from Denmark on 2001-06-12 18:23 [#00009382]

I´m curios, to see how good mine is compared to others.
here is mine:
Come to daddy Analoque bubblebath 3 Analouge bubblebath 4 Richard d james album (american version with "Girl boy ep on )
Donkey rhubarb SAW I SAW II Ventolin Remixes I care because you do Windowlicker Classics HAB I, and II (mp3) Melodies from mars (mp3) Lots of live clips (mp3)
from New Zealand on 2001-06-12 18:48 [#00009385]

Well youll be happy to know that yours kicks my small collection of Richard D James albums into the dust, I only have SAW2, 51/13 and Come To Daddy.
cheech wizard
from cloudcuckooland on 2001-06-12 18:59 [#00009387]

AFX (analog 1 and entrance to exit) analog 4 window i care... r d j on and ventolin beck remix nine inch nails remix placebo remix? saw 1 and 2 classics come to daddy. i like his melodic stuff,any recomendations?
from Denmark on 2001-06-12 19:00 [#00009388]

I a´m happy... :)
from Denmark on 2001-06-12 19:01 [#00009389]

Yee-king from the Rephlex label!
you´d love him
cheech wizard
from cloudcuckooland on 2001-06-12 19:05 [#00009390]

will check him out.thanx : )
from the uk on 2001-06-12 20:28 [#00009397]

polygon window classics come to daddy on
and some vinyl that hasnt seen the light of day in a long while that I dont know
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-12 21:05 [#00009400]

Classics (all mp3's) Aphex Twin / NIN Collaborations (Further Down The Spiral) 51/13 Singles Collection Richard D James Album I Care Because You Do Caustic Window Compilation Surfing on Sine Waves, (2001 re-issue) Analogue Bubblebath Analogue Bubblebath 3 Mike N Rich' (Expert Knob Twiddlers) SAW II -- shitty u.s. version Schottkey 7th Path (mp3) Come To Daddy Windowlicker Powerpill Pacman (mp3) Popcorn (mp3) vs. Beck, Devil's Haircut Remix (mp3)
from Australia on 2001-06-13 01:29 [#00009433]

Some of these are mp3 and some are full albums
AFX: Annalogue Bubblebath Hangable Auto Bulb
Aphex Twin : Classics I care because you do Melodies from mars RDJ album SAWI SAWII 51-13 Singles Come To Daddy Digeridoo Donkey Rhubarb Girl-Boy On On Remixes Ventolin Ventolin Remixes Windowlicker Xylem Tube
Bradley Strider : Bradley's Beat
Caustic Window : Caustic Window Compilation Joyrex J4 Joyrex J5 Joyrex J9i Joyrex J9ii
Gak : Gak
Mike & Rich : Expert Knob Twiddlers
Polygon Window : Surfing On Sinewaves Quoth
Power-Pill : Pac-Man
from Western Canada on 2001-06-13 04:36 [#00009444]

My Collection is 100% Complete, and includes Come To Viddy and Windowlicker.
Aphex Twin [Bradley Strider]/Bradley's Robot Aphex Twin [Bradley Strider]/Bradley's Beat Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/Compilation Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J4 EP Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J5 EP Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J9 EP 1 Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J9 EP 2 Aphex Twin [Mike & Rich]/Expert Knob Twiddlers Aphex Twin [Polygon Window]/Surfing On Sine Waves Aphex Twin [Polygon Window]/Quoth Aphex Twin [Powerpill]/Pac Man EP Aphex Twin [TAN 109]/Universal Indicator Green Aphex Twin [TAN 109]/Universal Indicator Red Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 1 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 2 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 3 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 4 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 5 Aphex Twin/Classics Aphex Twin/Come To Daddy EP Aphex Twin/Donkey Rhubarb Aphex Twin/GAK Aphex Twin/Hangable Auto Bulb 1 Aphex Twin/Hangable Auto Bulb 2 Aphex Twin/I Care Because You Do Aphex Twin/Melodies From Mars Aphex Twin/Peel Session '92 Aphex Twin/Peel Session '95 Aphex Twin/On 1st Disc Aphex Twin/On 2nd Disc Aphex Twin/Ventolin Aphex Twin/Selected Ambient Works Vol. 1 Aphex Twin/Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 Aphex Twin/The Richard D. James Album Aphex Twin/Words And Music Aphex Twin/Windowlicker Aphex Twin/Xlyem Tube
from Melb on 2001-06-13 06:12 [#00009445]

