from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-18 14:34 [#00010157]

from the uk on 2001-06-18 16:34 [#00010165]

well, i suck mr men ice creams.... especially strawberry flavour....30p...not a bad price...i eat them aswell......
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-18 16:45 [#00010169]

poe doesnt "suck" he breathes?
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-18 18:07 [#00010181]

i don't know richard, why does poe suck? I don't see what all the fuss is about. Poe speaks his opinions just like everyone else at this site, yet he seems to be the only one who gets dogged down about it...... hmmmmzz.....
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-18 18:11 [#00010186]

po e sux ass
from the uk on 2001-06-18 18:23 [#00010200]

exactly, then people argue with me, like pansys, and everyone is against me!
geez, at least people like organ grinder, reflex and woofer have seen that, you other cretins havent, you simple minded pieces of shit =D
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-18 18:25 [#00010202]

Po E, DIE!
from Germany on 2001-06-18 18:53 [#00010223]

Ah, Poe youre not that bad, like ive sais before, I think you are very opinionated alot of the time and you pick out us Yanks a bit too often for my liking, you know alot about IDM and a few bands youve mentioned in here, Ive check out and really liked, so opinionated or not, I dont think you suck.
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-18 18:55 [#00010224]

yeah, what he said
from Denmark on 2001-06-18 19:10 [#00010226]

I dont think he sucks either. i would more say something like he´s a dick headed looser or something...
Just kidding!
America is a bad, bad country i agree...
And by the way, i like you, THIEFOFALWAYS, cause if i´m right, you´re have it from a clive barker book.
(and yes i knew him before undying and all that)
He´s brilliant!!!!
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-18 19:13 [#00010227]

i live in America, you fucker!
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-18 19:13 [#00010229]

from London on 2001-06-18 20:31 [#00010242]

po{e}'s okay. I've come round to him.
AND AMERICA IS THE LAND OF FAT AND STUPID PEOPLE (apart from a few thousand americans who are nice)
from Western Canada on 2001-06-18 23:46 [#00010283]

Ah, American isn't so bad, but its worse than a lot of places ive been. Its not at bad as he makes it out to be though. Its just.. eh.. whatever, Nothing. Poe doesn't suck.
rob fragilenine
from you tell me on 2001-06-19 02:28 [#00010296]

po{e} doesn't suck, at least he doesn't fuck the message board up like a few days ago someone did.
clobe smith
from AMERICA! on 2001-06-19 03:03 [#00010298]

gee, thanks guys. i admit i think it's pretty backwards here, and i am probably one of the last people to be patriotic for this particular country. but you know what? not EVERY american i know is full of him or herself (ok, a lot of them are ... but still).
i don't want to get into some big argument about how america does or doesn't suck it, because, frankly it does. i'd rather live in europe for various reasons. but the impression i get, whether or not it's what some have you been trying to imply, is that ALL americans are fat, lazy, stupid, full of themselves, and so on and so on. i promise you, we are all not like that.
and i feel all stupid now for doing this post. don't get me wrong, america is pretty bad off, but it's not like everyone here is contributing to the problem.
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-06-19 03:04 [#00010299]

(and poe, you don't suck.)
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-06-19 03:20 [#00010302]

america "AIN'T" that bad...but put this way - if i had to choose between UK and US, i'd choose UK (and not just because AT is there either...or maybe this is this the case...ohwell)
H3XAN3 [C6H14]
from Melb. on 2001-06-19 03:21 [#00010303]

...and on the other matter, yes poe does suck.
* kidding
from Western Canada on 2001-06-19 03:44 [#00010305]

I like living in Canada a lot, its fucking great. Although we do not get ENOUGH live "good" musical artists. But aside from that, im lovin living here.
from Canada on 2001-06-19 05:47 [#00010307]

Canada's cool, we got some OK punk bands...
But anywayz, I got nothing against po{e}. He seems pretty cool compared to some poeple on this site... **cough** Justin Schiz **cough**
from Milan on 2001-06-19 07:35 [#00010322]

I like America, I like Hamburger (especially Burger King), I like Bruce Willis and his movies, I like Homer Simpson, I like N.Y. JETS, I like SEATTLE SUPERSONICS, I like the all the American girls of BAYWATCH, I like ELVIS PRESLEY and Rock'n'roll, (time ago I was a Rock'a'billy), I like Texas and Cowboy (I have 3 pair of Texas Boots and I'll bought a hat soon), I like all the Movie of Quentin Tarantino, etc..., etc..., etc...
America is cool! Poe doesn't suck!
from Western Canada on 2001-06-19 14:41 [#00010353]

Hahahahah america has some really damn weird chocolate bars.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-19 16:09 [#00010359]

i live in america and i hate it. i work a shitty job at a pizza place. i've been working there for about one and a half years and i started at minmum wage and now i'm making -- 5.75 an hour! OOOH!! A walloping 60 cent raise in only 16 months!!
*don't slip, sarcasm is dripping all over the floor* Not only that, but a lot of women here are idiots and don't know what they want. I got dumped at a homecoming dance. Women here say they like nice guys, but i'm nice and everyone just wants to be fucking friends!
And another thing, people here are so fucking closed-minded about music. All techno is put in the dance section, all metal/punk/jazz/alternative etc. is put in the pop/rock section. What is this bullshit?
Then again, i'm better off than at least 70 percent of the WORLD! :)
*gasp* okay, i'm done bitching!
by the way, poe most definitely does not suck.
ONE MORE THING, you fucking ppl stop making fun of me because i'm from texas. Drop the goddamned stereotypes, i'm not a cowboy, i don't have a ranch -- i went and posted on the Bogdan Raczynski buddy board the other day and some asshole mailed me on BPM calling me a fucking farmboy! WE TEXANS ARE NOT ALL REDNECKS, IN FACT A LOT OF US MOCK THEM REGULARLY.
There i'm done. Poe RULES!
from Milan on 2001-06-19 17:10 [#00010365]

Organ Grinder: What is a ppl? Who are you answering?
from Denmark on 2001-06-19 18:52 [#00010380]

Everything is relative. Everyone just remember thered be no america without europe! all "White" americans is has european roots.
Lets just all be friends or something. insted of discriminating against nationalety, lets discriminate against stupid fucking assholes, and those who arent....
many cool people are american. and when i say i hate america, i mean the american government, not specifically every american person alive!
from Denmark on 2001-06-19 18:53 [#00010381]

"is has"
wow... i should really check my messages before i post them
unfortunately, lifes 2 short...
from Milan on 2001-06-20 07:24 [#00010444]

Someone know the mean of ppl?
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-06-20 07:27 [#00010445]

people ...
... i think.
from Sweden on 2001-06-20 07:32 [#00010446]

Stop this Poe-story right now!
from can. on 2001-06-20 07:38 [#00010448]

ive never had a problem with poe, and dont have one currently at all..
from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-20 13:20 [#00010461]

YOU DORKS, PPL STANDS FOR PO E PISSES LARD ...or something like that...
from Milan on 2001-06-20 13:41 [#00010465]

What's the meaning of Dorks?
from perth on 2001-06-20 15:19 [#00010479]

\/\/oofer dork is an insult like a goofy looking person (isnt it?) or a nerd.
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-20 15:25 [#00010480]

When I went blind, my sadness shined I could not find, Moods in my mind...
from Milan on 2001-06-20 16:23 [#00010491]

od: Thanx.
Richard: Did you really insult me? Do you think I'm a nerd? ...Oh my god save the wooÆ’er...
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