.: ok.
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