51/13 Singles Classic Richard D. James Album I Care Because You Do Expert Knob Twiddlers SAW1 SAW2 Analogue Bubblebath 1
damn, thats impressive reflex
rob fragilenine
from ... on 2001-06-13 06:30 [#00009447]

on cd: SAW85-92 classics analogue bubblebath 3 i care because you do richard d. james come to daddy windowlicker
mp3: about 6 tracks from SAWII half of 'every day' powerpill pacman polygon window 2 minutes of 'cuckoo' 1:30 of 'donkey rhubarb'
that-that is all
from Milan on 2001-06-13 09:13 [#00009457]

Aphex Twin - I Care Because You Do Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy Aphex Twin - Windowlicker Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works (85-92) Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Vol. II Aphex Twin - On Aphex Twin - Donkey Rhubarb
The Aphex Twin - Classics
Caustic Window Compilation
Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine Waves
AFX - Analogue Bubblebath AFX - Analogue Bubblebath 2 AFX - Analogue Bubblebath 3 AFX - Analogue Bubblebath 4 AFX - Analogue Bubblebath 5 AFX - Hangable Autobulb AFX - Hangable Autobulb 2
Mike&Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers
Aphex Twin - At The Heart Of It All (from Further Downward Spiral - NIN)
_____________________________________________ \/\/
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-13 09:23 [#00009460]

from New Zealand on 2001-06-13 11:30 [#00009468]

I dont think mp3s count for shit, otherwise I may aswell say I have every single thing richard has ever released in his life, but thats not true anyway, blah blah vlad
from London on 2001-06-13 13:28 [#00009475]

Expert Knob Twiddlers Windowlicker SAW I SAW II Classics Caustic Window Compilation Surfing on Sinewaves Richard D James Album I Care Because You Do Analogue Bubblebath 4 Come to Daddy On Remixes Donkey Rhubarb
If anyone knows where I can get the Hangable Auto Bulb stuff from, please let me know.
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-13 14:04 [#00009476]

Polygon Window - Surfing on Sine Waves SAW II Richard David James Album Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers I care because you do Analogue Bubblebath 3 Classics Come to Daddy Caustic Window Compilation Melodies from mars (mp3) Hangable Auto Bulb(mp3) Analogue Bubblebath 4 & 5 (mp3) Live @ Nesh Live @ Cornwall mp3 trackz..... (can't remember all, i'm at office)
Lysergic, snow answers comes in dreams, Heroes, Pikachu, Speed Racer, Some u-ziq & Autechre mixes, Live tracks like Bummy etc... total 289 tracks..
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-13 14:06 [#00009477]

forgot 51/13 collection :)
from Western Canada on 2001-06-13 15:01 [#00009482]

Hexane: thank you! It took a long time go build my collection, not all of that is in mp3 format, I did buy a good deal of those albums and such. Im proud of my collection, I love it. And who said they wanted Hangable Autobulb? Whatever, everyone should expand their collections, IMO ofcourse! :]
Mr. Hour
from Wabden on 2001-06-13 17:39 [#00009502]

My collection: ________________________________ #SAW1 #SAW2 #ICBYD #RDJ ALBUM #WINDOWLICKER #COME TO DADDY COMING UP: CLASSICS
from Denmark on 2001-06-13 18:32 [#00009507]

Reflex, thats the sickest shit i´ve ever seen! How the hell did you get gak and powerpill!?
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-13 22:07 [#00009520]

man, i feel like such shit. My AFX collection is crap compared to these people.
from the uk on 2001-06-13 22:10 [#00009522]

join the club, thankfully i am a young dependent (according to OCR geography GCSE anyway) and i have a day of birth coming soon, so i will get SAW 2 :)
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-13 22:25 [#00009527]

Hey, REFLEX did you actually BUY Joyrex J9i? Because from what i know only 300 copies of Joyrex J9i exist!! You must have paid a pretty penny for it.... or are you counting the EP's from the compilation? Because personally, i wouldn't just go and buy the Joyrex EP's because they're all on COMP except for that bad-ass POPCORN song. (hehe, i have that on mp3) I need new AFX music!!! Richard, why do have to be such a selfish bastard? We want to hear your music, too! (too bad they tried to fucking commercialize him, or else maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have stopped releasing music)
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-13 22:48 [#00009530]

these are my albums in the order which i bought them
richard d james album come to daddy i care because you do classics caustic window-caustic window comp. polygon window-surfing on sine waves select ambient works 85-92 51/13 singles collection windowlicker select ambient works 2
i've purchased some cylob too (cylobian sunset, lobster tracks) and will probably continue to do so and also expand my autechre collection (ep7, tri repetae ++)
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-13 22:51 [#00009531]

oh yeah, i have mike and rich. i dont know if NIN further down the spiral counts
from Western Canada on 2001-06-13 23:25 [#00009532]

