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beer hall

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 13:58 [#02623158]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

disclaimer: no one cares. i get it. *pats on hed gently*

so something i wrote was kind of sticking in my memory,
like, bothering me:

this grip of twenty-five (25) fascists are all beer
buddies and they get together after work and complain about
jewish people at the beer garden

-- #02623073 @ 128033

after the marbles fumbled around, it was: oh! the beer hall
putsch. hitler's failed coup, early on. literally just
warming up his chops mobilizing drunk people.

that's not my point, even though it is, like... wow, yeah...
jan 6 was trump's beer hall putsch...

i was thinking about the beer hall mentality. a place to get
together after work and say all the shit you want to say,
but... there are other people all there too, venting, and
they're your buddies; you don't to offend them. that this is
the "i'm cutting loose" time/outlet, and people can kind of
be trained to hold back, even when they're cutting loose.
then they're fired up and drunk, and they have this nice
mechanism where you can play on their insecurities and put
all sorts of nonsense in their heds, but then use the
mechanic of "this won't be acceptable to your buddies" to
flush out any existing behavior not to your liking.

anyways, my question is: is that how a subreddit works?


offline Tony Danza from Sesame Street on 2022-12-12 14:03 [#02623159]
Points: 3574 Status: Regular

haha! epic there's millions of you on reddit

easily fifty million midwit narcissists bloviating into the

every one of them thinking that someday their posts will be
unearthed and pored over like sumerian tablets

"wow this guy compared jan 6 to the beer hall putsch. what

so yeah this is how a subreddit works


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 14:09 [#02623160]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

no, you got the wrong part

a place to get together after work and say all the shit
you want to say, but... there are other people all there
too, venting, and they're your buddies; you don't to offend
them. that this is the "i'm cutting loose" time/outlet, and
people can kind of be trained to hold back, even when
they're cutting loose. then they're fired up and drunk, and
they have this nice mechanism where you can play on their
insecurities and put all sorts of nonsense in their heds,
but then use the mechanic of "this won't be acceptable to
your buddies" to flush out any existing behavior not to your

is that how a subreddit works?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 14:11 [#02623162]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

there's no way i can elevate myself to super-midwit status
without reading reddit daily; and no. the UI alone makes me


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 14:17 [#02623163]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

it actually has elements in common with... heck, it is a few
charaprapghs in the sentences bon rainwashing

The first step, once the victim is inside the territory
(commune), is to begin isolation by cutting off all
communication with the outer world and its conflicting
reality-tunnels. Meanwhile, a parental-protective atmosphere
is quickly created (sometimes called "love-bombing") and
food is provided.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 14:23 [#02623164]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

At this point a certain amount of arbitrary nonsense is
of great value. That is, the new reality-tunnel or
symbol-system (like the old one) should contain pitfalls
(gross violations of previous reality tunnels and common
sense) so that the subject can be accused of backsliding
(being "all wrong," after all) and thereby incited to try
harder to become part of the new reality-tunnel.

Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses may not accept blood transfusions,
even if their life depends on it: harder still (since all
mammals have an instinct to protect their young) they must
reject blood transfusions for their children, even if the
children die of this neglect. A Roman Catholic woman may not
be divorced even if her husband comes home drunk every
night, beats her up and gives her VD. In the U.S. Marines, a
recruit who commits the hideous crime of calling a rifle a
"gun" must walk around the base with his rifle in one hand
and his penis in the other reciting to everybody he meets,
"This is my rifle/This is my gun/This is for fighting/This
is for fun." Theosophists were once required to believe that
there is a hole at the North Pole going down to the center
of the earth; Manson required his followers to believe the
hole was in the Mojave Desert. Nazi Party members were asked
to believe that the lion is an Aryan animal and the rabbit
non-Aryan. Etc.

The neurological and sociological function of such
"nonsense" (which makes the Rationalist gasp in shock) is to
sharply segregate those within the new reality-tunnel from
those outside. This makes for group solidarity,
group-reinforcement, and a strong sense of alienation and
discomfort when on rare occasions it is necessary to talk at
all with those outside the brainwasher's semantic system.
The group must ensure, of course, that this alienation is
experienced as "superiority." Those who are outside the
reality-tunnel must be perceived as "all wrong"—just as
the subject was, before being brainwashed.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-12 14:24 [#02623165]
Points: 24973 Status: Addict

/arbitrary midwitticism


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