viva debris
from http://www.geocities.com/clamshoe on 2001-07-07 21:25 [#00013034]

The above link is to a site with medical marijuana info and much more! My mother died of cancer and I know how much it eased her suffering. I know the assholes who sit upon the Burrito Supreme Court in the US have fucked the voters at every turn. Get rid of these sick old men and things might get better over here. Thank you for your kind indulgence on this issue. And please check it out and suggest your favorite links in the Guestbook. Cheers...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-07 21:35 [#00013043]

Possibly you could move to Canada, where Iam. They are reconsidering decriminilizing marijuana. It would be a great day. They say, that most likely it will happen.
viva debris
on 2001-07-07 22:08 [#00013053]

Might consider that if they'd have me back. The Canadian govt. seems to do things in a more common sense way then our puritanical, holier than thou, US political leachs. Thanks...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-07 22:32 [#00013061]

Ah yeah.. I know what you mean. well I hope shit works out for you,,, and your cause?? In any event, I hope they legalize marijuana, or rather decriminalize it [which is better]. Not just cause im a stupid kid whos like "YEAH WEED LETS SMOKE IT 24-7!! YEAH WEED IS THE COOLEST!"
no not at all.... just that it will take about.... 5000 people out of jail, thus in turn reduce debt, and free up prisons.
viva debris
from http://www.geocities.com/clamshoe on 2001-07-07 23:23 [#00013067]

Precisely, that, and help sick people. And well people too, I suppose...
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-08 00:12 [#00013071]

I love weed but they haven't researched it enough to say that there is definitly nothing wrong
and I tend to be optimistic but I would be gutted if there is something helthwise bad for you
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-08 00:47 [#00013073]

Marijuana can have some negative side effects, but they are finding out that there aren't that many short term ones, and that the long term ones are not as bad as previously thought to be.
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