from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-20 13:25 [#00010463]

Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-20 16:05 [#00010490]

from Lincoln on 2001-06-20 16:27 [#00010494]

Who gives a shit? you english kinnigit
from Germany on 2001-06-20 17:08 [#00010502]

I never knew it, but germany is covered with spiders, at least where I live. I used to feel bad and tell myself that spiders eat bugs, but I still get flies from the farm next door, so I reckon the spiders in my flat are taking it easy and letting me do all the work. I say off with its head.
from Malmö/Sweden on 2001-06-20 19:06 [#00010513]

I hate spiders. But i think they understand that now, only seen one this year, in the bathroom.
rubbish john
on 2001-06-21 12:03 [#00010594]

don't kill the spider. thay are fascinating creatures. they are the biggest known killers of flies who spread disease, and even if you hate them - there is no getting away from them. on average, each person has at least one spider crawl across thier face every night.
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-21 12:10 [#00010595]

think like the second mozartm the one man Kraftwerk, the Apple Amadeus.....
think like Richard David James ... he wouldn't kill the spider.
from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-21 12:30 [#00010597]

err ...I think he just might kill it he would wan't it's soul!!!!!!!!!!!!
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-21 12:35 [#00010599]

u dunno what influences got come to daddy to rich
from the uk on 2001-06-27 21:19 [#00011101]

well....they freak me out, but they do save us from flies which spread diseases.....last night a huge one wouldnt stop moving around.....so i went to bed.. =(
from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-27 21:54 [#00011103]

po e ? is that you ? I thought you got kicked !!!anyway , welcome back,
and I agree with u alldaway, yankeeboys are stupid wankers
from the uk on 2001-06-27 21:59 [#00011104]

I thought my geeky witicisms would be noticed anywhere....lol
yeah, i dropped the {} they suck
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-28 10:37 [#00011179]

dont kill the spider saddle the fucker up and open up an arachnid rhodeo
on 2001-06-28 10:44 [#00011181]

Kill it! Kill the fucker!! I am reminded of a time when I encountered a particularly large and ferocious looking spider. Me and a couple of assistants set about the task with a Doc Martens boot, a tennis racket, a fire-poker and a flammable canister of deoderant.
Suffice to say, the little bastard didn't pester us any longer.......
from the uk on 2001-06-28 13:27 [#00011201]

thats kinda horrible streamer..what has he dont to you?, apart from make you scream like a girl, they do more good than harm, they freak me out, but I just go to the other side of the room
from uk on 2001-06-28 13:42 [#00011204]

I have a similair situation to you but different.
on 2001-06-28 13:45 [#00011205]

I'm a girl? Even thought I take on and destroy monstrous spiders of vast proportions while you "go to the other side of the room", standing on a chair hitching your skirt up going "Ooooooooo!"
from Miami, FL on 2001-06-28 16:13 [#00011245]

Keep it and feed it until it gets plump - I did that with a spider in my bathroom once, fed it ants and semi-dead mosquitos. About a month later it just disappeared :o)
from the uk on 2001-06-28 16:16 [#00011246]

but the point is, what right do you have to destroy it?, you have the power, but no actual right, it is not infringing you, or offeding you just because you dont like it.
I may not like you, does that give me the right to kill you?
from the Uk 2 on 2001-06-28 16:24 [#00011247]

What I used to do was get a massive bottle, like one that was full of sweets for xmas or something, and put him in there, holes in the lid... feed him with bugs a bit. When ever you get another spider... plop him in. find out which one wins or if they mate. after a while you get the baddest mother sucking Spider you've ever seen! As a pet!!!
people might think its mean but... in the garden and the wild, their homes get destroyed all the time by people shifting rocks and that to make a "water feature" so... Its no that traumatic!
Tell me if I'm wrong though
on 2001-06-28 16:26 [#00011250]

Are you some kind spider-rights activist or something? Who's gonna arrest me? I may not have the right, but the spider doesn't have the right to infringe upon my personal space. Bastard. If it does, it's gonna die. Simple as that.
It will also probably die a slow and excruciating death.........cos I'm a scumbag.
from the uk on 2001-06-28 16:27 [#00011251]

chrispy idea is good....
streamer, shut your face, its a more meaningful thing than just killing a spider
on 2001-06-28 16:29 [#00011252]

Another good one is to trap a wasp in an upturned glass and leave it there for ages until it's air supply has greatly deteriorated. Then remove the glass and watch as the weak wasp attempts to fly away in vain.
from the Uk 2 on 2001-06-28 16:32 [#00011255]

Soz. Didn't know you got so het up about it Streamer. It's not like I'm gonna watch you do it though so you carry on...
It's a Spider
It's gonna die
Coz you're getting medieval on it! heh
on 2001-06-28 16:33 [#00011256]

poe - sort it out!! "More meaningful" - It's a fucking spider!! It's the way of the world - humans are top of the food chain and all other species
are at our mercy.
from the Uk 2 on 2001-06-28 16:55 [#00011258]

