dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 16:35 [#00014571]

which sites do every body go to when there.... a. waiting for a reply on here? b. mummys out and the house is empty? c. the scab has just come off??
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 16:45 [#00014580]

i go to www.explodingdog.com. it was a link on cylobs page. some guy makes pictures out of titles people send him. i'll go to www.steakandcheese.com. it has adult content on it, but not just porn (which are weird pictures). it has a picture of a guy that exploded. he's kind of a mound of flesh with the top of his head sticking up. the site also has cartoons and funny pictures. www.rotten.com is kind of the same, but it only has the dead people on it. a guy hit by a train, man with a crushed head, someone who blew their brains out, people shot to death, severed hands and the what not.
Chimp Systems
from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 16:49 [#00014582]

I go to www.tvgohome.com and read the LSD Radio Times.
on 2001-07-12 16:54 [#00014583]

sounds lovely hevquip!!.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 17:06 [#00014590]

rotten.com warp-net of course steakncheese wackymovies.com- check kiddie getting hit by train!
from Seoul, South Korea on 2001-07-12 17:17 [#00014593]

www.hateall.net and www.tunes.co.uk and www.sodaplay.com
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 17:35 [#00014598]

i saw someone get hit by a train on a video from the "banned from television" series. a man and a lady tried to get to the other side of the track, but the train came and the lady tried to stop, but slid and the train smacked her. her body flew at the guy filming it and took out him and the camera. they also showed the condition of central and south america's justice system where they dont put up with shit down there. some guys robbed a bank, but decided to give the money back. well, the cops showed up and shot them in the middle of the street in front of everyone. a guy had a child a knife point, a cop walked up and blew out his brains. at a drug bust, a man came running out of a house, jumped through some bushes and the cop in front of him turned around and shot him in the chest with a shotgun. the man said "aye yae yae", keeled over and a bunch of blood seeped out onto the ground. somewhere in california an old man had robbed a bank. he was pulled over by the cops. when he got out of the car, he was in a sweater and underwear. he walked to his trunk, got out his shotgun, loaded it, put it to his head and fired. you see half his head flop up then back down.
somewhere in the mid-east two guys had raped and killed a girl. so they were chained to a wall and the family of the girl were given guns and mowed them down.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 18:38 [#00014622]

hey hevquip thats the one! i bet you went ooh when you 1st saw it? i showed it to my class and they all went grey???
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-12 22:54 [#00014654]

http://www.darwinawards.com/ http://www.emotioneric.com/ http://www.toiletduk.net/multimedia/pika.swf {I recommend this}
http://www.u8tv.com http://www.fark.com/ http://priceless.bla-bla.com/ http://www.slitfinger.com/ http://www.joecartoon.com/
Click Here To hear something FUNNY! {its mr t}
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-12 22:57 [#00014655]

Oh and you want to see some real death vids? You can get faces of death 1, 2, 3 its a documentary made on death. its extreemly graphic and violent, banned in american/canada and many other places. My friend has a copied version of 2 of the vids. Its some sick shit, car crashes, suicides, murders, animal attacks, train accidents, bombs, war..... its horrible, but interesting to watch. We were watching it with some people and they were throwing up a little bit, I was not.. I was transfixed with the glowing screen of death infront of me.. its so GRAPHIC I couldn't believe it, its 1000 times more sickening than the video of the girl getting nailed by the train, or www.rotten.com stuff.
Actually there used to be nonpay sites for
www.torture.net and some other places too. Oh wait.. here...
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 23:01 [#00014656]

they have the faces of death videos at a video store around here. i had to go to a defensive driving class on court order and the lady had some pictures of people that were in accidents around our town. there was a picture of some girl that got decapitated and was 7 months pregnant. the coroner was holding up the head.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-12 23:03 [#00014658]

Oh really? yeah for my driver training stuff, we had to see a video of death in cars too, it wasn't as graphic as that.. but it did the trick.. to the other students. I was like meh.. I know I know.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 23:08 [#00014660]

back in drivers ed we watched 'red asphault two'. there was a picture of a girl whose head was crushed between the steering wheel and the seat. her knee was also tore open and the bone was splintered and sticking out.
on 2001-07-12 23:17 [#00014665]

i go to www.amazon.com a lot and look at reviews and cd products, as well as imusic.com
from over there on 2001-07-13 02:54 [#00014695]

a. http://www.radiohead.com b. http://www.thesquarerootof-1.com c. that doesn't happen too much, but if i had to choose i site, i'd say: http://meta.am
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-13 15:44 [#00014910]

YOU SICK SICK PEOPLE! THANKS! TRY www.wankinginsox.com
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