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OMG Naked Lunch for Free

offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 02:46 [#00358120]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

It's right there at

in its entirety just scroll down to William S Burroughs...


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 02:53 [#00358123]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

hmm, cool.

Is that illegal?!


offline Ubik from United States on 2002-08-21 02:59 [#00358126]
Points: 662 Status: Lurker

can't be legal, even though a lot of these works probably
are public domain in some sense... so what is the difference
between this and the library? just copy the book and read
it on your laptop.... some major issues here.............


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 03:01 [#00358127]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Oh yeah *forgets temporarily about how I could rent if free
from a library anyway


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 03:14 [#00358139]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

I don't know this is painfully confusing reading. It's
probably meaningless but I lack the motivation to really
decipher what's being said. I find some of your weird
subconscious brain doodles more interesting. Maybe you need
a history of using drugs to connect with this or something.
I havn't read much to have much of a credible opinion.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 03:39 [#00358147]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

hmm..persevere wMw..the rewards are mucho if you just cruise
the confusin may have arised because of the cut up and
foldin techniques he uses..are you familiar with that?


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-08-21 04:08 [#00358159]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

why waste the paper? OR why spend hours staring at a screen?
hey wait i do that already..


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 04:13 [#00358166]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker | Followup to flea: #00358147

what cut and fold techniques?

weird.. i just started reading naked lunch.. but i spent $12
on my copy!


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-08-21 04:16 [#00358168]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to wayout: #00358166



offline Ubik from United States on 2002-08-21 04:18 [#00358170]
Points: 662 Status: Lurker

Burroughs just sort of "remixed" his somewhat random
writing, moving written parts around into different
sequences, different order, randomly... it is not a linear
novel, it is not an easy read... its a total mindfuck


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:22 [#00358224]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to Ubik: #00358170

yes thank you Ubik..

they actually set about (Burroughs and Brion Gysin) cutting
up bits of Burroughs writing along with other texts (there's
even some Kafka in there if I remeber correctly)..and
reorganized and rearranged the stuff..this juxtaposition of
totally different contexts has effectivelt the effect of
combining enitelry seperate realities (after all each of an
author's writing is essentially their own creation and
universe that they populate and construct godlike)..and
hence eventuating into new levels of consciousness and


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 05:31 [#00358234]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

oh, cool...
the funny thing is..ive done the same thing to posts on this


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 05:34 [#00358240]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Those posts were entertaining, maybe you should publish it,
heh heh.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:39 [#00358241]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to wayout: #00358234

yeah I wanna have a look at it too..

I think the cut and fold in text would be a lot more
efficient in the current state with word processors and the
handy cut and paste functions..the cut up can go right down
to the bone so to speak..and rearrange the singular unit of
test..the word itself..hence my constant..playing around and
creating new words..:)


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 05:41 [#00358242]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

syntax is overrated anyway


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 05:44 [#00358246]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

u could just type random letters, then it's reduced to the
visual right-brained aesthetic of the form of the letters...
otto von schirach talks all cut up in interviews


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:46 [#00358250]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #00358242

that's why I have been insisting you read Burroughs..

he has a theory of language being a virus..a tyranical tool
that is used to control and mould our thought..and by
breaking up and cutting apart the rules of the language we
are taking the first step towards taking control of our own

I mean why is a chair a chair?..why is fear fear?..because
it has been written...why isnt a chair a buttcasing?..why
isnt fear lollywolly?


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 05:48 [#00358251]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

yes, they construct new seperate realities and actually just
sort of set about cutting up somewhat random bits of
universe and essentially populate total mindfuck constructs
eventuating into linear , enitelry godlike creations


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:53 [#00358256]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

universe of random populate bits
construct godlike constructs yes, somewhat seperate
realities and actually just
sort of total mindfuck
and essentially set about cutting up
creations eventuating into linear , enitrety


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 05:55 [#00358257]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Dawkin's mad theories and insights had him going on about
how all life might possibly be unified by the single
characteristic of anything that replicates copies of
itself... he coined "meme" to mean a unit of cultural
inheritence and totally bashed the religion meme, it kicked
ass. Something fun to do is take a huge taboo or super
powerful word and redefine it... like the definition of god
is now that tool you use to clean up dog feces, a pooper
scooper... it's makes it clear how god is just a syllable
made with the back of the throat and the tongue of a human's
mouth... if the conventional definition of god exists why
pray to him, can he understand "english" a bunch of tongue
and mouth vocal sounds that evolved unique to humans alone?


