wizards teeth
on 2001-07-02 14:48 [#00011766]

My mother is a fan of Cliff Richard and describes the music I listen to as simply noise.
Questions :
1. Why are some old people narrow minded and refuse to accept modern day music as music?
2. Does anyone have parents or even grand parents who like idm?
3. Who thinks cliff richard is better than the aphex twin.
* I suppose the last question is difficult to answer as they make music of a slightly different style. I wonder if the Aphex twin will rise up out of the audience in 30 years time at wimbledon if it starts to rain and give a live rendition of window licker to moisten all the old ladies nickers (as mr. cliff richard did last year)?
from manchester on 2001-07-02 14:51 [#00011768]

my grandmother liked moby. I suppose that does not really count. She also thought that windowlicker was nice, until seh saw teh video. then she thought it was rude.
I think cliff is better than afx.
from the UK 2 on 2001-07-02 15:16 [#00011773]

The other thing is why most young people dont appreciate older music such as Eagles, Direstraits, Police, Queen... just as much as most older people don't accept mordern music.
Open-mindedness and acceptance is for everyone, young and old. As long as people keep opinions as opinions and just enjoy their type of music. Metalers and RnBers always go at each other. theres no need. All would be well.
Orbital Aphex are the best and nothing can ever compare to them coz everything else is mega shit! I dont Know why people listen to Cliff!? WTF?!
he he :) that was funny, but still a joke. Ignore that last bit there. Soz everyone
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-02 15:27 [#00011777]

For £120 it is possible to get tennis lessons at the NEC in Birmingham from Cliff Richard.
I think it would be good to go and get pissed and cause a bit of agro.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 15:32 [#00011782]

!I can see how that would be good! :|
Bad-Ass Muthafucka
on 2001-07-02 15:39 [#00011787]

from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 15:40 [#00011788]

n'mind... £120 though...expensive night out eh?
Bad-Ass Muthafucka
on 2001-07-02 15:45 [#00011790]

We'll just ram-raid the muthafucka's and start fuckin' 'em up.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 15:48 [#00011793]

Well wouldnt that be lovely. lets take the kids and maybe some packed lunches. Make a day of it...
Bad-Ass Muthafucka
on 2001-07-02 15:56 [#00011798]

No time to eat or look after kids, too busy Fuckin' up Cliff Richard.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 16:00 [#00011799]

from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 16:00 [#00011800]

That's all I have to say on that matter
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-02 16:09 [#00011804]

Force Feed Cliff and all the old women in the audience crack from a lovely glass pipe.
This would probably lead to some hilarious consequences.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 16:09 [#00011806]

or many arrests
Bad Ass Muthafucka
on 2001-07-02 16:16 [#00011809]

They ain't gettin' none of my crack!!
from the uk on 2001-07-02 16:58 [#00011823]

my dad got me into idm, my mum likes underworld and my dad likes the same as me, its excellent!
he isnt too keen on aphex though =(
i will need to convert him like all the other idiots i live around
from manchester on 2001-07-02 18:13 [#00011834]

i like queen, eagles etc. All music has its merits. (yes all music).
I actually reckon we shud get lessons from cliff. That wud b piss funny
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-07-02 18:19 [#00011835]

i played some of the nicer stuff off of saw2 to my mom and she liked it. she would never buy it, but she liked it. when i played her some of the stuff off of rdj album, she didn't really take to it.
from the uk on 2001-07-02 18:21 [#00011836]

all music indeed has its perks and distinctive style, if all music was the same it would suck, so variety is good. but what I am saying is that in GENERAL guitar music is dead, you people have to let go off it, and realise it is dated and.....well, crap. get with it!, you are halfway there by liking aphex, go the whole step and forget guitar music!
although SOME (very little) is ok, Talking Heads, nirvana, beck, radiohead, and blur, but those are the more different abstract and original ones, not this korn and slipknot crap, aswell as their pop brothers papa roach and limp biscuit
from New Zealand on 2001-07-02 18:33 [#00011838]

Poor poe, you just named all the worst examples of Guitar music, excluding Radiohead (though I dont think much of Amnesiac)
Guitar is great, Electronic is great, both together is brilliant.
from the uk on 2001-07-02 18:42 [#00011839]

no way, as rock music/guitar music goes they are the better ones, they are innovative/produce just classic songs, name your good ones you koala hippo moneky...lol
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-07-02 18:47 [#00011840]

hey ... i like beck (anyone hear him on air's vagabond?)
from the uk on 2001-07-02 18:52 [#00011842]

regrettably not.....his lyrics make me lol...and for a period I hade the same hair style lol, completely due to my lack of laziness!
from the uk on 2001-07-02 18:53 [#00011843]

nb, shoud have said COMPLETE laziness lol.....that was a bad ass contradiction i made lol, almost as much as saying rubbish jon is not gay
on 2001-07-02 19:33 [#00011847]

