rob: the never ending stupidity........... | xltronic messageboard
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rob: the never ending stupidity...........

thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:01 [#00013900]

.....spews from your mouth like vomit. i have heard more
intelligent utterences from a brain dead slug.

have a wonderful day.


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:09 [#00013903]

I havent blown it already?

Jese I just have no luck with women!


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:12 [#00013904]

i'm sure you'd do wonderfully with us, if you never opened
your mouth.


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:16 [#00013907]

Feisty - Perhaps there is more to this relationship than
meets the eye?


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:22 [#00013912]

do you like it when women treat you like shit, because i
could certianly make you a happy camper. you insight me to


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:24 [#00013915]

Yep you are the one for me. Any chance of a photo?


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:26 [#00013916]

ha.ha aha aahahahaa.. do you have AOL Instant Messenger?


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:29 [#00013919]

Sorry, No, any other ideas?


APHEX IS SHIT on 2001-07-10 21:32 [#00013921]



thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:33 [#00013923]

go get it, dork. it is free. and it is the best way to
exchange pics, unless you want to use email, and in that
case, my fucking email addy is right up there.

though, i am sure once you've seen my, you'll sy some thing
rude and i'll have to kill you.


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:33 [#00013924]

steady, this is our first date!


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:36 [#00013926]

by the way, how old are you??


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:38 [#00013928]

May you be as welcome as a fart in the queen's bedchamber, O
ye love-crazed Gittite!


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:40 [#00013929]

25 probably to old for you to handle.

Still you could always send me a photo to the above email to
show me what I missed out on.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:43 [#00013930]

ha ha ha 25? you certainly act your age....


rob from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-10 21:46 [#00013932]

intelligent, charming, witty, how do you gleam so much about
a person from a chat room?


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 21:46 [#00013933]

thanksomuch: i hope you are on your period because you are
very bitchy.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:50 [#00013935]

hevquip: be gone jackel. you were not invited. i'm bitchy!?
ha ha aha aha.... how could you waste my time by saying so?
as if i did not already know....


hevquip from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-10 21:52 [#00013936]

may i please rape you?


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:54 [#00013937]

rob, you certainly are the charmer.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-07-10 21:55 [#00013939]

rob, i say you do me a favour and rid me of this thing, that
is hevquip, that is, of you can handle it.


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