on 2001-07-10 05:39 [#00013587]

i would just like to say that having only recently discovered this website, after hanging about for a bit i've decided this message board fucking rocks. so many different very cool people all of whom are this big on aphex....very good thing it is.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-10 06:09 [#00013591]

I totally agree. I'm not a real big fan of message boards (don't know why but my interest with most MB's starts to go away after a week or so) but I've been coming here everyday for the past month :)
None of my friends are RDJ fan's (except my brother who only likes CtD and Windowlicker) so it's wonderful to come to a place where everyone loves Richard, well at least loves his music :p lol
M m M m
on 2001-07-10 08:15 [#00013613]

The only problem is that when you concentrate a whole group of people that like a particular thing in one area, a sort of hazy stereotype fog lies over everyone. Everyone is like: mum this and cunt that and wicked this etc. It makes a good thing a bit worse. But it is addicting to post here and read posts, perhaps satisfying an inborn biological human need to socialize, in such an easy anonymous way. Plus it's kind of an imaginary fantasy reality. You can give yourself whatever name you want, and put on masks over your true self, suddenly transforming yourself into CHICKEN PASTE MAN!!, or something.
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