clobe- the vagabond is okay, sounds more like a beck tune than an air one..i put on Squarepushers big loada for my Mom last week and she said 'i'd go mental listening to this' last year i played the rdj album really loud on surround while playing a game, and my Dad was like '???' but he didnt have a reaction as negative as my Moms..my Mom likes Rhubarb though
on 2001-07-02 20:53 [#00011852]

i\'m with glitch. guitar is one of the greatest insturments. so why not use it with electronic? why limit yourself? as far as those bands that use guitar that you named, talent wise, they lack. if your looking for some real guitar playing, listen to classical guitar and jazz.
on 2001-07-02 20:54 [#00011853]

i\'m with glitch. guitar is one of the greatest insturments. so why not use it with electronic? why limit yourself? as far as those bands that use guitar that you named, talent wise, they lack. if your looking for some real guitar playing, listen to classical guitar and jazz.
from Germany on 2001-07-02 21:38 [#00011861]

I dont know if I was go so far as to say guitar music is 'dead', i mean its no doubt run its full course, but alot of it is still worth goin back and picking through. With electronic music being bedded in technology, the fusion of guitar dominant music and IDM is a bit of step back for me, though squarepusher uses his own base lines in alot of his stuff and Takemura does as well with his own band, so i guess you cant completely rule it out. I think the thing I like best about artists like AT is that they dont always follow the typical song structure that dominates all guitar based music from the emergence of Rock music. Intro, bridge, pre-chorus,chorus, bridge,pre-chorus, solo, blah blah blah... With electronic music, as long as the technology advances, the music that comes out the other end will always be something fresh, where in most guitar music, the only real step up is the sound quality, because its all pretty much been done.
from the uk on 2001-07-02 21:39 [#00011863]

guitars are dated, unoriginal, overused, inefficent at making music, and generally soooo crap.
although at times I marvel at their primitivness, at least they have what some people call 'soul' in the music, but it does nothing for me, leave this primitive overused over hyped crap back where it should be, HISTORY
from the uk on 2001-07-02 21:40 [#00011865]

thank you random german!, you have seen how dated and old it is!
from confield on 2001-07-03 07:31 [#00011907]

well my dads like 50 or so, and he listens to old rock. well he gave autechre alot of respect, saying that it is cool how its nto just bullshit loops like most electronic music. however, he said its nto somethign he can really enjoy because hes just not used to hearing the kind of music. he said aphex twin was "goofy" and that its like "autechre on funny pills". my dads pretty cool about music though and repects me alot for not listening to IDM over hardcore rap and other shit.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-03 08:42 [#00011918]

I disagree. Guitar music isn't that dated. Have you ever tried to pick up Q-base or something with your friends and have a jaming session? I know I'm getting the corn out now but; For me, playing my guitar for 10 mins or so is a way of forgeting things that are going on. Breaking away.
Also, I find making riffs on the guitar usful for creating tunes for electronic music. I can see why people think its dated because of all the bands that drone out the same stuff. But guitars will never ever dissapear and people will never ever forget them. Unless you manage to rid the world of them. :)
on 2001-07-03 08:48 [#00011921]

What about the forgotton siren song of the ukalayle? It's difficult to spell, but if plucked by a master, it beats the heck out of a guitar.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-03 08:52 [#00011922]

ukalayle is quite genre specific. Besides. They're alot rarer and the untrained eye < or thick people > would just call it a guitar anyways... You're right though ukalayle masters rock and its difficult to spell.....I just used your spelling :P
from here i am on 2001-07-03 09:23 [#00011929]