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:57 [#00358260]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

somewhat seperate universe essentially
sort of total mindfuck cutting realities up godlike
constructs seperate random popular bits eventuating enitrely
linear creations


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 05:59 [#00358262]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Or what if a pooper scooper is god? hmm...


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 05:59 [#00358263]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #00358257

I got to trace out some Dawkins sometimes..I am familiars
with the concepts of memes and what you are describing is
also called a Media Virus


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:00 [#00358264]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #00358262

god is dog reversed also the deity sirius


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 06:01 [#00358265]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

realities just sort of fuck up minds,
godlike constructs seperate bits of random creations
actually, populate realities set about linear universes
essentially cutting up enitrety


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:06 [#00358269]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

I think the thing about the selfish gene that's so good, is
mostly the... artist genius behind it, just letting his
brain fractals strangle you... the objectivity of the
material doesn't matter as much (though everything he says
is convincing to me), it's the way he says it with so much
imagination and thought, it's like a super entertaining
brain workout, it aids you visualize complex weird things
and puts me in the mood to create.


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:06 [#00358270]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

mad theories and insights anything that replicates a unit of
inheritence clean up dog feces a huge taboo at the back of
the throat and the tongue


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:08 [#00358271]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #00358269

The Selfish Gene is that name of his book?


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:09 [#00358272]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

You're good at that wayout, heh heh. u still have soulseek?
I don't


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:10 [#00358274]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

yeash, the selfish gene, get the newer edition if you want
cuz it has new chapters and endnotes that are about 1/4 of
the book length in addition. I'm going to eventually read
all dawkins stuff, that's the only one i read so far.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:11 [#00358275]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

poetry is the most turned on language


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:17 [#00358282]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #00358274

I will kkep an out..actually I will leave it on a dish and
place at an oppertune place in the bookshop where they are
likely to shelve it....I hope there is like an astral link
so I dont have to invest in fibre optiks.because fleshy
optiks are fine by me and I happen to have two so what the
hey..I just hope someone doesnt actually put a book on top
of it and squish it..would I still feel the pain with it
detached from my body..I dont know..and how would my brain
compute and rationalize two totally different sets of visual from the bookshop and the other from say my
kitchen..with it be like a montage or a collage that my mind
would be presented with or a superimposition of one image on
top of the other and which one will take the foreground and
which one will take the back?..hmmm...


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:19 [#00358284]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

that's supposed to say..I will keep an eye out and so on and
so forth


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 06:25 [#00358291]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

I am back


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:31 [#00358293]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

Doesn't anyone have augmented optics yet... like ones that
can zoom in and out like binoculars? I'd get that cyborg
enhancement... probably not actaully.


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 06:35 [#00358298]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

ill have to check out dawkins..will look for his book
tomorrow when i go to the rectangular space within the
larger rectangle where they sell the smaller rectangles,
made out of paper, for even smaller rectangles made out of
green paper...
naked lunch looks to be an interesting book, only
just starting it though... its really hard for me to sit
down and read for some reason... especially with the
temptation to get on the computer or go outside or
something...the only time i was ever able to sit and read a
book over a few days was right after moving in the winter,
before the computer and cable were hooked up... and i was
reading the hitchikers guide...which is hard to put down
anyways...have either of you read that?... its probably one
of my favorite books ever...


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 06:37 [#00358303]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

actually...reading naked lunch reminds me a bit of reading a
clockwork orange... they both take some getting used to..
since theyre both written in really unconventional ways...
clockwork being mostly in "nadsat" and naked lunch being all
chopped up...


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:42 [#00358305]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

You've done it! someone finally successfully reduced the
universe to it's ultimate constituents, rectangles!

I bought hitchhikers guide recently (have you read the rest
of the series?) it's sitting on the floor in my room, I have
yet to open it up.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 06:47 [#00358308]
Points: 21427 Status: Regular

that'd be cool to take a video camera to some 3d environment
and make 2 videos, one of a counter clockwise slow turn and
one of a clockwise slow turn... then fashion some sort of
videogoggles and play one in one goggle (singular of plural
goggles?) and the other in the other goggle... that'd be


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 06:57 [#00358316]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker | Followup to w M w: #00358308


ive only read the first one and most of the second... i had
to return it to the library before i finished it...and have
yet to go back and get it...

i still havent finished the unteleported man...which i read
the majority of 2 years ago ..stupid library and their 1
renewal limit...


