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Random Thoughts

offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-03 16:41 [#02623721]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

I just got my cock out on Bespin


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-03 17:07 [#02623722]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-04 01:10 [#02623729]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict



offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-04 10:47 [#02623737]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

I'm firmly of the opinion that things will eventually just
go away.


offline RussellDust on 2023-01-04 11:42 [#02623740]
Points: 15986 Status: Regular | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02623737

Wasn’t that gonna be my avatar, ages ago?


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-04 11:59 [#02623741]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular | Followup to RussellDust: #02623740

Yes. But then I did you Ninten. I an actually, actually
wearing a Mr Saturn t-shirt which I did in a limited edition
of two. One for Master Wilco and one for myself.

Ness, he's called Ness. Ninten is the first one.


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2023-01-04 16:42 [#02623750]
Points: 6299 Status: Regular | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02623737

i have been putting my faith in this for oohh. ages. half a
lifetime. and look at "recent events".

never hope, never try


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-01-04 20:27 [#02623751]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular | Followup to belb: #02623750

recent events like the tragic passing of Barbra Walters at
age 93???


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2023-01-04 20:46 [#02623753]
Points: 6299 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02623751

for sure. trump, covid, the untimely cessation of barbara
walters' lung inflation and bloodly circuits


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-05 01:04 [#02623758]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

Gay penis


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-05 13:35 [#02623776]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular | Followup to recycle: #02623758

Is there any other kind...?


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-07 08:53 [#02623926]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Yoga with Fiona


online big from lsg on 2023-01-07 14:56 [#02623944]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02623776 | Show recordbag

a trans penis is less gay, because it's less tainted by the
Western male gaze


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-01-07 15:04 [#02623945]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623944

...Mo? You want to weigh in on this?


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-07 15:53 [#02623947]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623944

Western Male Gays, amirite?!?!


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-07 15:54 [#02623948]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Dr Jism will see you now.


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-07 17:55 [#02623950]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

I keep looking at my penis.

No. Just no.


online big from lsg on 2023-01-07 19:05 [#02623951]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

all penii are beautiful


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2023-01-07 19:14 [#02623952]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Yeah, trans penises just look like huge pussies (never seen
one in real life tho)


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-01-07 19:47 [#02623954]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

the male gaze vs. the mo gaze


online big from lsg on 2023-01-07 20:20 [#02623955]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to Tony Danza: #02623954 | Show recordbag

why would Mo be considered an expert, if i may ask?


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-08 09:11 [#02623970]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Mo knows. Mo just knows.


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-08 09:12 [#02623971]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

"Hey, what's that fishy smell?"

"Fish. Sea Bass"


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-08 15:07 [#02623972]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

I kant


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-08 16:09 [#02623973]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Hi, I'm Luke Starwars.


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-01-08 21:39 [#02623977]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

I've excavated the remains of Homo Loofah


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2023-01-08 22:45 [#02623987]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

zero nine 5


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-09 18:29 [#02624018]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

For the next three hours I'll be texting live.

From the Pompidou Centre.


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-09 18:44 [#02624019]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to mohamed: #02623952

you mean the clit prolly


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-09 18:45 [#02624020]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to Tony Danza: #02623954

this is gold btw laughed out loud


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-09 18:52 [#02624021]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #02623944

asian male gaze seems more gay to me but depends how you
look at it? what about african male gaze??


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-09 23:11 [#02624027]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Favourite Michael Jackson song? Hmm, tricky one... Dirty
Diana, maybe?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-09 23:53 [#02624029]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

penis flower


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-09 23:54 [#02624030]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02623973

i'm Bob Disney


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-01-10 00:02 [#02624031]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

Angry Boyâ„¢ Salads 'n' Smoothies


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-10 08:01 [#02624038]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Jeeez, it's like Wang City in here


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-10 08:03 [#02624039]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Tea + Boiling Water = Tea


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:11 [#02624040]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

No Zhao's Allowed


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:12 [#02624041]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:14 [#02624042]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

orthographic projection representing proportion of chinese
billionaires that consome 89c burritos


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:17 [#02624043]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

no, shiit, tony was from taiwan. no wonder he was actually


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:19 [#02624044]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

> After college, Hsieh worked for Oracle

there's where it all went wrong. they introduced him to hard
drugs; assuredly

but this next part is what gets me

After five months, he left to co-found the LinkExchange
advertising network.[12]



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 08:35 [#02624045]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

that it's a stupid fucking question to me, because, hey, i
like sex, but i've noticed that it's on some peoples' minds
constantly and i've never been like that? but are you gay or
you straight? that it is a sliding scale. my first impulse
was to put it on a 1-10 scale and say i am 7/10 gay. but
then some idiot academic has gotten in there with some less
granular scale and never mind; it was a stupid idea to try
and go around quoting ratios anyways

but i have a bit of a grenade: what if gender was the same
way? e.g. i am a sensitive boy but i am not a girly boy, i
can get aggro sometimes but it takes quite a lot, etc etc

that i feel like it boils down to women as a collective
network; men wanting their data to be retained. both are
tedious in their own way, and both are needed if life is to

imagine posting this to fartbook. thx xlt


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-10 09:20 [#02624046]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

guys off the charts gaying is happening in this thread right


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-10 09:32 [#02624047]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

Since cutting Tumeric from my diet my sex life has never
been more creative.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 10:05 [#02624050]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i meant it as a matter of fact thing, what i wrote. i don't
need any hand-holding or tearful revelations. what i want is
for everyone to post their numbers: 1-10 straight-gay, 1-0

and this is where it gets interesting to me. i suspect roger
wilco is actually more like a 2-3 straight, that four or
five times he's probably not refused a willing ass.

mermaidman will not be able to give a coherent answer
because it will cause an incest feedback loop in his troll


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 10:13 [#02624051]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

i'll also confess to the somewhat bored air of a man
gradually feeding larger and larger things into a wood
chipper to see how it goes.


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-10 10:18 [#02624052]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

is it incest if you put your own peen in your own anus


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-10 10:43 [#02624053]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict | Followup to mermaidman: #02624052

from whose point of view? is there an ISO standard for
incest? how does the catholic church define incest? or are
you just asking me if i think it is?

i say: no, it is not. but i do not speak for any of that
other crap


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2023-01-10 13:13 [#02624054]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

Scorpio Nights


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