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rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:55 [#00013938]

Please do not lower the tone and answer that question, it
will only end in tears, his to be exact!


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 21:56 [#00013940]

she has already answered the question


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:58 [#00013941]

Quiet Boy, Im thinking.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:58 [#00013942]

i tell you rob, go dowload IM and this conversation can be
private. as for hevquip, that damn fool can choke on his own
black spittle for all i care.


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 21:59 [#00013944]

i'm glad to see one of you is using your brain


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:03 [#00013946]

hevquip: i dare speak to you directly, but you really should
buzz off. do some thing constructive; read, watch a film,
chase a brick, but do it far far away from your keyboard.


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 22:06 [#00013947]

currently i am at work. i cant leave my keyboard. i think
you may feel better if you cry for awhile.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:07 [#00013948]

hev: i'd feel better if i reserected my last two meals via
my mouth, you fuck.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:08 [#00013950]

rob, i think i am going to be off. you know how to contact


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 22:09 [#00013951]

i'm sorry you supermodel/anorexic


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:13 [#00013952]

hevquip: GOD DAMN! you bother far more then fiber glass
under the skin!


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 22:15 [#00013954]

i'm sorry to hear that i bother you so much


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:15 [#00013955]

hevquip: craw back to the gaping cunt that is you're mother
and save the world a large about of pain an d noise


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 22:17 [#00013956]

i fear i am much too large to fit in my mothers womb.
perhaps i shall try yours?


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 22:19 [#00013957]

hev, honey. you've lost. i'm done with your and your
foolish, untalented quibbling. this conversation is over.


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 22:20 [#00013958]

i'm glad to hear that


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