from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-29 17:59 [#00011407]

thanx to everyone for helpin me in makin the decision.it was a close call,
can you imagine that the fucker is still on my wall after two weeks and it's spun a fukkin web too!!!!
Now the question remains, HOW should I let the mutha out of it's misery.I thought of three options 1.beat the livin crap out of it with something(primitive but effective, right?)
2.place the bunghole inside my speakers, crank up the volume, and bang it deaf and dead with come to daddy(possibly scaring it dead with icct hedralmix)
3.not for the faint hearted : thought of givin it some acid.the point is that spiders should spin symmetrically perfect webs if given a little lsd.Albert Hofman did this experiment in the 60s and succeeded....then after some observation I could make it overdose with a little more of the stuff.
ps. I still have that nipple on my penis buggin me plus it's grown bigger!!!FUCK!!!does anybody know of a lotion that helps.... I'M BEING FUKKIN SERIOUS PEOPLE....
from the uk on 2001-06-29 19:31 [#00011419]

the lsd option sounds mighty cool...
mebbe get loads and feed em it with theri flies..let them mate and fight with each other.....laugh.......actually, dont do that, whata right have you got to harm/do shit to it?
mebbe put it in a cup, put some cardboard over the end of the cup and throw it at some one...no, throw it outside
on 2001-06-29 19:57 [#00011422]

a lot of people think doing things to animals is cruel, and i agree..but one time, my friend and me fed poprocks to his dog, and it was hilarious..he got addicted, so i gave him the whole pack basically, it was so funny..
from an egren's coffe shop on 2001-06-29 20:04 [#00011423]

find another spider/insect and put them both in a jar and coax them into fighting.
from manchester on 2001-06-29 20:11 [#00011427]

i have another possible way.
What i do in this kind of situation is empty a big plastic bottle of coke or another similar drink. Then get loads of deoderant and spray it in for about a minute, until its all like a cloud inside (can you guess where this is going?). Then get a lighter and light the top of the bottle, youa re now redy to execute your insect.
Creep up on teh foul beat, with your lit bottle, then when u get near, aim your bottle, AND SQUEEZE!!!!! This results in big fuck of flames to barbeque teh bastard!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!
(btw, this isn;t aall that safe, but its loads o fun so its all worth while)
from manchester on 2001-06-29 20:30 [#00011435]

I have changed my mind. DON'T KILL IT!!!! Put it in a tank and keep it as a pet. GIve it an name and entertain your friends for hours with amusing anecdotes on hw their was a world wide debate about whether Should live or die..
Baron Von Picklefoot
from They keep me in a box under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-17 09:49 [#00015739]

At one point in my life I caught this huge wasp in a plastic bag and found a rather large spyder in my basement I tryed you best to make them fight each other but nothing worked I told the spyder that the wasp was talking shit about his mother but nothing worked so I was forced to take them both on turn out I won !!! The Baron has spoken !
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 09:50 [#00015741]

Suck it off til it dies of pleasure.
Then you needn't feel that bad about it.
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