dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-14 13:20 [#00009627]

yes its classical non electric music but its all very minamilist and quite fugging trippy allso theres this woman called joanna mcgregor who puts bolts and rubbers and stuff in between the strings of her piano to make these realy wierd tunes(if you do like this sort of stuff try out the scratch orchestra) plus it looks well posh when people check your music collection out and see all these wierd albums! all very very sampleble ther thats one of my secrets what about yours? ps
(wanking in cupboards isnt that cool)
from Melbourne on 2001-06-14 14:45 [#00009641]

Personally I think his study in silence is absolute genius.
Some Stockhausen perhaps?
Organ Grinder
from from er........... wherever. on 2001-06-14 14:53 [#00009647]

sounds interesting.
i made this one track -- Black Buddha Rectangle -- i used my V-Tech Microphone in my comp and i did these three deep Buddhist moans -- then i took Microsoft sound recorder and looped these over each other and added echo and changed speed and shit. I burned it to CD and threw a Roland beat over it. It's bad ass. There's one of my secrets.
from greenville on 2001-06-15 07:38 [#00009776]

that is my secret
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-15 08:18 [#00009789]

Yeah, Johnny Cage's shadow kick was quite devastating, but no match for scorpion's hook and line attack thingy.
from USA on 2001-06-15 19:27 [#00009853]

i was going to say that, but his fatality rules all!
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-15 21:41 [#00009868]

The only thing good about that game was the fatalities. The gameplay (leg sweeps anyone) was cheep. I liked that guy with knives for hands and an evil aphex twin-like grin, what was his name, baraka or something? I like the one where jax pulls your arms off, OH YEAH are you talking about the one where he pulls his head off and the spine is still attached?
from Can. on 2001-06-15 22:33 [#00009882]

i always liked street fighter way more than mortal kombat, but that's just a personal thing
from USA on 2001-06-16 04:38 [#00009910]

*Cough*. In fact, the late John Cage (1912-1992) made some very very good music. Though I imagine that most of you readers are too young to appreciate the fineries of classical, (indeed, maybe even anything beyond what has been force-fed you via MTV's "Amp" compilation) the interested may perhaps pick up a copy of "Schwann Opus" and start from there. Erik Satie would also probably be of interest.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-16 07:44 [#00009931]

ANYWAYS, before we were so rudely interupted... sheesh, was that guy even replying to the same topic? (kidding- if it wasn't obvious)
Street fighter 2 is one of my all time favorites along with doom 2 (on computer). I just bought SF2 for super nes and the controller with the stupid L and R buttons ruins the entire game. I'll have to buy a genesis again because they make those sweet 6 button controllers with intelligent button layout, perfect for a game with a small, medium and large kick and punch selection.
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