To obtain certain AFX things, you must first look very hard, for what you want, and be willing to pay a HUGE price for many many things. Although not all of my stuff is bought, lots of it is. All you need is determination.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-13 23:34 [#00009534]

i've recently been adding some warp music to my collection --
squarepusher -- music is rotted one note squarepusher -- selection sixteen autechre -- confield
i'll probably end up buying some cylob soon -- i want to get some ovuca too. And probably u-ziq's tango n vectif. i've heard its one of his best.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 00:49 [#00009538]

Hm here is my complete Album Collection so far:
Aphex Twin [Bradley Strider]/Bradley's Robot Aphex Twin [Bradley Strider]/Bradley's Beat Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/Compilation Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J4 EP Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J5 EP Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J9 EP 1 Aphex Twin [Caustic Window]/JoyRex J9 EP 2 Aphex Twin [Mike & Rich]/Expert Knob Twiddlers Aphex Twin [Polygon Window]/Surfing On Sine Waves Aphex Twin [Polygon Window]/Quoth Aphex Twin [Powerpill]/Pac Man EP Aphex Twin [TAN 109]/Universal Indicator Green Aphex Twin [TAN 109]/Universal Indicator Red Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 1 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 2 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 3 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 4 Aphex Twin/Analogue Bubblebath 5 Aphex Twin/Classics Aphex Twin/Come To Daddy EP Aphex Twin/Donkey Rhubarb Aphex Twin/GAK Aphex Twin/Hangable Auto Bulb 1 Aphex Twin/Hangable Auto Bulb 2 Aphex Twin/I Care Because You Do Aphex Twin/Melodies From Mars Aphex Twin/Peel Session '92 Aphex Twin/Peel Session '95 Aphex Twin/On 1st Disc Aphex Twin/On 2nd Disc Aphex Twin/Ventolin Aphex Twin/Selected Ambient Works Vol. 1 Aphex Twin/Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 Aphex Twin/The Richard D. James Album Aphex Twin/Words And Music Aphex Twin/Windowlicker Aphex Twin/Xlyem Tube
Autechre/Amber Autechre/Autechre [LP5] Autechre/Basscadet Autechre/Chiastic Slide Autechre/Confield Autechre/EP7 Autechre/Envane Autechre/Incunabula Autechre/Live In New York 1998 Autechre/Peel Sessions 1 Autechre/Peel Sessions 2 Autechre/Tri Repetae ++ Autechre/We R Are Why - Are Y Are We?
Beck/Odelay Beck/Mutations
Boards Of Canada/Beautiful Place In The Country Boards Of Canada/Boc Maxima Boards Of Canada/Music Has The Right To Children Boards Of Canada/Peel Sessions Boards Of Canada/Twoism
Bochum Welt/Phial EP Bochum Welt/Module 2 + Desktop Robotics Bochum Welt/Fashion Bochum Welt/Feelings On A Screen Bochum Welt/Martians And Spaceships
Bloodhound Gang/One Fierce Beer Coaster
Brockett 99
Chemical Brothers/Exit Planet Dust Chemical Brothers/Dig Your Own Hole Chemical Brothers/Surrender
Cylob/Cylobian Sunset Cylob/Living In The 1980's EP Cylob/Lobster Trakcs Cylob/Loops And Breaks
Daft Punk/Discovery Daft Punk/Homework
DeeJay Punk-Roc/Chickeneye
DJ Craze/United DJs Of America
Download/Effector Download/Eyes Of Stanley Pain Download/Iii Download/Microscopic Download/Sidewinder
Fatboy Slim/Better Living Through Chemistry Fatboy Slim/Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars
Future Sound Of London/Cascade EP Future Sound Of London/Dead Cities Future Sound Of London/Accelerator Future Sound Of London/ISDN Future Sound Of London/Lifeform Future Sound Of London/Path 1-7 Lifeform
Junkie XL/Big Sound Of The Drags Junkie XL/Saturday Teenage Kick
Juno Reactor/Beyond The Infinate Juno Reactor/Bible Of Dreams Juno Reactor/Shango
Kate Bush/Kick Inside
KMFDM/Adios KMFDM/Agnst KMFDM/Agogo KMFDM/Don't Blow Your Top KMFDM/Money KMFDM/Nihil KMFDM/Symbols KMFDM/Xtort
Luke Vibert & BJ Cole/Stop The Panic Luke Vibert [Plug]/Drum N' Bass For Papa Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Musipal Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/At Amos Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Throbbing Pouch Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Lovely Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Sunset Boulevard Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Rissalecki EP Luke Vibert [Wagon Christ]/Tally Ho! Luke Vibert/Do Unto Others Luke Vibert/Big Soup Luke Vibert/A Polished Solid EP
Massive Attack/Blue Lines Massive Attack/Mezzanine Massive Attack/Protection Massive Attack/[Massive Attack Vs. Mad Professor] No Protection
Moloko/Things To Make And Do Moloko/Do You Like My Tight Sweater? Moloko/I Am Not A Docotor
New Order/Substance
Nick Cave/Best Of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nightmares On Wax/Carboot Soul Nightmares On Wax/Smokers Delight
Nine Inch Nails/Closer To God Nine Inch Nails/Borken Nine Inch Nails/Fixed Nine Inch Nails/March Of The Pigs Nine Inch Nails/Pretty Hate Machine Nine Inch Nails/Sin Nine Inch Nails/The Downward Spiral Nine Inch Nails/Further Down The Spiral Nine Inch Nails/The Fragile Nine Inch Nails/The Perfect Drug Versions Nine Inch Nails/Things Falling Apart
Orbital/Orbital Orbital/Orbital 2 Orbital/Diversions Orbital/In Sides Orbital/Middle Of Nowhere Orbital/Snivilisation Orbital/The All Together
Photek/Form And Function Photek/Modus Operandi Photek/Solaris
Prodigy/Fat Of The Land Prodigy/The Prodigy Experiance Prodigy/Music For The Jilted Generation Prodigy/Fat Of The Land Remixes
Plaid/Rest Proof Clockwork Plaid/Not For Threes
Plone/For Beginner Piano Plone/Plock
Portishead/Glorytimes Portishead/Dummy
Popellarheads/Decks Drums And Rock And Roll
Red Snapper/Making Bones
Scanner/Lauwarm Instrumentals
Sneaker Pimps/Becoming X
Soundtrack/Akira Soundtrack/Pi Soundtrack/Requiem For A Dream Soundtrack/Run Lola Run Soundtrack/Killing Zoe Soundtrack/Twin Peaks Soundtrack/Fight Club [Dust Brothers] Soundtrack/Final Fantasy VII [Orchesrtated] Soundtrack/Opposing Forces
Squarepusher/Budakhan Mindphone Squarepusher/Big Loada Squarepusher/Feed Me Weird Things Squarepusher/Hard Normal Daddy Squarepusher/Maximum Priest Squarepusher/Music Is Rotted One Note Squarepusher/Selection Sixteen Squarepusher/My Red Hot Car
The Orb/Cydonia The Orb/Orblivion The Orb/UF Best Of The Orb The Orb/Orbus Terrarum
The Shizit/Collection
U Ziq/Bluff Limbo U Ziq/Royal Astronomy U Ziq/Salsa With Mesquite U Ziq/Tango N' Vectif U Ziq/The Fear U Ziq/Lunatic Harness U Ziq/In Pine Effect U Ziq/Vol. 1-2 Urmur Bile Trax
Underworld/Pearls Girl
William Orbit/Pieces In A Modern Style
from Australia on 2001-06-14 01:25 [#00009540]