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-08-21 06:59 [#00358318]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

...or better a clockwise turn and a
counterclockwise turn and then mix them together into one that would be going to have to try
that when i take a digital video course this year


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 07:24 [#00358347]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular

Yeah Burgess's reframing of context in an invented languauge
is another Subversive literalry landmark..just why the film
was such a shocker..when the events described in the
"nadsat" when rendered in a medium which doesnt require our
own brain to render and illustrate and give meaning to
(i.e films) it was practically unacceptable material..while
the Novel is an acknowledged literary classic by then


offline nanotech from Sukavasti Amitaba Pureland (United States) on 2002-08-21 08:17 [#00358394]
Points: 3727 Status: Regular

What a thread!

anyways. i dont' have longe so i'll make this s bit breief.
I once caught a bit of the vid version of this book WAY back
when, and i just thought it was some sorta cool sci-fi flick
that had some really shitty parts (that i can typing on some sorta snot nosed alien
head typewriter, that seemed to give him advice/guidance,
horrible=the sex crazed lobster alien getting busy with some
guy and gal, and some random dominatrix had to fend him
off). [please correct me on these two memories becuase
that's all i can remember.] I never really read much in my
post highschool years (in terms of full texts, most of my
reading have been comprised form various "bit sized"
sources), but i'm doing so now, and must ask this; should i
read the book first? go add this title to the "classics i
have yet to see" section of my rental list the next time i'm
at my local blockbuster?


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 08:38 [#00358405]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to nanotech: #00358394

the movie could easily be covered in about two pages of the
book..the two are vastly different..Naked Lunch the book is
huge vast and boundless...while Naked Lunch the movie is a
brilliant but limited visual did a great job of
visualising Interzone..Benway the bug powder etc..generally
the atmosphere..but beyond that..the book has no's hundreds of little tales loosely tied
together (if at all)...Naked Lunch the basically
like a surreal version of Buroughs's biography if told in
the Naked Lunch cosmology...

I hope this is making reading and
watching the movie in any order wont make any
difference..but if you read the book after the
will help congeal the scenario..the streets and street life
of Interzone..the devolutin and mutations etc..


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2002-08-21 11:13 [#00358522]
Points: 6531 Status: Addict

bollocks you just reminded me i leant my naked lunch out to
this student kid i knew and never got it back. personally, i
prefer 'the soft machine' - MUCH more cutup in that, much
more personal to burroughs, much less stupid showy
homoerotic hanging sequences with centipedes/mugwumps...
"The Man Who Taught His Asshole to Talk" and "Dr. Benway
Operates" never fail to absolutely crack me up though - esp.
when burroughs was reading them himself. Anyone heard his
spoken word stuff?


offline jonesy from Lisboa (Portugal) on 2002-08-21 11:14 [#00358523]
Points: 6650 Status: Lurker

I read one, random page from my g/f's copy and thought "I'll
never get through this".


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 11:35 [#00358538]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to steve mcqueen: #00358522

yes I own some on CD..and I agree the cut up blossoms and
shines and is expanded on the sunbsequent novels but if you
havent read Naked will be so bloody lost...Naked
Lunch is the door via which you enter..The Ticket that
Exploded is also absolutely bonkers and brilliant..and about
those sequences being funny..yes that's the idea..Burroughs
sees himself as a satirist more than anything else...I love
the mugwump sequences..and yes..the hangings still shock
more than anything commited to paper yet..that's powerful..5
decades lates.. just gotta try it..


offline jonesy from Lisboa (Portugal) on 2002-08-21 11:37 [#00358540]
Points: 6650 Status: Lurker | Followup to flea: #00358538

Is it hard work?


offline flea from depths of your mind (New Zealand) on 2002-08-21 11:42 [#00358545]
Points: 9083 Status: Regular | Followup to jonesy: #00358540

no you gotta relax with it..enjoy it a bit at a
time..there's no logic no
twists...It just can even read it in any order you
want to..a lot of them are just shocking funny, madly
surreal and hilareous little snippets...
it's the opposite of hard's like doing drugs
without actually doing just feel your head open...


offline jonesy from Lisboa (Portugal) on 2002-08-21 11:44 [#00358546]
Points: 6650 Status: Lurker | Followup to flea: #00358545

I'll give it a go then.

When he shot his wife, did he kill her?


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