JUNGLE A LIGHTER FORM OF DUB? | xltronic messageboard
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dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 15:51 [#00014535]

is it?
why wasnt i told?
Jesus was a shit carpenter he left that to step-dad Joseph!


map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-12 15:54 [#00014539]

i think DUB is more low beats like reggae with deep basses
etc...no ?

humm....jungle is like Dub....but more beats and
faster....no ?


Chimp Systems from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 15:54 [#00014540]

Go see my reply on the Top 5 Albums thread baby...


map[warp/rephlex-aholic] from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-12 15:55 [#00014541]

Chimp System our all-know man :)


Chimp Systems from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 15:56 [#00014542]

Gaaah... Jungle is made of sped up hip-hop beats, fat
analogue bass and various stabs and atmospheric wooshes. Dub
is wonky instrumental space reggae made in Jamaica. Apart
from their shared love of bass, they are not related at all.
They have met at weddings, and at Christmas, but other than
that they are worlds apart.


dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 15:58 [#00014545]



dirty little bitch on 2001-07-12 16:00 [#00014547]

big up chimp.


chicken paste man on 2001-07-12 16:00 [#00014548]

have a glass of chicken paste.


Chimp Systems from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 16:09 [#00014552]

I thankyou, I thankyou . . .

That's that home-pasted chicken taste I love!


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 16:16 [#00014556]

a lot about dub is not just the music, but the process of
making it and playing it. from what i understand, everything
is mixed in off of tapes and there's usually certain sounds
you group together or take away at the same time, adding
effects made by yourself, screwing with the tapes of your
sounds. http://www.interruptor.ch/dub.html is a good site to
go to learn about dub.


Chimp Systems from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 16:27 [#00014562]

And if you want to hear some lush dub, get hold of 'Cry-Tuff
Dub Encounter Vol.3' by Prince Far-I on Pressure Sounds, or
'King Tubby's Lost Treasures' on Jamaica Recordings. In
fact, pretty much anything by Tubby, bcuz he's the fucking
don that invented dub. Prince Jammy is another dub champion
worth checking. Be careful of some dub-repressings though-
sometimes the vinyl is unbelievably bad. And beware of stuff
from the 80s (the digi-dub era), bcuz some of it's well
tacky. 1970-79 was pretty much the Golden Era of Dub. . .
Basically, if you like 'We Are the Music Makers' off of
S.A.W.1, you're going to fucking luuuuve Dub.


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 17:39 [#00014601]


that's some dub i heard about on mp3.com


dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 18:34 [#00014621]

to the above, thank you dude! im sure you can understand the
amazing feeling of discovering new tunes and artists? Mel
gray i never new, thank you! thank you!


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