Hey Reflex,... you're collection ISN'T complete,... you don't have the notorious "Q-CHASTIC" stuff yet,...
good luck finding that ;-)
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 02:01 [#00009545]

Tek: thats pretty much impossible, as I believe there was 200 copies made, and only distributed among his friends, and the record label. Im not sure, but I think thats correct. Also, you can get one of the tracks off of a compilation CD with a bunch of artists on it, including CAT001 from that album, or so I read. Either way I think its a nice collection, it grows all the time.
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-14 06:01 [#00009571]

all of you d00ds with these kick arse rarities have a responsibility to put these bad boy's up on gnutella or napster so that all of us starving hobos can down load this shit that will never see a store shelf again!
you have your assignment, now, GET TO IT! then tell me when its up so i can download that shit yall
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 06:31 [#00009573]

evolume: no. get an ftp client and I will trade with you, or let you have some small stuff. I don't use those crappy programs, get an FTP client first its free, and better than all of those programs.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 06:33 [#00009574]

evolume: sorry, I don't want to sound so rude, I didn't mean it like that. Pretty much I don't like using those programs cause they fuck up too much, and piss me off. FTP is a lot easier, and faster. I have many many people that I know that we always have new music all the time to trade each other. I have a large collection of albums, so let me know.
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-14 07:37 [#00009581]

its cool. it is impossible to offend me. i use limewire with few problems. what are some good free ftp programs? i don't think i have much to trade... except some rare skinny puppy and cocteau twins. heh heh
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