rubbish john
on 2001-07-12 14:23 [#00014490]

every one is on about favourite albums and favourite films - what about books?
i really like bret easton ellis' shit esp. 'american psycho' and 'less than zero'
anymore for anymore?
Chimp Systems
from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 14:30 [#00014491]

'American Psycho' is a winner. . . My favourite book of all time is 'Lolita' by Vladamir Nabokov. It's really funny and quite mind-bending, a bit like a good AFX tune. Incidentally, if anyone out there can get hold of 'Ocean Of Sound' by David Toop then grab it, it's a top book about abstract/experimental/electronic music, and it's got a big chapter covering AFX/Mu-Ziq etc. It also covers Dub, Jungle, Ambient, Industrial, African Tribal stuff. . .
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-07-12 14:54 [#00014499]

yeh, i remember that book being mentioned on alchemy (*sniffle). how long has it been around?
Chimp Systems
from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 14:57 [#00014500]

I reckon it must about five years old now. My mate spilt water all over my copy then put it on the radiator, and it went a mad new shape. Which somehow adds to it.
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-07-12 15:01 [#00014503]

in answering this question i would have to say "Firedancer" by Victor Kelleher
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-12 15:16 [#00014508]

On the subject of books about films :
I was going to write a screen play for the oxford dictionary.
I stopped after about one minute as I realised that the script would lack depth and not many people would go to the cinema to see such a film.
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-07-12 15:40 [#00014523]

Survivor - Chuck Palianiuk (however you spell that...) The Solitare Mystery - Joustin Gardner No Logo - Naomi Klien (could be spelled wrong as well...)
Chimp Systems
from Tweak Valley on 2001-07-12 15:43 [#00014525]

No Logo's really popular now isn't it? I might get some T-Shirts run off with the book's cover on the front. My mate Barry owns this little sweat shop down in Hackney. You could sell them down the market to students for a tenner... I could make a fortune...
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 15:43 [#00014527]

My favourite book is written by Eric Thomsan and is realeased on Bloomsbury paperbacks, it is called "Dougal and the blue cat"
and is about as trippy as putting all the stuff in your house (furniture n stuff) on one side! and crying "ash kalah kebab"
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-12 15:48 [#00014532]

i like Ocean of Sound .....many artists are in....from brian eno to kraftwerk, aphex too, muzak things.....from the old music with all you want to know about silence, tunes and nature....
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-12 15:57 [#00014544]

Do you think it would be good to right a whole book about silence ?
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-12 16:01 [#00014549]

john cage wrote music containing silence besides as a human you are never trueley silent there is always some sort of sound to listen too! loads of stuff to write about chop! chop!
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-12 16:12 [#00014553]

silence can't exist.......read the book. it shows rich experiences in his dreams
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-07-12 16:13 [#00014554]

Chop chop.
I will make a song made out of sounds recorded only in a Butchers Shop :
1. Sound of meat being chopped
2. Sound of meat being moved
3. Sound of bull being killed
4. Sound of old woman complaining about price of sausage
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 16:22 [#00014559]

i remember reading 'thief of always' by neil gaiman or clive barker when i was younger. i like that book. 'the regulators' by one of richard bachman (aka stephen king) is also pretty good. i am currently reading 'man watching'. it is a book on human behavior and cultural mannerisms. it has much content and is very informative. another book i need to finish is my book on logic (possibly, it's rather boring) and 'culture against man', a book on how our views can conflict with or agree with what society and media is saying or how it is tricking us.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-12 16:55 [#00014585]

silence can't exist?????? i thought that sound was the movement and vibrations of particals, therefore silence should exist in a vacuum.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-12 16:55 [#00014586]

silence can't exist?????? i thought that sound was the movement and vibrations of particals, therefore silence should exist in a vacuum.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-07-12 16:56 [#00014587]

from Germany on 2001-07-12 16:57 [#00014588]

C. S. Lewis: Out of the Silent Planet, i guess it would be considered sci-fi, but really its not as much about that as it is about the way mankind behaves
Michael Herr: Dispatches Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun H.P. Lovecraft: Ex-Oblivione, not a book, its only a very short story, but it is i think his best.
on 2001-07-12 17:09 [#00014591]

Favourite book? Books? Let me dodge this question and be scarred on the surface only. So. Favourite authors: Albert Camus, Michael Ende, Osho, Vonnegut, Milton, Blake. Erm, wait, I'm lying. There's a lot more. Don't wanna bore anyone, that's why I stopped listing them. Enough of me already.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 17:22 [#00014595]

i've read some camus in my humanities class. i believe it was about a prisoner given the choice of incarceration or freedom. interesting story. a teacher in my poetry class said one of my poems reminded him of the writings of camus. i like many philosphers writings. i believe what kierkagard had to say about existence was very intriguing and concept of existential dread and that we fear our own mortality when we realized that we will cease to exist one day. blahbidy blah. all this might get the topic off of subject, so i'll stop.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-07-12 17:34 [#00014597]

franny and zooey by j.d. salinger
from seattle washington usa on 2001-07-12 18:45 [#00014625]

farenheit 451 - ray bradbury breakfast of champions - vonnegut lord of the rings - tolkein if i ran the circus - seuss
from manchester on 2001-07-12 20:00 [#00014629]

I am currently reading Teh Catcher on teh Rye, which i have not read for years, but is wicked.
Mostly i am reading comics. How sa am i?
from manchester on 2001-07-12 20:01 [#00014630]

