jackson sparkle
on 2001-07-10 03:23 [#00013575]

would dearly like to know if anyones sat through the full 2 half hours and what has is it done to the stability of your minds. i've tried it without much success. last weekeend, after elephant sized spliffs, received comments from non-aphex fans such as .... that music sounds like it came from the ghost moons of saturn. can't argue with that
on 2001-07-10 03:57 [#00013578]

listening to saw2 shouldnt be a "task" like you make it seem. its really beautiful stuff either way.. listen to it while you work or whatever
Barrett, Syd
from Cambridge on 2001-07-10 05:31 [#00013584]

done it plenty of times. one of my top 5 favourite albums.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-10 06:15 [#00013592]

When ever I listen to SAWII and I leave my room my Mum thinks my computer is broken :)
(I have to play my CD's on my computer cause my stereo is broken)
Most beautiful 2 1/2 hours I've ever heard. It's amazing how Richard can create some much emotion through his music. Guess thats why he's a genius :)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-10 06:17 [#00013593]

In answer to your question I've listened to 1 CD all of way at a time but not all the 2 CD's.
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-07-10 06:18 [#00013594]

Yeah, SAWII is nice, can't listen to it at work, though, just fucks with my head too much, and I can't concentrate.
Also, I learned early on not to listen to disc 2 while going to sleep. I did several years back when it first came out, and at one point woke me and my gf up all scared and freaked out. I think it was Grey Stripes or Tassels.
Tassels is an evil song as it almost exactly matches the "machinery" noises I used to hear when I was young and did acid. Just fucking perfectly, like bionic bees.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-10 09:11 [#00013647]

Sorry to go off topic, but I was wondering, for $54 New Zealand (thats ABOUT $21 US), is SAW2 worth it? Is it really 2 1/2 hours long?
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-10 09:13 [#00013649]

Springmajig....if you're drunken and listen to it, it will be 2 h :)
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-07-10 09:23 [#00013654]

What's that supposed to mean? Could someone please answer the question seriously as I like to know if I am about to make a good purchase.
from Chicago on 2001-07-10 09:27 [#00013657]

its worth it man, its excellent, if your into ambient music its a must have.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-10 09:30 [#00013660]

SAWII is great, ive listened to it all in one sitting more than once dood, all i did was when I was taking the bus allover the province I live in, I would pop that in my discman, it sounds best in a discman, trust me, and having the lovely alberta sky, and mountains as my images, I hat relaxing, mood setting ambient sound.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-10 09:31 [#00013661]

Springymajig: thats worth if for sure... I payed fucking 22 canadian, thats like... so cheap for american prices, like.... 14 dollars, or 15 bucks. Heh.. it was brand new too.. its so fucking worth it!
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