Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 00:25 [#00012325]

I want to make fucking cool music. I got a realy good imagination but don't know how to get any of it down on computer.
Somebody tell me where to start. Just any random words of wisdom from Reflex or ID Lab or anyone else ingteresting. Please. Thankyou :-) , goodnight.
on 2001-07-05 00:47 [#00012328]

Well, I'm not interesting, but I suggest modplug tracker, it's free.
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-07-05 00:50 [#00012330]

Yeah, just get some free programs from Shareware Music Machine (or download warez, but hey...) and just experiment. Buzz and Audiomulch are real inspirational programs and well-recommended. I think the URL is www.hitsquad.com/smm/ - give it a try.
Siamese Twin
from The Dark Side on 2001-07-05 00:52 [#00012331]

Firstly, you need a decent multitrack editor. I suggest you buy a pirate...AHEM... I mean, official copy of Cakewalk Pro Audio.
And you should buy a drum sequencer... such as Fruityloops.
Of course, this is just for starters. There's a lot more you will need.
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 09:31 [#00012387]

Don't get too many programmes / tools straight away.
Get a few and learn how to use them
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-07-05 09:38 [#00012390]

teeth's right - i suggest you start yourself off with some simple programming (ala. fruityloops) and then move on to tracking software later, to create those more complex structures
from scotland on 2001-07-05 12:38 [#00012451]

I suggest you shove your computer up your ass and get some machines, drum machines, sound modules, sampler/sequencers. try an akai mpc 2000 and some midi effects modules. Link them all up and play them live.
from Smog Cloud on 2001-07-05 13:07 [#00012452]

I am with James there, f#ck getting a load of programs and just churning out a load of anal geek machine-spew. Get a broken drum machine, a schizo eight-track digital recorder, a kid's keyboard and a 1982 sampler. Then get pissed and play all this cack like a man. Computer-based music is for nerds and scaredy cats. Buy shit with knobs on.
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 13:08 [#00012453]

I have limited exerience with "hands on" equipment
But it is not possible to play computers live and also have a few effects to alter manualy?
Are computers not more flexible, in that many extra little effects programmes can be used with other software?
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 13:08 [#00012454]

I have limited exerience with "hands on" equipment
But it is not possible to play computers live and also have a few effects to alter manualy?
Are computers not more flexible, in that many extra little effects programmes can be used with other software?
from Smog Cloud on 2001-07-05 13:17 [#00012455]

All I ever use a PC for now is Rebirth (a Roland 303 emulation program), bcuz I find that staring at music as 'data' on a screen tends to affect your judgement of what you want. Things stop becoming instinctive, and you end up letting the program you are using guide your hand, unwillingly. It all depends what you want . . . I like stuff that sounds live, out of time, scruffy and scratchy. If you are after super-precise, Autechre style beats, then you are going to have to use a computer, but to get a rough, instuitive feel, it's got to be all hands on knobs. I'm sure someone out there will disagree with me, of course . . .
from manchester on 2001-07-05 13:29 [#00012457]

I reckon machiens are better myself. I haev not got any (apart from a mental korg thing thats from teh 50's or something)
You want to be able 2 turn knobs and stuff :-). Yeah. Thats the shit. He he he he
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-05 13:48 [#00012461]

use everything that you can lay your hands on ive got 3 sequencers a sampler and two computers pc/mac and they all work tikkedey boo ps knobs and twiddlers totaly piss on mouse cliks
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-05 13:50 [#00012463]

does somebody use the BOSS dr770 dummachine ? got some good homemade rhythms ?
from MIR-spacestation on 2001-07-05 14:09 [#00012465]

Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 14:17 [#00012466]

Shit I come back the next day and all you guys have written a shit load of stuff. Thanks very much it is well aprechiated.
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 14:30 [#00012467]

With hands on equipment is it possible to save ideas like you are able to on computers ?
There is an item called a phatboy which i believe allows for manipulation of computer programmes.
There is a piece of kit by midi man coming out soon that allows for live manipulation.
It looks great
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-05 14:31 [#00012468]

Frutyloops is good, but not for all....it's a normal allround soft seq., bit ponystyle
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 14:32 [#00012470]

Sacry Bear
Have you decided yet ?
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-05 14:32 [#00012471]

*listen to phloam* god damn, good old aphex style *search for tb303* :)>
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-05 14:35 [#00012473]

i thin rich triggred his own homemade sampler via tb303 ? no? can it be? the rhythms from phloam are so....i dunno roland tb303 step style ? *rewind*
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-07-05 14:37 [#00012474]

and i think somelike phloam you can make with hands on equipment, without computer....really
ah fnck i wish i can speak english !! i'm a lush swiss/german guy
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-05 16:35 [#00012497]

i prefer hardware. i think more work (which isn't all that bad, because in the end if feels more worthwhile) goes into making songs and you also have the joy of finding or making your own sounds and being able to fiddle with them.
Frey Bentos
from Chimp City on 2001-07-05 16:41 [#00012508]

Definitely. It IS a lot more effort, and you WILL cry at times, but machines become extensions of your self in a way a computer never can . . .
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-05 16:48 [#00012512]

Hello Frey Bentos
I like your name
I don't know if you are related but in england we have frey bentos pies.
They are pies in tins.
Pies in tins - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee hee hee hee ha ha ha hee hee hee ha ha ha hee
I love the concept of pis in tin
It makes me laugh so much
Ha ha ha hee hee hee hee ha hee ha hee hee ha ha hee hee ha
Mince in a tin
Ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee ha hee ha ha hee
I wanna have a pie out of a can and be able to drink it.
Can I have a pint of mince pie please land lord
I love pies and mince and tins, hence I love frey bentos pie tins.
Please can someone tell me if i can buy a frey bentos t-shirt from anywhere
Frey Bentos
from Chimp City on 2001-07-05 16:57 [#00012514]

I believe you can make a Frey Bentos t-shirt by simply mashing a steak and kidney pie onto an old Saxon tour t-shirt and allowing it to 'gestate' in your airing cupboard. Also works for Pukka.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-05 17:09 [#00012517]

if possible get Hardware and Software, but it is alot easier to use software on its own obviously, like Im trying to find a way to hook up my pc to a Korg Synth and a old Yamaha drum machine, I can hook up the synth fine and it works, but everytime I plug my drum machine into the pc without the synth the pc crashes >:( and the only way it will work is if it is run from the synth, but then the synth slows down and wont play itself, which of course make me Extra angry. the problem I think is different forms of midi on the synth and drum machine, bah
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 23:44 [#00012591]

Wizards Teeth: Sort of, lack of money is holding me back from hardware so I'm starting off with Fruity Loops. Cheers mate.
******************** CAUTION! DANGER! ********************
The mince and Frey Bentos pies have been known to rupture people's spleems, but only when they have had former dealings with the rare Yellow Capped Coca Cola bottles. A large percentage of these poor people have also admitted to having pint glass fetiches. It is proven that they are an official treat if combined with the former.
The Tins however ARE EXTREMELY...
(unless you wear shoes, in which case you're fucked)
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 23:47 [#00012594]

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