That was supposed to be "how Sad am i"
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-12 20:50 [#00014635]

Sound can't exist on the moon because there is no atmosphere and thus no air molecules to vibrate causing the sound. However, you are correct, your own body would be able to function as a medium for carrying sound on the moon. I imagine that if you fart in your space suit, the sound would echo back and forth throughout your body forever, not being able to disperse itself into the air.
I like a lot of books designed for children, like "someone in the family drinks too much". Also "human evolution" "evolution isn't what it used to be" "the selfish gene", encyclopedias, dictionaries, any non-fiction almost. I didn't like "a brief history of time" by stephen hawking. I found the material full of loop holes, heh heh heh.
from over here on 2001-07-12 20:55 [#00014636]

catch 22 nip the buds shoot the kids
good books
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-12 22:12 [#00014646]

I like Modern Mysticism by Michael Gellert, Timothy Leary is always interesting. No Logo is the next one on my list. Oh and I reckomend Lucid Dreaming by Pamela Ball I am going to be re-reading it this summer holiday and learn to dream propperly. It takes pure dedication and stuff. After 9 months I finally have my own room in the boarding house so it's my next big thing.
from Denmark on 2001-07-12 22:25 [#00014648]

Everything H.P lovecraft and Clive Barker. not so surprising i guess.
also "lord of the flies" william golding
"A prayer for owne meanie" john irving
"Haroun and the sea of stories" salman rushdie
Read it!!!
who here thinks the Harry potter books are good. i know i sound like a pansy but... they captivate me like something captivated me as when one was six years old! Sorry but it does!!!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-12 23:06 [#00014659]

HP lovecraft was very interesting to say the least. I loved a lot of his works..... he wrote some extreemly thoughtful/interesting things in his time. Wow.. he was nutz. I like it.
Did anyone ever read about the Mad Arab? The Bible before the Bible?. The nEcrimonicon? Its supposedly true.... it describes events and such, detailed comments on how to enter the 7 gates of hell, and to dispell deamons across the land, I have it somewhere, I actually read it all once and it scared me shitless! Its not the "satanic" bible if you will, nothing like that at all actually. Its just extreemly fucking crazy, I reccomend this to ANYONE with half a brain and a will to try something different.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-12 23:13 [#00014661]

reflex: where did you get your copy? i've tried to find it, but failed. i remember a girl had it, some weird witch type, but she wouldn't let me see it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-12 23:25 [#00014668]

hevquip: YEAH! Thats the book im talking about, yeah you can search Ebay, or amazon or something for it, im considering it because I can't find my copy, actually this guy I know had it and I took it from him. He was a speed freak/crack head.
There is a little shop down on whyte ave. [like the strip, BUSY night life, and BUSY day life down there] called the SANCTUARY which is for goths and weirdo freak people [who can be really nice] and they have many books, I saw it there once, check your local oddity/goth shops!
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-13 00:36 [#00014676]

"The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" - J.R.R. Tolkien
most of Anne Rice's vampire novels
"The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"
Clive Barker's "Books of Blood" series
"Pet Cemetary" and "Skeleton Crew"-Stephen King
*What about fave Comics?*
X-Men Punisher Marshall Law Area 88 Boris The Bear
from Canada on 2001-07-13 04:01 [#00014712]

My favorite is probally Wizdom of the Zen Masters, but I can't remember the authors...
Lars Von Trier
on 2001-07-13 07:07 [#00014724]

Intamacy- Hanif Kureishi A Crack Up At The Race Riots- Harmony Korine American Psycho- (I forgot the fuckers name) The Flying Fat Fuck- (Made that one up)
I've only ever read three books(at school I just pretend)
Baron Von Picklefoot
from They keep me in a box under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-17 11:23 [#00015777]

!.On the road -Jack Kerouac @.Illuminati papers -Robert Anton Wilson #.The Fall Of America-Allen Ginsberg $.Requiem For A Dream-Hubert Selby Jr. %.Animal Farm-George Orwell The Baron has spoke !!
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-17 13:11 [#00015814]

Yeah!!! just be carefull, Lovecraft says that youll go crazy if you read Necromonicon! fucked up shit!
for people who are beginning to be interested in the fellow i reccomend
At the mountains of madness
The dunwich terror
did anyone Read The walls of Eryx?
its a science fiction story by lovecraft. quite good!
Favorite Cartoons.
Judge dredd. No doubt about it. its got everything. once my brother had started collecting cartoons, and you could by these packs with them, and he BURNED the judge dredd albums because they where to scary! now we both read them.
Did anyone read that books of blood story where a zombie Fucks a car tÃll it explodes? that was great. and Clives childrens book "The thief of always" is alos really good. investigate!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-17 13:17 [#00015818]

check out charlie/charles higson of 'fast show' fame, he's done some cool books.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-17 20:46 [#00015994]

Dirty Priest: Yeah hahah too late I read the the necromonicon! Its very interesting.
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-07-17 22:15 [#00016026]

Ill go check it out!
even tho more insanety properly isnt needed ======)
from europe on 2001-07-17 22:18 [#00016028]

the whisperer in the darkness, dreams in the witchhouse, the mountains of madness. shub-niggurath!
from europe on 2001-07-17 22:21 [#00016030]

i hope i did no error in the spelling... i don't want to enrage the old ones.
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