1. a couple of weeks ago i played some aphex twin and daft punk for my mom. she really liked daft punk, and aphex made her laugh. while she said that she liked them, she also said it's not the kind of music she would go out and buy simply because for the most part it requires one to actually sit and absorb and concentrate on it (particularly aphex she said) in order to fully appreciate and understand it, and she simply doesn't have time to do so. she gave both artists much respect. i think the biggest factor in older people not liking the music that younger people listen to is simple. music is an evolution. it changes and morphs with time just like anything else in life, and each element of any music that is out right now has its roots in some part of another type of music that has already been put out some time before. that's what making music is....taking all the sounds you've already heard and using their influence and the lessons learned from them to create a new sound that expresses how you feel. the best artists can do this and do it in a way so that the new sound they come up is extremely ORIGINAL. the most difficult thing in music is to take sounds and ideas have been in existence in the past, and piece them (and their influence on you) in a manner that sounds like nothing that has ever been made before. korn did this with their first album, led zeppelin did it in many different ways, jerry lee lewis did it, and obviously richard d. james is one of the mother fucking gods of it. because music is an evolving thing, because all music made now is a by-product of the music that's already been made, it's very difficult to understand modern music if you stopped keeping up with music's timeline a long time ago. you've missed important pieces to the puzzle that materialized some time while you were absent. this is the reason i think older people don't tend to enjoy modern music, particularly innovative modern music. they don't understand it. and the reason is because they've missed some of the links in the chain that have already been around for a while. if you watch three minutes of the middle of a movie you don't have any idea what's going on because you haven't seen what's already happened that led up to the point you are now watching. same with music.
2. on guitar music. because a guitar is a thing that makes sounds (regardless of how those sounds are made, or the number of sounds that can be made), it will never be dead. it will never be drained completely of all its potential; the things you can do with it are infinite, particularly and especially when you consider the advances that are being made with electronic machines right now. the reason is because people feel different things, and when people feel the same things, they feel them in very different ways. and emotion is what plays (or should play, at least) the guitar. emotion is expressed through the guitar, so the guitar is just a channel. we haven't begun to see the end of what that instrument can do, because we're just starting to scratch the surface of an entire genre of music (electronic) and the machines used to make the basis of that genre are advancing more and more every single day. i personally don't believe that we have yet used the guitar WITH electronic music completely, or adequately, let alone even near perfectly. from my perspective, certain artists have made electronic music with a little of guitar flavor, and others have made guitar music with a slight bit of electronic input, but we have yet to see the two truly melded and equally applied to create a sound unlike anything ever heard. we have no idea what the fuck richard james himself could do to a guitar if he had enough interest in it to take the fucker apart and create some new gear by piecing it together with some of his other home-made machines. this will happen eventually. some one will do it, and guitar will in that manner live on. to say the guitar is dead, or will die, is to say the same for music itself. and that is simply not possible.
just my opinion.
from perth on 2001-07-03 14:38 [#00011981]

my dads actually really good liek that he likes a lot of jazz and was a musician (lead guitar) back in the day
he's into the really experimental stuff, he likes a lot of squarepusher and afx and stuff.
he's into drill n bass almost as much as i am! its really cool sometimes he helps me with my tracks when i get stuck and that.
he reckons come to daddy is cool (esp the vid......) and he wouldnt stop laughing at the windowlicker vid coz he actually got the "joke" the sort of pisstake on modern vid clips.
Siamese Twin
from The Dark Side on 2001-07-03 14:58 [#00011983]

My mum says exactly the same thing ("I just don't have the time to listen to it"). She just likes listening to simple crappy songs on the radio. I like the way she looks at music - she knows that it's bland and rubbish, but she still enjoys listening to it. She's the same way with soaps, also; although she's intelligent and realises soaps are dull with poor acting, she enjoys it because it's escapism. Anyway, back to the point - IDM is sort of "challenging" to listen to on the bus, the noise fills me with joy, but when I listen to it on the bus, everyone stares at me thinking "what the hell is that awful noise?".
Most old people will never like electronica because they've stopped caring about music. If they were teenagers now, they probably would listen.
from beeeeep on 2001-07-04 04:09 [#00012137]

[my mom raised me on industrial music among other things...which i consider a stepping-stone of sorts into idm. not that i consider one above the other, and i still listen to industrial heavily, even primarily, but i probably wouldnt have been able to appriciate aphex twin if i hadnt become obsessed with skinny puppy when i was 9. she doesnt like much of the stuff ive played for her, except saw2, because she was and is a huge fan of brian eno's ambient work- which is actually what made me buy the album to begin with, hearing it compared to his music for....series. i dont consider it that hard to listen to or anything, though obviously more comlex; i listen almost daily, and its become easy on my ear in some sense without loosing its potency. i can listen to ae or afx on the bus or whenever, and dont always have to concentrate to get it.....]
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-04 06:34 [#00012154]

Classifiers!!!! As long as bands like Ween are around, Rock n' Roll will never die!!!! IDM is such a label!!! It's not danceable half the time anyway! I listen to Aphex because I find his music trippy.....his creations never stray from the beat.....every little twist is in time to the beat......even his overly ambient stuff has an underlying beat, you just need an imagination to like it!
As for all of these "Guitar bands".....well. There are some guitar-based musicians and bands out there who are just having the toughest time accepting electronic music....most of these people resent change. I happen to listen to everything I can get my hands on.....I'll give anything a listen....and at the same time I am willing to accept that what I say is "utter crap" might be the "holy grail" to others. I was once a Death Metal guy, so I know what it's like to have my music called crap! I ignore comments like that and have a laugh! Everyone should just laugh at the state of music today! Cuz if we take it too seriously, we can never truly enjoy it. Music is limitless! Sometimes I feel as if electronic music has created "a musical generation of snobs". Such a pity and a waste of time to behave this way.....*burp*
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-04 06:36 [#00012155]

I'll probably fry in hell for that last comment.....oh well.....Fuck You!!!
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