Are you ganna eat it?
yum :P
from the uk on 2001-06-28 16:58 [#00011260]

heh, yeah you against a lion, no weapon, like to see you still at the top m8
humans are too weak, intellectually they are top, but phyically we are not built for being top, lions and crap have claws etc...we have the intelligence to make a weapon.
from the uk on 2001-06-28 17:05 [#00011261]

the point is you have the intelligence to realise it isnt a threat, and just leave it alone
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-28 20:56 [#00011289]

I agree again with Poe, and if YOU were on my wall, I wouldn't kill you! (why should I)
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-28 20:58 [#00011290]

And I think you're just afraid of this tiny creature: uncontrolled fear transforms to anger, and so on, so just pick up that spider and place him somewhere outside.
from the uk on 2001-06-28 20:59 [#00011291]

if he isnt too scared to do that...
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-28 21:00 [#00011292]

The spider isn't the real problem: it's your fear that's the problem
from the uk on 2001-06-28 21:02 [#00011293]

yeah, so much for top of the food chain or whatever if you are too scared to move something about 100000th of your size and 1000000000 of your weight
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-28 21:11 [#00011295]

Fear is the biggest enemy of the human kind. but realise that fear is often a self-created thing. If you know this, you are able to learn to say your fears good-bye.
from the uk on 2001-06-29 01:05 [#00011309]

yeah, mr mac, like the vulcans in star trek, has any one seen the one where people age backwards and their young (but relly old elders) are sent to the moon to die...and tuvac is on it, and he confronts their fears....and they dont die....so the whole thing is ruined and they have to die a different way...
its very good....
on 2001-06-29 08:38 [#00011325]

You can read all you want into it with your psychobabble.It's got nothing to do with fear, more like sadism. If I'm in a good mood, I'll be happy to put the spider outside, but if I'm pissed off I shall kill it, creating a depraved sense of satisfaction.
We are the top of the food chain, full-stop. And as for that lion, no doubt they're hard bastards and have claws etc but like you say, we are more intelligent and I wouldn't be stupid enough to take on a fucking lion without being heavily tooled up.
I'd like to see the lion versus me or any human with an arsenal of automatic weapons.
from the Uk 2 on 2001-06-29 08:41 [#00011327]

As long as you don't destroy your wall in the process, Automatics will work on a spider. :D
on 2001-06-29 09:17 [#00011333]

Spiders are alright. They are one of god's creations, it's not a cardinal sin to kill them, just don't start worshiping them or you'll be in a whole world of trouble with my boss.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-06-29 10:04 [#00011335]

since this thread was started about a week ago, i reckon that the spider, whilst everyone has been arguing, has gone and built himself an army and is about ready to nuke all of you.
go on the spider!!!
my face
on 2001-06-29 10:18 [#00011337]

Fuck the spider.
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-29 10:23 [#00011338]

Hehehe Moses, if God is the creator of this world and he/she doesn't want that anybody kills someone and he/she is the almighty, THEN WHY DOESN'T GOD CREATED THE POSSIBILITY TO KILL A SPIDER?
I say: it's your own choice to kill or not to kill, and you won't be punished for that.
from the Uk 2 on 2001-06-29 10:24 [#00011339]

Spiders are cool... I might do a new graphic with a house spider as an inspiration. Not that anyone cares. :(
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke hehehe on 2001-06-29 10:28 [#00011341]

by the way I'm NOT a Christian
on 2001-06-29 10:39 [#00011342]

Wizard MaC - Don't shoot the messenger......
from the uk on 2001-06-29 13:30 [#00011351]

thats my point streamer!, your ability of having the intelligence 99% of humans are gifted with gives them higher reasoning so the ability to reduce things that merely frighten, not threaten. your higher reasoning gives you the ability to face a lion with weapons, and the sense to remove the spider harmlessly
from the land of bordom on 2001-06-29 13:32 [#00011353]

Or she's just a violent shit... one of the two
on 2001-06-29 13:49 [#00011355]

HE may well be violent. I just can't relate to your moral stance on the life or death of an arachnid. It's not like nature is not rife with different species fucking eachother up, and we are part of nature ourselves so no matter what any hippy says, nothing that we do in this world is going against nature or unnatural.
from the land of bordom on 2001-06-29 14:10 [#00011358]

tell me... which species fuck another specie up?
on 2001-06-29 14:15 [#00011359]

Lions and antelope. Snakes and mice. Polar bears and whales. Need I go on?
from the land of bordom on 2001-06-29 14:17 [#00011360]

Thats called balance, not fucking up
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