thots @bout who thad dating | xltronic messageboard
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thots @bout who thad dating

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-21 05:27 [#02626072]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict

is thad single? or does perhaps he date a girl who "really
doesn't like music" but she's kind of hot and trying to
figure it out


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-21 12:47 [#02626073]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

hes mad in love with us !


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-21 12:47 [#02626074]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

and thots


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-03-21 22:41 [#02626075]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular

ask your mother


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-22 05:19 [#02626085]
Points: 24976 Status: Addict | Followup to Wolfslice: #02626075

are u and thad dating


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2023-03-23 20:17 [#02626111]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Thad dated a Caroline or something.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-25 08:30 [#02626153]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

Get a room and go bareback

Be safe:


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-25 14:06 [#02626162]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i hear they secretly created minions of mess destruction


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-25 17:36 [#02626164]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

Slow news day?


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-25 18:35 [#02626167]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

im ignoring the news today
to keep sane


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-26 21:52 [#02626200]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

All gloom and doom lol the news

They could talk about puppies and rainbows but the news for
decades prays on the negativity

Fuck That.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-27 00:21 [#02626221]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

What’s your mums phone number m, btw?


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 01:11 [#02626261]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

Thad visited today, looking sharp as ever, gave him some
blueberry cakes I baked, and talked to me about his pimp
game. Dude gets ladies.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-28 03:52 [#02626270]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict | Followup to AphexTwin11: #02626261

I have two blueberry cakes tonight and no ladies, so
that’s that.

I’ll put butter on one and the other two naked


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 04:44 [#02626276]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

You got good food, you got adequate shelter and comforts to
sleep in peacefully, and another day to look forward to of
civic duty to eaen your means to barter for things you need
and a little extra to hahve fun with. It's a pretty good
night! 5 of our planets are aligned in the space in recent
cosmic news. I wonder if it's clear enough out to peep a
view 🤓


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-29 08:31 [#02626290]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

You got good food, you got adequate shelter and comforts to

sleep in peacefully, and another day to look forward to of
civic duty to eaen your means to barter for things you need

and a little extra to hahve fun with. It's a pretty good
night! 5 of our planets are aligned in the space in recent
cosmic news. I wonder if it's clear enough out to peep


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-30 04:20 [#02626333]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPpppppppppppppolynomial Sea


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