Does anybody understand Gantz Graf | xltronic messageboard
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Does anybody understand Gantz Graf

offline ChildrenTalking from United States on 2002-08-25 17:55 [#00364376]
Points: 2712 Status: Addict

i personally think its a peice of shit after the minute


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-25 17:57 [#00364379]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

NOT this again.. what a pointless remark.

look, if you think its shit, NEVER listen to it again, sell
your copy, whatever.

I love it, so I won't do the above.


offline supreme from Antwerp (Belgium) on 2002-08-25 17:58 [#00364381]
Points: 5444 Status: Regular

Yes, I do.
Listen to it a few more times,
try your headphones!


offline ChildrenTalking from United States on 2002-08-25 18:00 [#00364384]
Points: 2712 Status: Addict

man i do, and i seriously dont get it...i'm not trying to
come out as an asshole or or anything, i just want help in
trying to understand this song....because i just dont get it


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2002-08-25 18:00 [#00364385]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

it's prolly best w/ the video


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-25 18:01 [#00364387]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

ah you don't need the video.

what is there to understand?
either you like what you hear, or you don't. saying there is
something to understand implies that you could explain
music. HA!


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2002-08-25 18:03 [#00364389]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

yea, it's not like a documentary..


offline ChildrenTalking from United States on 2002-08-25 18:03 [#00364390]
Points: 2712 Status: Addict

u know what i mean qrter : P...oh geez forget about it...


offline Clic on 2002-08-25 18:04 [#00364392]
Points: 5232 Status: Regular

Help? Don't you think that's something you should do onw
your own? Make your own judgements?

I don't see how asking someone else to 'help' you understand
it, is going to help.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-25 18:07 [#00364396]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to ChildrenTalking: #00364390

no, I actually don't know what you mean. people say they
don't 'understand' tracks, especially in this IDMXWYZ-scene
and that is SUCH CRAP.

I'm sorry, this is a bit of a pet peeve..


offline ChildrenTalking from United States on 2002-08-25 18:07 [#00364397]
Points: 2712 Status: Addict

well i mean someone could point out a specific time where it
helps to catch whats going on as the song goes...


listen carefully at 1:35!

blah blah something like that, thats what i meant


offline Nexus 6 from Netherlands, The on 2002-08-25 18:08 [#00364399]
Points: 3221 Status: Lurker

I don't like it either. I wish they would've sticked to some
kind of beat pattern after 1:00 but it's just sounds imo.
That's nice yunno. But they've already done that before.


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2002-08-25 18:10 [#00364402]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

Gantz Graf is whicked with and without the video!! Its so
intense and much details!
Its the other two tracks that is crap!
Im looking forward to their next album.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-25 18:11 [#00364403]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to ChildrenTalking: #00364397

well, the first 30 seconds are good way to 'get in', as
there is a melody hidden in there.

nexus: yes, they have done that before. in fact, in every
track they've ever done.


offline Nexus 6 from Netherlands, The on 2002-08-25 18:15 [#00364406]
Points: 3221 Status: Lurker | Followup to qrter: #00364403

that's not true. Not every autechre song has such extremely
un-organised parts.


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-08-25 18:17 [#00364408]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

"it's just sounds"

thats what I meant.


offline Phatbert 000 from Augsburg (Germany) on 2002-08-25 18:17 [#00364409]
Points: 1618 Status: Lurker

incunabula is very basic and because of that a bit boring at


offline ChildrenTalking from United States on 2002-08-25 18:19 [#00364410]
Points: 2712 Status: Addict

gantz graf sounds like noise to me, i try to listen to whats
going on in the back but it doesn't make sense to the melody
in the song, it slows down to0 much


offline Zeus from San Francisco (United States) on 2002-08-25 19:21 [#00364477]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

try not to analyze it

just listen to it, it takes you somewhere.


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